"Thinspo" Whats your view?

If looking at pictures of thin women/men motivates you to work harder is that an acceptable form of motivation or would you consider it to be a negative form of motivation?

I am on on the fence, although I will admit that it does motivate me when I see images of thin women.


  • I don't like looking at sticks but a fit womens body is my inspiration and sometimes I do have to imagine it when I'm working out or I would probably just quit lol
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Generally "thinspiration" is thought of as an anorexic term -- super-thin models that inspire people to continue down the path of not eating. So as a term, and when used in that context, I don't like it.

    But I see nothing wrong with being inspired to reach toward the goal of getting that woman's abs, or that woman's arms, or whatever. It's only a bad thing if you use it unhealthily -- either to inspire unhealthy behaviors such as not eating enough or exercising too much, or if it causes you to have a negative body image because you're not "perfect" like your inspiration picture.
  • I find it negative. I think it leads to unrealistic expectations. It's not always possible to look like your "thinspiration" because of differing body types and heights. Also, in my past I've used "thinspiration" to motivate me in an unhealthy way. Now that I'm past that, I hate the concept of staring at thin woman to motivate yourself.
  • I don't like looking at sticks but a fit womens body is my inspiration and sometimes I do have to imagine it when I'm working out or I would probably just quit lol

    Fit women: arms, legs, abs... whoa! I agree. If I can imagine I look like one then I feel like I push myself harder. Or if I see a fit female next to me or in front of me on the treadmill or something that will do it too.
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,689 Member
    *grumble* repost.
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,689 Member
    I'm not big on that sort of thing, in part because I know my body will never look like those women. I'm not putting myself down here, I'm just being realistic. I used to be morbidly obese, so I have extra skin, that doesn't seem to be going away even after years. My body puts fat in my hips, not my rear or boobs, so yeah... I'm not going to look like a fitness model, or a runway model, or an actress, at least not without some serious plastic surgery.

    What I do find inspiring though are pictures of fit women doing things I want to be able to do. Really strong pole dancers, women who lift weights, run marathons, etc.. Images of women doing things is inspiring to me because, while I might never look like a female fitness model, I know I can work hard and get stronger. Also, I feel like its a healthier way to think about my body. My body isn't just there to look pretty/tight/sexy/whatever, it's there to do things. It's there to help me do the things I want to do. If I take care of it, and push it, it will learn to do more. That is what my body is for.
  • firedragon064
    firedragon064 Posts: 1,082 Member
    Depend on individual.
    See someone who is about my age or older with beautiful muscle and strong, athlete body does motivate me because that's who I want to look like.
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    To be honest...none of my motivation comes from external sources. I really only 'compete' with myself. I want to be the best version of myself that I can possibly be.
  • I look at healthy and toned women and get motivated.
  • I'm not big on that sort of thing, in part because I know my body will never look like those women. I'm not putting myself down here, I'm just being realistic. I used to be morbidly obese, so I have extra skin, that doesn't seem to be going away even after years. My body puts fat in my hips, not my rear or boobs, so yeah... I'm not going to look like a fitness model, or a runway model, or an actress, at least not without some serious plastic surgery.

    What I do find inspiring though are pictures of fit women doing things I want to be able to do. Really strong pole dancers, women who lift weights, run marathons, etc.. Images of women doing things is inspiring to me because, while I might never look like a female fitness model, I know I can work hard and get stronger. Also, I feel like its a healthier way to think about my body. My body isn't just there to look pretty/tight/sexy/whatever, it's there to do things. It's there to help me do the things I want to do. If I take care of it, and push it, it will learn to do more. That is what my body is for.

    ^^ I absolutely love all of this ♥
  • I meet with a group once a week and the question was asked "in all honesty would you be happy if you could be underweight" every person said yes. so I feel like maybe there is something about thin women that we all secretly wish we could possess.
    *Note*: the group is now going to be working on body image.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Transformations, before & afters, inspire me more than just seeing fit or thin women.

    I do have a handful of celebrity "role models" with bodies I admire, but I try to pick ones with somewhat similar physiques to mine. I'm never, ever going to look like a VS Angel with out massive surgery and some prolonged torture sessions on a medieval rack. But I might be able to have a build similar to Anna Paquin, since she's my height, has a bum and isn't terribly busty.
  • i think that its good because you can see what they have done and what you want to do and the photos of them will help you get farther
  • Nikki582
    Nikki582 Posts: 561 Member
    I prefer googling and what-not 'Fitspo' :D Much more healthy and inspiring
  • livinginwoods
    livinginwoods Posts: 562 Member
    I think it could lead to disappointment. I look at pictures of me in high school. I was 225 my Senior Year. I am now 380 and 225 is my goal, for now. Pictures of thin women don't motivate me because that is not someone I was made to be.

    Also, the success page on here really had helped me see what could be. They are real people.
  • KayteeBear
    KayteeBear Posts: 1,040 Member
    I'm not much for thin chicks...rather them be fit. I would rather be fit than thin. I usually don't pay much attention to those pictures all over Pinterest with fit/muscular women. Looking at them does sometimes make me wanna workout harder but I know that I'll never look like that just because it's me...and that's them...we're two different people.

    I don't know. They don't really motivate me much...I don't put a lot in them but it's sometimes nice to see just as a reminder that I may not be able to look like that but if I work I'll be able to look a bit like that hopefully.
  • RainbootsToBikinis
    RainbootsToBikinis Posts: 465 Member
    I prefer googling and what-not 'Fitspo' :D Much more healthy and inspiring

    Agree! I've looked at the fitspo youtube videos, I find them more inspiring and realistic than thinspo.
  • I think some fitspo is just as unattainable as thinspo. But if looking at a thin/fit person helped a person who is obese get down to a healthy weight is it still negative even though it had a positive result.
    I guess my real question is: what is worse... being overweight or using negative motivtion?
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,380 Member
    I am not motivated to be anorexic, I am motivated to be healthy and get more fit. So I'm not into 'thinspo'. I've been in that mental place where I just wanted to be skinny even if it meant not eating and it's not a mental place I wish to return to. I need my health, for myself and for my family. I am motivated by stories of people who have come from being overweight and out of shape and transformed to being healthy and active. That's my inspiration.
  • SarahMorganP
    SarahMorganP Posts: 921 Member
    Oops, double post!