Dr says DOUBLE my Fruit and Vegetable intake



  • stylistchik
    stylistchik Posts: 1,436 Member
    I'm also vegetarian and I try to make half my meals vegetables. If I'm making pasta or rice, I add sauteed spinach or broccoli to the sauce. You can bulk up any meal with chopped onions, celery, carrots, tomatoes, etc. I use a vegetable peeler to shred zucchini and squash and use half of that with my noodles for meals without a lot of extra veggies. Sneak them in wherever you can, it doesn't have to be a big event. It makes everything much more flavorful, too!
  • Smoothies are great for doubling fruit intake - you can get 3-4 servings of fruit in one drink! In my smoothies, I toss in a banana, blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, and a scoop of protien powder.

    As for veggies - soups and stir frys are great for that! Toss some chicken, broccoli, corn, peppers, and onions in a frying pan with a side of green beans and wahlah! You have yourself a veggie packed lunch or dinner.
  • southerlandsr
    I think your vegetable intake is exuding through your beautiful skin. Your pic encourages me to start eating more yams and spinach lol :)
  • athensguy
    If you are not eating enough veggies, then eat more. However, if raising your HDL is the only reason you're supposed to be changing your diet, does the doctor have any reason to ask you to do that?

  • Meg_78
    Meg_78 Posts: 998 Member
    Soup. and veggie stews, veggie patties, you can use a ton of mixed veg in them and they all cook down.
    Fruit smoothies, fruit salad, home made compote, dried fruit.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I couldn't double my veggies every day. I've been tracking vegetable/fruit servings for a wellness thing at work and some days I eat 10 or more servings. Some days not so much. My average for the past 5 weeks has been 7.5 servings per day.

    I love roasted veggies. Just about any non-leafy non-dried bean vegetable is good roasted. Just peel and chop (if necessary), put in a large bowl, drizzle with oil, add spices of your choice and roast in the oven at 375 - 400 F until they are softened (but not mushy) and browned.

    Stir fry is another favorite way to prepare veggies. Many vegetables and soft fruits are excellent on the grill - squash of any kind, brussel sprouts, sweet potatoes, asparagus, peaches, pineapple, onions, tomatoes, etc.

    Greens such as cabbage, collards, kale, chard, mustard, beet and/or turnip greens are wonderful sautéed in olive oil and garlic.

    Add heaping handfuls of leafy greens to wraps. Soft dark greens such as kale, arugula, watercress and spinach are great on pizza or stirred into a pasta sauce.

    And grain, pasta or spaghetti squash salads with plenty of chopped vegetables such as cucumber, onion, peppers, carrots, celery, kohlrabi, jicama, tomatoes, etc. and dried beans are super yummy.

    Soups, chilis or stews are also a great place to load to up on vegetables.
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    green smooties are a great answer to your quest!

    do a search...you'll be amazed at the combinations.

    I agree with this. The green smoothie that I made for today has the following in it:

    75g Spinach
    75g Kale
    28g Unsweetened Vanilla Protein Powder
    125g Cucumber
    80g Broccoli (I usually do more on this, but I only had 160g left and split it evenly)
    110g Carrots
    90g Green Bell Pepper
    100g Fresh Pineapple
    25g Blueberries
    57g Strawberries
    Juice of one Lemon
    10g Hydrated Chia Seeds

    Blend it all up with two cups of water and you have two giant servings of smoothie for 204 calories each serving. I usually make a double batch like this to last me two days. But I've also been known to just have both servings on a single day.

    And this is just what I threw together last night with what I had on hand in the fridge. I love green smoothies and pretty much just put together any combo of Spinach and Kale, with three to four additional veggies, then two-three fruits and it always turns out. Sometimes I'll do a cup of water and a cup of fresh carrot juice instead of the two cups of water, or even a cup of unsweetened almond milk and a cup of water. I really only put in enough fruit to give them a sweetness and try to make the bulk of it veggies.
  • RedBullLiz
    RedBullLiz Posts: 469 Member
    Ooo, nice. I've always loved snacking on pineapple and grapes. Strawberries & blueberries in yogurt.
    Veggies in all meals!! As much as I hate having to cut 'em and make 'em look nice on the plate, it's totally worth the effort once you eat them. If you think veggies are too "alone", add a topping - like PB or dressing. Definitely hits the spot.

    You can always smash the fruits up yourself like back in the old days LOL!! Food processor, I think you can. Isn't that way to make almond milk?? I'm sure it'll work.

    Veggies in EVERYTHING. Can't stress that enough.
  • sweetpotatofry
    sweetpotatofry Posts: 209 Member
    Green smoothies are awesome, though it sounds like you're already eating a lot of fruits and veggies so maybe the problem lies elsewhere (despite what your doctor advised)? Have you tried upping your fat intake? I know I lose more easily when eating less fruit and more healthy fats, like from avocados.
  • blondeski
    soup, veggies and hummus, steamed veggies, veggies in eggs... I eat a fruit or veggie at every meal now that I think about it.
    if you are stressing about too much food, have smaller portions and eat more often. every 2-3 hours is best. this is a sample of a pretty normal day for me:

    breakfast: smoothie- either blueberry, or peanut butter banana
    2nd breakfast: omelet with onions, garlic, peppers
    lunch: salad- baby spinach, tomatoes, cucumber, other things I may want
    snack: hummus with veggies (or bean dip with veggies)
    snack: apple
    dinner: a protein with brussel sprouts, beets, sweet potato