New to the site!

Hello all! I have been off and on this site for the last few months curious about if I should sign up....and so here I am! A little about me: I'm 25 and back in July I decided to try c25k, a program that turns a couch potato into a runner. To me, this was an impossible task. I never ever ever ran. I was fit in H.S because my terrible eating habits hadn't caught up to me. As a senior, I hid behind the bleachers to get out of running the mile. Through out college I gained 40 lbs, and have struggled with losing this weight in a healthy manner. With doubt in my mind, I began the c25k and booked a 5k to keep myself focused. An amazing thing happened: I finished! And I realized that I loved to run and I lost 10 lbs just by watching my food intake and running. I ran in one 5k and one 8k. I was slow, but I finished both. And then I moved back home with my parents, and all my good eating habits went out the door. The colder it has become, the less I have run. And I noticed the 10 lbs came back and that's where mfp comes in- I know I can lose the weight. But I need help. And I need the support and encouragement this site offers. So please add me! Add me if you feel any of my story relates to you-add me if you also love to run-add me if you are afraid to start c25k or want to know more!