Adductor injury - now what?

Hey y'all,

I know it's almost a holiday, so I'm not sure if I'll get some responses, but here's my deal:

I injured my adductor (inner thigh, deep up inside the joint, also radiates to the center of my right buttock, like a pinpoint. Also felt, during and after running, on the front of my rip hip, about three inches inward from the bottom of my hipbone), while running. I didn't feel a pop or anything, there was no actual moment of injury. It just got wicked sore on my Thanksgiving run and had to stop halfway. Then I iced for a week and ran again. Didn't get better. Gave it another week - ran. Same story.

So I'm off running. Don't wanna keep hurting it.

I've been doing power yoga every other day. With modifications. I've been told I shouldn't stretch the inner thigh. Which is counter-intuitive, but that's the common knowledge.

So I've been doing yoga, working where I can and re-habing when I can't.

I can't run and walking even remotely vigorously triggers the same injury.

Any thoughts on anything else I can do? Swimming is out - I have no access.

Thanks, guys!


  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member
    A possible strain. Massage and stretching helps, but any "resistance" exercise should be limited until it's healed enough. Unfortunately it can take as long as 3 months.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • slieber
    slieber Posts: 765 Member
    Have similar issue from ballet dancing. While I have access to major PT type equipment, and do use it, I've found that gentle cycling has helped considerably in loosening up that area.

    I also use a foam roller on it for massage. It's painful getting on the roller, but once done, it's heavenly to have almost no pain.

    FYI, the pain was so bad it was keeping me up at night, so I know exactly what it's like. I do stretch it out, and not gently, although I'm warmed up thoroughly beforehand. I haven't stopped or modified my dancing.