How do YOU stay motivated/not cheat, especially during the h

I feel like I've completely fell off the wagon, but for a while now. I'm starting to feel depressed again and I've gained a few pounds back too. Man, this sucks. I can't figure out how I can still continue to stray away from my diet when losing weight is pretty much the only thing I want in life right now. I tell myself I'm going to get back on track, and I don't. Broken record. Should I have something around me to remind myself why I need to do this? Or just become really, really strict? I find any leeway is bad, for me.


  • 2Bgoddess
    2Bgoddess Posts: 1,096 Member
    Yup, I feel it too. I have gained back 3 hard earned previously lost pounds, started fresh today, and still had gingerbread again!!!
    I have to get back to super strict or I will back slide so far the light from screwed will take a week to reach me. Good luck, I hope you find the strength!
  • Yeah, I told myself I would start today(after Christmas, and it's Monday, so it's perfect), but managed to eat two chocolates, haha. But I didn't go over my calories. I think strictness works best for me. I wish you luck!!
  • I keep pictures of slim celebs I like around my mirror, so when I'm getting ready in the morning and looking at myself and comparing myself to Robert Pattinson and Jude Law etc looking all nice and flat stomached in their tuxedos it gives me the motivation to stick to my eating plan so I will look as good as they do! I've already lost 97 pounds which is pretty much the proof in the (WeightWatchers) pudding!
  • stayxtrue
    stayxtrue Posts: 1,186 Member
    I feel like I've completely fell off the wagon, but for a while now. I'm starting to feel depressed again and I've gained a few pounds back too. Man, this sucks. I can't figure out how I can still continue to stray away from my diet when losing weight is pretty much the only thing I want in life right now. I tell myself I'm going to get back on track, and I don't. Broken record. Should I have something around me to remind myself why I need to do this? Or just become really, really strict? I find any leeway is bad, for me.

    I have been on here since November 2010... However I did not get stuck into this till around mid October this year. You need to ask your self a few questions.

    What are your reasons for losing weight?
    What are your motivators?
    What are some of the hurdles that you need to overcome?

    Having pictures of celebs for a girl can be a bad thing as a lot of these are way to skinny and have usually gone on a rapid weight loss diet and have not done it the healthy way.

    You also need to remember that it does take at least 28 days to break a habit!! Find someone to be accountable to, this is a great thing to do as they can keep you strong in committment. Eliminate temptation.

    Another thing which works really well for me is mapping my diary out the day before, you can add and remove till you meet your macros and calorie intake. There are many ways. The main thing is dont beat yourself up if you slip up. we all slip up, we are humans.

    Here are a few things that might be good to get you started:

    Eliminate one thing in your diet that you are used to having ie sugary drinks and replace it with water. If you cant go all out at the start then make some small steps and each week change something else again, keep adding. You have plenty of time to drop the weight so do it the right way :D

    Hope that is of some help
  • I'm right there with you...I was doing so well for a while and then in the past couple weeks I fell off the healthy wagon...hard. After eating something not-so-great for me I usually end up feeling sorry for myself and end up eating more. Yesterday I decided to try to get motivated (again) so I made a big pot of vegetable soup...I find taking the time to cook something good for me gets me excited to eat it. Another thing that works to keep me mindful of what I eat is not giving in to wearing leggings and big comfy top...which is usually my outfit of choice....knowing that I can't hide behind my clothes keeps me from snacking all day. @ Scottilikescak: I think I'm going to try you thin-celeb-pic idea...thanks!