At what point did you stop.......

Counting calories? Or if you counted; how in the world did you keep up? I grossly exagerated on my entries.... quick add calories all the way baby!


  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    I ate very little this morning and then found the nearest I could and was as honest as possible. God but dinner was gooooood. :bigsmile:
  • janalayn
    janalayn Posts: 510 Member
    I planned ahead
  • misssiri
    misssiri Posts: 335 Member
    Counting calories? Or if you counted; how in the world did you keep up? I grossly exagerated on my entries.... quick add calories all the way baby!

  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    I just didn't bother... lol
  • julie781
    julie781 Posts: 221 Member
    I used all my calories on mimosas and bacon... and it was worth it!
  • Clarecbear82
    Clarecbear82 Posts: 369 Member
    I ate 1/2 banana for breakfast. Tried to eat mainly veg and turkey for lunch then wasted the rest on cake and biscuits then stopped at 15over.
  • Ilovepeppers
    Ilovepeppers Posts: 396 Member
    7:05 - rolled out of bed with the determination to eat healthy and exercise today.
    7:09 - found a giant chocolate santa in my stocking...
    7:13 - halfway through the one pound santa and a few minutes before picking up a cinnamon bun I realized it was going to be a free day ;)
  • Twylla
    Twylla Posts: 51
    I didn't log today and I don't feel even a little guilty because indulged I just won't let it carry over like I have in the past.
  • ghiagirl893
    ghiagirl893 Posts: 69 Member
    no logging for today and yesterday... no idea how many i've had... trying to keep it low lol
    my birthday is also coming up so I am sure I will have this problem again on the 1st and on my bday
  • it_be_asin
    it_be_asin Posts: 562 Member
    I got to nearly lunch yesterday and turned into a chocolate and white bread roll eating monster. I have no idea how many cals I ate yesterday, and I am not sure I want to know. However, I have already done 1/2 hour yoga and over 1 1/2 hours of walking and it's 10:30am. I will probably do some yoga this arvo too, and eat veggies instead of choccies today.
  • livinginwoods
    livinginwoods Posts: 562 Member
    I can't believe I have so many calories LEFT. Granted we have not broken into the pumpkin pie and whipped cream yet.....or the chips and dip I bought for my Packer game......but I still have almost 700 calories to go! I might just make it after all! :drinker:
  • withchaco
    withchaco Posts: 1,026 Member
    I'm slightly OCD, so I actually enjoy counting calories and managing macros.

    Planning ahead is very helpful for me :smile: I don't go to sleep without the next day's menu planned from breakfast to supper! It's not uncommon for me to plan 2-4 days ahead, either.
  • ncwingnut71
    ncwingnut71 Posts: 292 Member
    I counted today. I did my wii zumba when i got up before i made breakfast. Didnt eat lunch because i wasnt feeling well. But we just had ham, yams, green beans, stuffed celery, deviled eggs, baked macaroni, bread, pumpkin pie and whipped cream, and im still 250 under, lol.
  • HolleeERL
    HolleeERL Posts: 313 Member
    I'm slightly OCD, so I actually enjoy counting calories and managing macros.

    Planning ahead is very helpful for me :smile: I don't go to sleep without the next day's menu planned from breakfast to supper! It's not uncommon for me to plan 2-4 days ahead, either.

    Oh, how I wish I could be this way!!!! Good for you! :o)
  • capriciousmoon
    capriciousmoon Posts: 1,263 Member
    I was just going to quick add 2000 and call it a day but I added it all up out of curiosity and it all came out to only 1000 calories. That's dinner and cake! :laugh:
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    I put a number in for Christmas Eve dinner that I was almost sure I didn't go over. At least not by more than a couple hundred calories. I might have been under by a couple hundred, too, but it was a heaping plate, with chips and dip and soda and a couple of cookies before dinner even got started, so I'm pretty sure it's about right.
  • kjannan
    kjannan Posts: 248 Member
    I gave up by lunchtime christmas day. We had kfc for lunch & although I didn't pig out, I knew that dinner would take me over calories so I stopped worrying about logging for the day.

    This morning I woke up with a terrible food hangover & I actually craved a walk to the supermarket to get the salad I was craving! :smile:
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    No way was i calorie counting on Christmas day.... I did however do my new workout DVD in the am and had an afternoon brisk walk, so didn't feel too guilty!
  • ThePhoenixRose
    ThePhoenixRose Posts: 1,985 Member
    Do you mean in general, or today?? I guess i thought you meant in general... so that's how i'm gonna answer!

    I stopped logging when i felt like i'd figured out what i needed to eat, and how what i was eating affected me. So, for me, that was after about 2 months. I've been on here every day for 4 months though, keeping me accountable by just being here. I'd lost about 15 lbs in the first 2 months, and managed to meet my goal weight earlier than anticipated. i was hoping to get there by the first of the year, and i made it on Dec. 9! So, i guess it worked for me! Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    I'll always probably log my calories here. I track more than just my calorie counts though