Six packs?

Bentley2718 Posts: 1,689 Member
edited October 2024 in Fitness and Exercise
This is really just a curiosity question, for those people, especially women, who really want six-packs, why? Or for those of you who work hard to keep them, why? I understand why strong abs are good, but my understanding is that having a six-pack is more about body fat levels than core strength. I am *not* trying to imply that there is something wrong with having a six-pack, I'm just curious about the motivation.


  • thecrossfitter
    thecrossfitter Posts: 424 Member
    Totally legit question! You're entirely right, you can have the same set of abs with or without them showing. So half the reason I want a six pack (well, maybe not quite that extreme... 4 pack? some definition?) is because I want the abs that come with it for functional strength purposes. Why do I want them to show? Welp, here we have it - this is my vain goal lol. My stomach is the first place I put on fat and the last I lose it and has always been that "problem" area for me. I suppose since I've been self conscious of it in the past I've made it one of my lesser goals, but a goal nonetheless.

    Ultimately, it isn't the most important thing, but I do think it's going to happen as a natural result of my other goals, which include things like improving my marathon time, getting a muscle up on the rings, getting harder rock climbs (on and on the list goes). I think that accomplishing these things best will happen with low body fat and a decent amount of muscle mass.

    So yeah, for me part vanity and partial function as well. I know that a ripped torso is not the only look of someone who is healthy or fit, nor do I think it is necessary by any means. It's a look I personally like and I want to see my body and have it reflect the type of strength I have :) (Again - you can be strong and no visible abs!)
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I like having a little bit of definition, and I'd like to have a little bit more, but the best part for me is that since I've been exercising and especially since I've been lifting, I've been *knock on wood* injury free.

    I used to be someone whose back would pop out doing mundane tasks. Once while lifting a 26# cat at work. Once while cleaning up cat puke. More than once, I just got out of bed and couldn't stand up straight. Now I only hurt myself doing something really stupid, like falling on ice and bruising my tailbone, or tripping over a tree root running through the woods during Warrior Dash. But that's just injuries resulting from accidents, not from overuse or improper use.

    Having a strong core has made such a difference. :heart:
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    Vanity reasons. To me it looks good, maybe not a completely ripped midsection but some clear definition (4-6 pack)

    I've never so much as had a completely flat stomach, all my weight just instantly goes there first and comes off first from my upper body :( I would LOVE to be able to wear a bikini and have really defined abs on show!

    Vain? Yes. I'm not hurting anyone to get there though, so I'll try my hardest and if it happens, great! If it doesn't, I'll make do with a flat stomach :) Most of all I want to be strong, that is much more important to me.
  • This is really just a curiosity question, for those people, especially women, who really want six-packs, why? Or for those of you who work hard to keep them, why? I understand why strong abs are good, but my understanding is that having a six-pack is more about body fat levels than core strength. I am *not* trying to imply that there is something wrong with having a six-pack, I'm just curious about the motivation.
    i want a six pack or more lol because i think that it just looks so sexy and i would looooooooove it
  • JeremiahStone
    JeremiahStone Posts: 682 Member
    I guess it's a human cultural thing, a six pack has always represented strength. Spartans and Trojans wore chest plates with carved six-pack bronze I the front.. Problem now is most people opt for a 6-pack of beer instead haha
  • I guess it's a human cultural thing, a six pack has always represented strength. Spartans and Trojans wore chest plates with carved six-pack bronze I the front.. Problem now is most people opt for a 6-pack of beer instead haha

    I think I'll just get the chest plate with the carved six pack. Seems easier. Can you picture me running down the street in Trojan armor with my dog? Ha! That would be awesome.

    I like being able to see my muscles when I flex my abs, but really, I am probably never going to have the full-on "manly" six pack just walking around. I have low bodyfat and you can't see them unless I flex. Plus, I like food.
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,689 Member
    I guess it's a human cultural thing, a six pack has always represented strength. Spartans and Trojans wore chest plates with carved six-pack bronze I the front.. Problem now is most people opt for a 6-pack of beer instead haha

    I think I'll just get the chest plate with the carved six pack. Seems easier. Can you picture me running down the street in Trojan armor with my dog? Ha! That would be awesome.

    I like being able to see my muscles when I flex my abs, but really, I am probably never going to have the full-on "manly" six pack just walking around. I have low bodyfat and you can't see them unless I flex. Plus, I like food.

    If you could run down the street wearing one of those helmets and carrying a bronze shield, that would be VERY manly.
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,689 Member
    What's with the reposts, I swear I only hit it once.
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,689 Member
    Having a strong core has made such a difference. :heart:

    I agree having a strong core makes a huge difference, just in day-to-day life, I was just curious about why people like the idea of having a six-pack so much, since you can have really strong abs and not have a six-pack.
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