how much can I lose? raw foods + workout question

I workout and eat healthy-typically workout 1-2hrs a day (5-6X a week) and eat around 1000-1200 calories a day. Friday nights or Saturdays I give myself 200 cheat calories if it had been a good week. (: I'm going on a raw food only diet for the next two weeks to detox my body and also see if dairy/wheat is what has been bothering me, and if I can stick to it, the next two weeks after that I will stay gluten/wheat free. How much do ya'll think I can expect to lose by swapping out with raw foods and keeping my exercise routine?

5'5, 19, female, cw 135 (down from 160!), goal weight 115-120.



  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    You prob. won't lose any actual weight.. most of it will be water weight, that will come back when you start eating normally again.. so be prepared for that.

    I'd also cut diary out first and then the other.. if you are working out 5-6 days a week, your going to need those carbs for energy.. and raw foods can only give you so much.
  • MLeigh18
    MLeigh18 Posts: 120 Member
    I agree with dad106. I don't know why you'd go for raw food anyway. that means no meat, no eggs, no good source of protein. Sure veggies, particularly mushrooms have good protein but unless you're planning on eating about 3 pounds of mushrooms/day i doubt you actually get enough protein.

    I went grain/dariy/sugar free for 10 days, dropped 6 pounds. Within 4 days of eating grains again, I gained back those 6 pounds.

    I'm still 95% dairy free. I drink almond milk, don't eat yogurt or cheese because it's too expensive to stock up on at the grocery store. But i'll eat cheese at a restaurant but i hardly go out to eat anymore.

    During those 10 days, i was exhausted all the time, really really moody and *****y, and i was hungry 24/7. There were other internal side effects that came along with those external ones too... I will give you a piece of advice though, what you eat will come through your pores when you sweat. You will smell like what you've been eating, and it doesn't smell nearly as good coming out of you as it does coming out of the oven.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    I workout and eat healthy-typically workout 1-2hrs a day (5-6X a week) and eat around 1000-1200 calories a day. Friday nights or Saturdays I give myself 200 cheat calories if it had been a good week. (: I'm going on a raw food only diet for the next two weeks to detox my body and also see if dairy/wheat is what has been bothering me, and if I can stick to it, the next two weeks after that I will stay gluten/wheat free. How much do ya'll think I can expect to lose by swapping out with raw foods and keeping my exercise routine?

    5'5, 19, female, cw 135 (down from 160!), goal weight 115-120.


    1k-1200 IMO is way too low for your activity level. You will lose more weight at about 1600-1800 calories.
  • I agree with dad106. I don't know why you'd go for raw food anyway. that means no meat, no eggs, no good source of protein. Sure veggies, particularly mushrooms have good protein but unless you're planning on eating about 3 pounds of mushrooms/day i doubt you actually get enough protein.

    I think what she means is raw=natural, unprocessed foods.
  • I workout and eat healthy-typically workout 1-2hrs a day (5-6X a week) and eat around 1000-1200 calories a day. Friday nights or Saturdays I give myself 200 cheat calories if it had been a good week. (: I'm going on a raw food only diet for the next two weeks to detox my body and also see if dairy/wheat is what has been bothering me, and if I can stick to it, the next two weeks after that I will stay gluten/wheat free. How much do ya'll think I can expect to lose by swapping out with raw foods and keeping my exercise routine?

    5'5, 19, female, cw 135 (down from 160!), goal weight 115-120.


    If you're going to cut out wheat/gluten, you really need to increase your calories by 300-500 cals/day so that your body will have enough energy to make it through the workouts and still function properly. Wheat/c=gluten is cutting out a huge chunk of carbs, so just make sure you are getting enough energy and nutrients from other sources.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    I agree with dad106. I don't know why you'd go for raw food anyway. that means no meat, no eggs, no good source of protein. Sure veggies, particularly mushrooms have good protein but unless you're planning on eating about 3 pounds of mushrooms/day i doubt you actually get enough protein.

    I think what she means is raw=natural, unprocessed foods.
    That's not what she said though.
  • rebeccap13
    rebeccap13 Posts: 754 Member
    Big thing to remember when cutting out what used to be staples in your diet is that you need to replace them with other foods. You're probably going to feel like you're eating a lot more food because usually "healthier" foods aren't nearly as calorie dense as the junk that we usually eat.

    I am dairy free/grain free/sugar free most days of the week, usually being a little more laxed on the weekends. I definitely don't think raw foods is the way to go and I also think it's easiest to gradually eliminate things out of your diet. Like dad106 said, start by cutting out dairy and then working your way to gluten free. You can get enough carbs from non gluten sources, its just a big adjustment.
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    I went to a raw food retreat and lost about 4 pounds after following the diet for 4 days. I was only there for 4 days. Afterwards of course the weight came back when I returned to normal eating.

    Any raw foodie would also tell you if you decided to maintain a raw food diet it is a very difficult diet to maintain! Lots of juicing/dehydrating etc.

    Another word to the wise: beware of the kumbacha!! Its a "probiotic" yeast cake drink that they mix with juice and/or wheat grass. That stuff made me sick as a dog!! The 5th day I started with fevers and couldnt eat for another 4-5 days and fever continued for 4-5 days. They said I was detoxing, but I swear it was those little bacteria swimming around in the kumbacha.....
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    Oh my. I'm glad you recovered. Kumbacha should not give you a fever.:noway: There must have been some kind of contamination going on there.
  • inHistiming
    inHistiming Posts: 4 Member
    I think if you want to go with raw foods, then you certainly can, though you do need to remember that some of the weight will come back on once you add carbs, etc. again. You can get protein through your fruits and vegetables. Lots of people are vegan/or vegetarian and live well. It's a matter of preference and is hard work I'm sure, but worth it if you really want to do it. It may not be for you if it's just a quick-fix for fast weight loss though. Detoxing after the holidays may be a good idea though. Research online, I'm sure you'll find lots of info. for protein with out meat or dairy.
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    If you look at the animal kingdom, the vegetarians(cows, horses, etc...) have really big stomachs to hold all the bulk they have to eat to get proper nutrition.
    Just sayin'......................................
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    Oh my. I'm glad you recovered. Kumbacha should not give you a fever.:noway: There must have been some kind of contamination going on there.

    thats what I thought too!!!!! Other than that it was a great experience!!
  • sunshinegirl2012
    thanks for the advice (:
    and yes by raw I did mean natural, unprocessed foods. I cut back exercise 1-1.5 hours instead of 1.5-2, but mostly because of my work schedule! it definitely does feel like I'm eating way more food than I usually would. yesterday with the diet change I felt like I had way more energy than usual, but that could just be me, haha. probably gonna add in some peanut butter for protein and more avocados for healthy fats. also I take fish oil supplements and women's daily vitamins for what I'm lacking in food right now (:
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    I am about your height 5'4 and your goal 115 right now. My starting weight was 135. I plateaued out at 120 for 7 weeks by eating your amount of calories and intense workouts.

    I know it seems scary, (TRUST ME I KNOW) but you will lose more weight eating more calories and incorporating strength training. (no you will not get "big")

    Change your goals from 2lbs per week to 1-.5 per week. The weight will start coming off. The whole eating raw! No carbs! Blahblahblah! That's your decision and have fun with that. But this is about calories and if you cut yourself too short you are only hurting your progress.

    Best of luck!

    Edit: forgot to mention I have been a vegetarian my whole life but eat wheat, eggs, dairy.

    thanks for the advice (:
    and yes by raw I did mean natural, unprocessed foods. I cut back exercise 1-1.5 hours instead of 1.5-2, but mostly because of my work schedule! it definitely does feel like I'm eating way more food than I usually would. yesterday with the diet change I felt like I had way more energy than usual, but that could just be me, haha. probably gonna add in some peanut butter for protein and more avocados for healthy fats. also I take fish oil supplements and women's daily vitamins for what I'm lacking in food right now (:
  • SeaSiren1
    SeaSiren1 Posts: 242 Member
    Raw food is time consuming but can be done. As far as losing weight, are you decreasing calories? Many raw foodies have a tendency to use a ton of fats in their diets. If you are keeping your calories the same as well as your macros, you are not going to see a change that way. However by eating whole foods you will feel a lot better! Raw foods also have a lot of water (fruits and veggies) and of course unless you are adding salt, that will make you feel better as well.

    In the end a whole foods diet will make you feel wonderful. Many vegetables are better processed (as far a nutrients) in your system when heat them. You can do this and cut out the wheat if you choose.

    And on a side note, a little tip on your peanut butter (I use almond butter myself), make sure your ingredient lable reads: peanuts .... and nothing else.

    Good Luck!