Cross fit

I am looking for information about cross fit. How long are the WODs? How many days a week or how many a day? Do you need to do other exercises to supplement cross fit? I do not want to know if you think I should or should not participate in cross fit. I can determine that on my own.


  • thecrossfitter
    thecrossfitter Posts: 424 Member
    Typing from my phone on a car trip so it may be lacking some info (no I'm not driving haha)!

    You'll spend an hour at the gym per session. This includes warming up, some
    Strength work (most days) and the actual WOD. The WODs vary in time from as short as about ten minutes to as long as 30
    Or 40. Usually 20 minutes seems to be an average WOD. Some workouts are doing cycles of exercises for a set time and counting reps and other times you will have a set amount of sets and rounds and you go for time.

    My gym recommends a minimum of 3 days a week to see results. I go 5 because I love it :) In terms of supplementing that's really up to you and your goals. You'll get both cardiovascular and strength workouts at crossfit. My crossfit also offers yoga and mobility. classes - if they didn't I'd probably seek that out as well. Also of you have goals like doing a tri you'd want to do specific training in regards to running cycling and swimming. I run so during marathon training I still do long runs (a schedule Make on my own based on higdon).

    If you hav any other questions I'd be happy to answer either here or in a message :)