Enough with holiday posts-

Name one thing your proud of yourself for. It could be for how much you've lost or maintained(whatever your goals are). Or it could be that you only had one piece of pie at dinner last night and not 3.

What ever it is. I think people might be beating them selves up over the food choices lately (Even if you don't celebrate the holidays its hard to resist those cookies at the store), so I am hoping this will help remind you of how far you've come and how strong you are.

Happy Saturday!


  • livinginwoods
    livinginwoods Posts: 562 Member
    Proud I ate a healthy breakfast and had water instead of the can of Mt. Dew I was craving and left over pizza.
  • skatermom503
    I'm proud I did 60 minutes at the gym on Christmas Eve!
    Great post topic by the way!
    Merry Christmas!
  • greekygirl
    greekygirl Posts: 448 Member
    Thank you so much for posting this! My diet has been crap for the last week and I've really been beating myself up for it (which does NOT help, I know). But I'm proud that I keep working out regularly (Every day - I feel too good not to) and when I redid my fitness test on my polar HRM a couple weeks ago my fitness level went from "good" to "elite"!
    Merry Christmas everyone!
  • SaishaLea
    SaishaLea Posts: 333 Member
    I burned 1000 calories in a workout today!! First time ever!
  • futiledevices
    futiledevices Posts: 309 Member
    I burned 1000 calories in a workout today!! First time ever!

    HOW? I wish I could burn that many!
    I'm happy that I went to the gym today.
  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,337 Member
    It's Xmas morning, I am skipping the big eats and about to do my pushups then 30DS later.
  • Laureen74
    Laureen74 Posts: 37 Member
    Glad I made it through six days of workouts!
  • Bonwell
    Great topic and great advice! I'm proud I ate a peanut butter blossom cookie! I wanted it. I ate it. I enjoyed every bite! And guess what. IT HAS NO POWER OVER ME NOW! Enjoy yourself and have a great holiday season! Merry Christmas!
  • Seamoan87
    I'm proud that I worked out 4 days this week. Would have been five, but still proud I did 4 days straight :)
  • Figuringoutme
    I'm proud of...
    I worked out. Which I don't usually do on saturday.
    I've been okay all week on calories.
    Haven't freaked out about food and calories
  • JacksMom12
    JacksMom12 Posts: 1,044 Member
    I got through my first 6 days of p90x!!! And even better, tomorrow is my well-deserved rest day!
  • ashnm88
    ashnm88 Posts: 748
    I'm proud that I surpassed my goal of 50lbs for 2011. Only 26lbs left and I'm loving it!
  • cantobean
    cantobean Posts: 287 Member
    Proud I ran about 7.5 miles this week.
  • adjones5
    adjones5 Posts: 938 Member
    I'm proud that I only drank 2 martinis tonight!
  • jnhu72
    jnhu72 Posts: 558 Member
    My family makes over 2000 cookies and candies to pass out to people and this year I did not eat one single cookie. Another thing I'm proud of is, even though I didn't lose as much as I had planned, I am 56 lbs lighter then I was a year ago.
  • TXchris
    TXchris Posts: 54 Member
    I've logged every bite and exercised every single day for 26 days in a row. I was wearing a very tight size 16 pants when I started, but today I slipped comfortably into a size 14 that I haven't been able to wear in over 2 years! So very proud of myself! :glasses:
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Due to a couple of injuries/health issues - I've taken the last couple months off from the gym. I'm proud to say that even with the indulging and not being able to work out - I have maintained my weight loss! I'm currently over 1 year at or below my original goal weight! :)
  • Football_N_Guns
    Football_N_Guns Posts: 297 Member
    Proud I drank a bottle of Crown Royal and I'm still upright.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I'm proud that I cooked a meal so good, my entire family went into a food coma and couldn't stop talking about how good dinner was all night long.
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    I'm proud of myself for enjoying my indulgences for this week but also for having a plan to rev up my workouts starting tomorrow morning.