I love viewing food diaries

Thank you to the people who've made their food diaries public. i find the details fascinating, and there's so much in there that gives the story of our individual tastes and likes/dislikes, and our daily struggles.


  • i agree :wink:
  • I agree. I also get a lot of ideas of foods to try from public diaries
  • hailz840
    hailz840 Posts: 136 Member
    how do you view other peoples food diaries?
  • TempeB
    TempeB Posts: 43 Member
    Some people make their food diaries 'public' in their Settings, that way everyone can read them. So, I will see someone's icon in a message post, and I'll click on that. If they've made their diary public, then I can View Diary.
  • I agree! I find other people's diaries so interesting and also get alot of motivation when I see my friends eat so healthy, it makes me want to eat better too.
  • jfluchere
    jfluchere Posts: 346 Member
    Me too
  • I agree and prefer my "friends" have open diaries.

    I get into a rut and seem to eat the same things over and over, so seeing other people's food choices expand my options. I have seen things in diaries that I added to my shopping list and it's helped me experiment with food, which in the end will help me not get bored.
  • livinginwoods
    livinginwoods Posts: 562 Member
    I agree and get some good ideas from my friends Diary's.