I feel like a complete nut

Ilovepeppers Posts: 396 Member
It's really weird to think that I'm only seven pounds from a healthy bmi number considering that I began this with 100 pounds to lose. I don't feel much thinner... I mean, yes, I feel thinner than I did at 245, but still not "normal." My healthy bmi is 125 - 169 and my ultimate goal is 145 (I'm 5'9") but I look at myself and see 50 or 60 more pounds I could lose (which would put me at 127 - 117) and I know if I lost 50 or 60 pounds I really wouldn't be healthy...

Is this a case of just not seeing myself how I really am now? I mean, I can get into a 10 now but I never go to the dressing room with a 10 pants... I go with some 14s and 16s and when they don't fit I go grab a 12 and then lastly a10.. Same with shirts, I never grab a M right away and when I tried on a M jacket in the sure the other day and it fit I could only think, "this must be one of those styles thats supposed to fit really loosely which is why it fits me just right."

This can't be that unusual though, right? I feel like a nut. I still buy XL shirtd and 14 pants and honestly believe the tag is a misprint when it says 10.


  • Johnnyswife
    Johnnyswife Posts: 1,447 Member
    I think it takes a while to get used to. I've heard a lot of people say that they still felt large after losing a lot of weight. Maybe take lots of pics and get your mind set to buy a certain size when you go shopping..eventually you should start feeling smaller. Way to go on your weight loss.
  • krazyforyou
    krazyforyou Posts: 1,428 Member
    Your are just like anyone who has gone through a transformation. I was 215 lbs and am 5' tall. Had lap banding and went to 130. Never saw myself as "normal". I went from 130 to 160 even with the lap band, who knew it wasnt "sucessful" for long term weight loss. Wish I had known that $ 10,000.00 ago. so I had the band reduced to 1ml iof fluid and desided to do it myself. Seeing yourself as "normal " is more of a psychological transformation than physical. Give it some time. And NO you wont wake up tommorrow and the weight will all of a sudden be back.
  • KatieTee83
    KatieTee83 Posts: 196 Member
    The last thing to go is the fat inside your head, does that make sense? We get so used to thinking of ourselves a certain way that it takes a while for it to kick in that we're changed. The first time I lost weight, I was going around wearing a size bigger in jeans than I needed, and it took a co-worker to say, girl, I'm taking you shopping, for me to realize I could wear a size smaller and look fantastic in it. You're not a nut, it's totally normal!
  • ghiagirl893
    ghiagirl893 Posts: 69 Member
    I'm 5'9" and 170... and compared to most I think I look large. Excuse me, self! You are 5'9"! You are not supposed to look like that tiny 5' girl over there!

    If you are fitting in a 10, you are skinnier than I, and most likely have more muscle.

    Who are you hoping to look like? Make sure you pick a real woman, not a photo-shopped picture of some anorexic model.

    I set my goal weight to 145 as well. I have been 150 before, and was wearing a size 10. I still felt a little large, but not compared to others my height.

    Your size-grabbing is likely because you feel larger in your head. Eventually you will be shopping and think "why am I grabbing a 16?! I'm only a 10! YES!"

    You've done a great job! Go buy something cute and tiny to treat yourself.
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    This is completely normal. It takes a long time for our brains to catch up. Sometimes I don't know if they ever completely do. I grab the right sizes now, but I do often stare in disbelief that I can fit into them.

    Whatever you do, STOP buying clothes that are too big. Your brain will never catch up if you can't see yourself in clothes that fit properly. You deserve to see yourself in things that show your hard work and if you can afford to do it, I recommend getting rid of everything that is too big.

  • BioShocked89
    BioShocked89 Posts: 330 Member
    The first time I lost all my weight from 275-165 lbs, I was at a boarding school for weight loss and it took me coming home to my old school for the last half of senior year to realize my weight loss. (The kids at that school hadn't seen me in a year). I actually walked up to a friend of mine that I had known since kindergarten, and he asked, "Do I know you?" When I gave my name, all our friends' jaws dropped in disbelief. That felt WONDERFUL. And made me realize what a change there was in me.

    If you have anyone you can visit that hasn't seen your weight loss, it'll really help. The people you're around from day to day can only notice small changes and grow used to seeing you a bit smaller each time. That's why I hope I can go and visit some relatives after I lose all my weight again since the last time they saw me was pregnant and my heaviest, 343 lbs. It really helps you put it in perspective.
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    I'm with you on this. I am at a normal BMI but I still see a fat person in the mirror. It's hard to change. I can't believe I fit into a size 12 pant or a medium shirt!!