Looking for some pals to motivate each other

Hello, I'm a 20 year-old college student and 1.5 month-old diet warrior who is totally new to the site :3 So a big, official "HELLO" to the MFP community. I usually like to play nice and give out cookie to people, but since we are all on diet here, have an apple instead!

I'm exercising daily to fight off the 45 extra pounds that I loathe so much, and if anyone want to add me up to keep each other in check with our exercises, it would be cool :3 Wouldn't an occasional check-in, or comparing process be so motivating XD? I would love to hear from you guys

P.S: I can't seem to figure out how to put my progress bar in my signature like you guys do, would anyone be so kind to teach me how to do it? Thank you :X