feeling better - not seeing result

(sorry if there's misspells words, english is not my first language)

3 weeks ago i decide to change my life and become more active and watch how much i ate. im not on a "diet" im still eating the same things i use to because i really love food, im just measuring eating less and watching the calories. To be honest this is the longest not diet-diet that ive been and i think is because im enjoying what im eating.

exercise: i bought i bike recently and ive been walking at least 4 times a week for s minimun of 30 minutes, first 2 week (killers) couldnt walk for long or very fast but today I realize that i could jogg without feeling im about to pass out for 400 meters, maybe for some thats not much but i felt great. I wasn't that tired when i finished my workout i actually feel absolutly blessed and powerful because this is something that i couldnt do 2 weeks ago. I know next time im not gonna tired my dogs with a walking because they were the ones whose stop me from keeping jogging ( we need water mommy hehehe).

I do feel great, I do feel more energetic and Im not sleeping 12 hrs anymore ( recently graduated and looking for job, so, lost of free time) the thing is i dont have a scale and I havent like see any physical changes in me, im not discourage or anything but i would like to hear from someone who has ANYTHTHING to say about it, Lets share people.


  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    If you don't have a scale, I'd suggest taking measurements and photos. It's really hard to see progress in the mirror because it happens so gradually. But if you check your measurements and/or compare photos every couple weeks, you WILL see the changes you've made. It's easier for some of us to be more objective when looking at a photo than when looking in the mirror.

    I'd give the same advice if you were using a scale, because sometimes that's not a good indication, either.
  • carliekitty
    carliekitty Posts: 303 Member
    I wouldn't expect anything to happen super fast. The fact that you feel better is the first sign of progress. I've choosen not to weigh myself before so i wouldn't get discouraged about my progress, and i found that my pants getting looser were the first real sign i had of weight loss. I would expect the same in you. If your pants get easier to zipper and you have more room and need a belt then you know your loosing weight. =D
  • feeling great and weight loss are two separate components of weight loss but work independently of each other...when you work out you feel good as endorphines are released into you blood and you get a great feeling..thats what keeps you going to keep working out and exercising..the weight loss will come with that
  • ladykate7
    ladykate7 Posts: 206 Member
    You have results. Being able to jog now, being able to walk further/faster without getting as tired. And you say you feel great.

    Those are all tangible results. Take a pair of pants and a shirt that you want to fit into better and use those as a guide (along with regular measurements) but the clothing thing is something anyone can do without having to spend any money. Put that outfit on and pay attention to how it feels. Is it tight in the shoulders or legs, does the fabric pull across your chest or tummy. make note and then a week or two later put the outfit on again. Does it feel different. Do YOU feel different. Do it every week or 2. If you keep up your new habits you'll SEE results.
  • kiminita
    kiminita Posts: 150 Member
    Scales are deceptive at times! Go by measurements, photos and the way your clothes fit. Also, your overall health. When you notice you can do more, and have more energy, that is REAL progress. I'm currently 30 lbs over the weight I was when I first tried to lose weight, and I am way more in shape now than I was at that time (and I was 19!). I lead a more sedentary lifestyle now because I don't walk to several classes a day like I used to, or take public transportation (and chase buses and trains) like I used to, but I am way more in shape than when I was. You will know the progress when it comes. But document it! Remember--photos and measurements. I made a spreadsheet to track my progress. I can't wait to see what it looks like in a few months time. Good luck on your journey!!