My health improved in 3 days.....

Hi my name is Nellie, I post today to let everyone know each and everyday is a success because you are striving, you have a goal and your learning as you go to eat healthy and making good choices.

let me share with you something that happened to me. on Nov. 29th I had gone to the Doctor i was having leg cramps(charlie horse feeling) on my legs for months a lot of months. couldn't figure out why. I'm on coumidin so thought it could be something to do with it. which could be, i can't wait to get rid of it. well getting back to the doctor visit, I showed him my legs also told him my back has gone out on me and i didn't know why. well he laughed at me(it didn't offend me, I found it funny too) he told me "of course your back is going to hurt you probably broke one of your disc with all that weight your carrying". then he got serious he said" honestly Nellie you need to lose weight. try to lose weight." he proscribed some pills for the cramping of the legs(baclofen) used to help with MS. and off home I went. i'm not a person that loves taking pills just to fix a problem because usually then that pill will fix one problem and cause another problem down the line.

last Sunday i decided i'm tired of being tired and I need to do this once and for all. well started with just walking the lil bit i could do. that's another thing that was crazy, i couldn't even walk any more, felt like my legs were going to give up and hard to drive because of the charlie horse feeling i would get. so i went the first day walked for 10 mins. struggling but did it. then 3 days later walked for 20 mins. still going slow and progressing. started drinking much more water than I have ever tried to drink before. stopped drinking whole milk(i'm addicted to whole milk, use to drink a gallon a day) and right away after 3 days. I was sitting at my office and had so much energy, wanting to dance or walk do any kind of exercise because i wanted to just move.

I can tell you, I don't have those cramps anymore, matter of fact 2 weeks ago i had gone dancing and was fustrated because I couldn't dance like before. and people that know how much I have danced in the past stopped by my table to find out what was wrong that I wasn't dancing.(my legs)

but guess what everyone..... this Friday and Saturday I danced all night long. I mean danceeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. and I am so overjoyed I can move again. so please keep working on your health each and everyday. don't give up and encourage others. Thank you for reading.

and guess what!!! I lost in one week :::(9lbs)
Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods


  • KarmaxKitty
    KarmaxKitty Posts: 901 Member
    way to go!!!! (holy crap...a gallon A DAY?????)
  • Great job! It's amazing how quickly we can see the benefits of exercise.
  • AnitraSoto
    AnitraSoto Posts: 725 Member
    That is awesome - I am so happy for you! Keep up the good work - I am proud to have you as a friend, and look forward to sharing our weight loss journey... : )
  • Wonderful story! Keep it up.
  • way to go!!!! (holy crap...a gallon A DAY?????)

    yes sweetie a gallon a day, you read correctly. that's all i would drink.
  • stylistchik
    stylistchik Posts: 1,436 Member
    That is wonderful!Congratulations to you and your health!
  • italianissima
    italianissima Posts: 140 Member
    Wow! Thank you for sharing that. What a beautiful story! I wish you all the best of luck on your journey!! You are truly inspirational! I will share you story today with my family- they are not much for exercising, and they take a slew of pills! You will surely inspire them, too!
  • erzille
    erzille Posts: 524 Member
    That's Awesome!:happy:
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