Do you eat first or workout first?



  • nokittyno
    nokittyno Posts: 293 Member
    I eat before I workout. I don't think I could deadlift on an empty stomach, i'd pass out I am Even if i'm on leg day doing squats I have no issues with eating before, ... I have tried running without food and it works, but I am the type of person who needs food first. I think it depends on the person honestly

    It seems like calories in - calories out, and it doesn't seem to matter if you eat at 5am, 5pm, 11am - as long as there's a deficit or balance.

    I think anyway.. opinion, not fact.
  • Miss_Hiker_Pants
    Miss_Hiker_Pants Posts: 229 Member
    I always work out first. Then eat. While I am getting ready for work. Technically I think you are supposed to eat first. It's like putting gas in a car. You need to fuel up your body.
    When I go on big hikes I usually eat a huge breakfast, & then cliffe bars during. Of course thats when I am burning 3000 cal. in a couple of hours.
  • MaggieMay131
    MaggieMay131 Posts: 211 Member
    The difference in your "metabolism" is minimal either way.

    Here's my thoughts: You can't move the car if you don't have any gas in the tank.

    Your body needs SOME fuel for you to get the most out of your workout. The people I've seen puke the most in a morning workout are the one's that didn't eat anything. Experiment with what works for you, but my advice is to eat SOMETHING. A banana, a sweet potato, an apple with peanut butter... all work well for me, but do what makes your body feel good.

    Best of luck!

    Edit: didn't see your post above... I'm sure if you are working out after you've had breakfast you will be fine! It won't make you "burn more fat" if you don't eat or anything... it's possible more of your calories burned will come from fat stores, but you will burn less calories overall because you have less energy. And we all know that more calories burned = more weight loss. So there ya go :)
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    It's the overall daily caloric intake and staying in a deficit that matters most for weight loss. Whether it's recommended to eat before or after a workout depends largely on your comfort while working out.
  • I work out first. Couple of times I had a shake but lately Ive just been drinking water. After my workout is when I would drink my protein shake. Then when I get to work I'd eat my low fat yogurt, banana, and/or apple with more water. :)
  • I workout first if I'm going first thing in the morning..... I hate the feeling of food in my stomach while pushing myself on the treadmill or lifting. If i'm working out later in the day, then i make sure i eat some carbs about 90 mins before working out.
  • Thank you all for replying. I normally work out mid morning after I've had breakfast and coffee. Usually about an hour after I eat. But when the subject came up I started wondering which way was best.

    I do the very same thing...And it works. I feel like the food gives me the energy to work out and not feel sluggish! I feel like if I didn't eat first that I would think about food the whole time and stop with out pushing myself at all!
  • I usually workout first then eat
  • I've read somewhere that it does not matter -- or contribute to calorie burn (athletic training/very high intensity with an exception).

    If you work out on an empty stomach, you will burn more calories during the workout because you have to dip into your stores from yesterday's meal. If you work out after you eat, you will burn more calories POST workout because your body has been fueled beforehand. So in the end, the calorie burn is around the same.
  • I've read somewhere that it does not matter -- or contribute to calorie burn (athletic training/very high intensity with an exception).

    If you work out on an empty stomach, you will burn more calories during the workout because you have to dip into your stores from yesterday's meal. If you work out after you eat, you will burn more calories POST workout because your body has been fueled beforehand. So in the end, the calorie burn is around the same.

    Very helpful info! Thanks!
  • trilvr
    trilvr Posts: 22
    On a long endurance run I will eat about 45 mins before , during (gels) and after : ) so much of how you feel when working out is a result of how your body is doing nutrition wise...:smile:
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    I did better when I got up early and did 2 hours on empty stomach,, sweated loads and seemed to lose loads of inches and pounds to start with, but not sure if it was just cos I was overweight to start with.. though I never seemed to sweat if I did it later in day or feel like I could go on as long.

    Lately though even more intense workouts don't seem to have resulted in the same pounds and inches lost as when I first started... so stopped exercising altogether to give body a break for few weeks see if can sweat more if haven't exercised for a few weeks to lose the rest.
  • MaddameKat
    MaddameKat Posts: 200 Member
    Eat after for me, i did it the other way today and nearly chucked up mid workout, It was only a snack too!
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    I eat a quick digesting carb before working out, then after I'm done working out a eat a protein based meal.
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    I've read somewhere that it does not matter -- or contribute to calorie burn (athletic training/very high intensity with an exception).

    If you work out on an empty stomach, you will burn more calories during the workout because you have to dip into your stores from yesterday's meal. If you work out after you eat, you will burn more calories POST workout because your body has been fueled beforehand. So in the end, the calorie burn is around the same.

    They say to eat a basic simple quick carbs will give you an energy boost for a better work out. While it's not going to help your calorie burn you will have more energy.
  • CharityEaton
    CharityEaton Posts: 499 Member
    I'm with the other person...If i eat...even a banana I will lose it mid work-out.

    I do a bit of both though. usually wake up at 5:30 am and work out for 30min....eating nothing before but I usually have a pretty good breakfast after workout!
    Then about 2 hours after lunch I will squeeze in another 30min. workout....but if I don't wait a few hours I'll lose my lunch.

    Same for my running. I jog 3 days a week and it is usually a good 2-3 hours after dinner...or I'll get horrible side cramps. This is getting better and I notice I don't have to wait as long now but my sister can eat dinner and head right out the door and run 3 miles no problems....I would die if I did this!

    I really don't think it matters one way or the's another one of those personal preferences that everyone has an opinion about but in the long run it's all about what works for you and what is going to keep you on track! If you dread working out because you are to weak to work hard then eat! If you are dreading it because you think you're gonna yack then don't eat! :smile: