In need of something more?

I've been doing MFP since July at first I wasn't serious about it so I missed days here and there ... But then I started to see a change since I was staying true to myself ... Well now that Christmas has been here it throw me off way more than I had hoped for .... Now I can't get myself going agian ... I know what I want and what I need to do .... but still nothing... I need something more and not sure what it is... Any one have any advise to get myself going again ? I want to get this weight off but I seem to be finding any and every reason to not do it....

Is there anyone out there willing to friend me and help me through this tough time??



  • LooseWheel
    LooseWheel Posts: 211 Member
    Heya Stacy,

    You gotta find something that gets you moving that you like. If you start a fitness program, exercise equipment and you aren't motivated to do, it feels like something you 'have' to do, you wont stick with it. I dont want to ride the spin bike at home but started riding the mountain bike. Its way more interesting, gets me outdoors, cooler in the breeze. Its just something, the first thing, that i have ever 'wanted' to do. All the other programs and equipment things I ever started, just didn't last. I lost interest as they all felt like they had become something I had to do.

    what have you been doing in the past year that you enjoyed and stuck with the most movement wise. Is there something you can try again. If you can, find 2 things to do and alternate on the days. Thats something I started with a program called 'power 90'. It had alternating days of cardio and strength training as well as some yoga for flexibility. I stopped recently when I started the bike riding as it was double the calourie burn but want to start again as it was good for other muscle areas.

    Here to motivate you. I know this same feeling and the biggest thing stopping me previously was not only motivation but stamina and metabolism. Now I think the vitamins I am taking are helping me to stay awake with more energy to get moving.

    I really hope you can stick with this for yourself. You do deserve it matey. Just talk to me when you feel low hey, see if we can push and motivate each other huh! I am not the best at doing that for myself but find the energy from somewhere to help others. Its great seeing others achieve their goals I guess.

    dont know if i had mentioned to you b4 as I have told a few MFPers, to make up their own 'goal chart'. You put your mantra in words in the centre, and then pictures and words of what you want to achieve for the year. Be it a car, a certain job, qualifications or study, a dress size, a certain outfit to save for. Also your physical goals. In steps so you can be motivated by the smaller goals. Say you want to lose 20kgs. Put 5,10, 15 and 20 with a tick box. My mantra is 'I am a strong, independent and beautiful woman'. I can say this daily, believe it and give myself motivation and power to achieve goals. It can be put up somewhere to see every day.

    Take care and here to go through this journey with you. For the ups and the downs and the ins and outs. cheers
  • ClariRose
    ClariRose Posts: 49 Member
    Something that I've found helpful is to truly CELEBRATE EVERY SUCCESS no matter how big or small. Good luck!