Fellow Newbie

Hello, I came across this website through facebook, and just wanted to say hello!
Was wondering if anyone would like to tell me how they're getting on with their diets?

I've literally just started mine recently, after slowly gaining over half 28 pounds I lost last year. And now need to lose a total of 74 pounds to be at my ideal weight. Wondered if people had any tips apart from the obvious to help keep me motivated as well?
Thanks, looking forward to hear from you :)


  • cartea01
    cartea01 Posts: 156 Member
    Hi and welcome! This is day 17 (of the rest of my life!) for me. Everyone said "why are you picking this time of year" "You're not overweight!" etc etc! But it's about feeling comfortable in your own skin and I know that I felt good when I was ~70kg (154 pounds). I've lost 2kg since starting and I've logged my foods accurately every day. My tips for staying motivated are:

    1) Log you foods everyday, accurately. Don't be afraid if you go over and worse still, don't "forget" to log something because you're ashamed. We all have bad days but it's about making a long term commitment.
    2) Check out the success/motivation message boards regularly. They will inspire you!
    3) Set yourself small goals with rewards so that you don't get overwhelmed.
    4) Take "before" pics so you always have something to compare to.
    5) Take your measurements because sometimes the scales won't move but you'll be losing inches.

    All the best!
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 434 Member
    From one Kelly to another :)

    I don't have any mind-blowing tips, but I will say this: 1) add friends who are supportive and who will comment to keep you focused (and poke you when you aren't) and 2) find a group or a challenge or some similar option that will encourage you to check in routinely and/or just talk about your struggles or successes.

    It helps me SO much to know that I am expected to weigh-in or just check in with a post or to help out a team, etc.

    Good luck -- hope you accomplish everything you're working on!
  • The things that have worked best for me is to plan ahead, have a partner in crime, keep tempting treats out of sight and keep busy! Reward yourself when you reach milestones (not necessarily with food though) and try to get your family on board. It wasn't until my hubby had his cholesterol checked and came back with an ugly number before he had a vested interest in changing habits.....hope it doesn't come tho that for you!! Best wishes to you and Happy New Year!