Had stretch mark success? share please!



  • NeshBeMe
    NeshBeMe Posts: 148 Member
    Stretch marks are permanent. The only option is cocoa butter, which lightens them but u can not get rid of them w/out surgery. Sorry.
  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    nothing really works. they fade, and it takes time. that's all.

    i used palmers cocoa butter and cocoa butter oil religeously twice a day through the first half of my pregnancy, and was covered from under my boobs right down to my hips with big red and purple nasty marks. clearly that didn't work, so i changed to bio oil for the second half of my pregnancy, and that didn't help either.

    after about 4 years, they faded to not look so bad, but i still have craters all over my tummy that will always be there. i presume they'll get a bit less, but not much.

    sucks, but there is no magic solution.
  • Misiaxcore
    Misiaxcore Posts: 659 Member
    Bio oil......I don't think they every go away though they just fade. The integrity of the skin has been compromised.

    Yup I use bio oil ! I don't really have stretch marks though... I use it on weird vein lines that popped up on my thigh. Weightloss + Bio oil as reduced their appearance.
  • AggieLu
    AggieLu Posts: 873 Member
    Bio oil.
  • pmaria10
    pmaria10 Posts: 784 Member
  • hailzp
    hailzp Posts: 903 Member
    Bio oil is quite expensive and unnecessary. Just use good olive oil. If it is good enough for the Italians it is good enough for me. Rub it in twice/three times a day and tone up at the same time. Good luck!
  • deadstarsunburn
    deadstarsunburn Posts: 1,337 Member
    I heard creams and such are a waste of money, but personally losing more weight has faded them and when I'm tan they are even loss noticeable.

    I've also had a change of heart, they serve as a constant reminder to never let myself get that bad again and I look far better now even with stretch marks than I ever have without. So I've come to terms with my scares.

  • melnaz
    melnaz Posts: 17
    #1 - it is very much genetic, if your mother has em you will most likely get them. My sistes and I all have em in the exact same spots. I know ppl well over 300lbs with out a single mark, and when I asked they said their mother doesnt have them.

    #2 - I can tell you what doesnt work, MEDERMA STRETCH MARK CREAM!! I paid $40 for it after having wonderful success with the regular Mederma for my surgery scars. Another reason I believe it is genetics (even tho my Doctor has told me over and over it def is a genetic thing).

    #3 - only thing I ever saw that made a substantial difference is heat therapy. You can ask ur dr. Its not very expensive, but considered cosmetic so u will have to pay out of pocket. Even still, it will fade the about 75-85%, but nothing will totally get rid of them that I know of.
  • ProjectTae
    ProjectTae Posts: 461 Member
  • FabulousKP
    FabulousKP Posts: 97 Member
  • cjasins
  • grrrlface
    grrrlface Posts: 1,204 Member
    Since I lost weight mine have become substantially less visible, they used to be red, now I cannot see them atball. Oils and creams did not work for me personally, just the weightloss.
  • jamaicanlady
    jamaicanlady Posts: 878 Member
    BIO-OIL ;) I will say it over, say it for days. I used coco butter when I was pregnant and it didn't do jack for me! To be completely honest I have heard scratching your stomach as its growing causes stretch marks. Yikes ladies don't scratch if you ever get pregnant again. But I tried medicine from doctors, coco butter... all sorts of crap! but when I started using bio oil on a regular basis.. they got lighter. I would take bubble baths and add it to the water :) A-MAAAAAZING!

    Good Luck


    Everyone told me not scratch when I was pregnant but I couldn't help it. If it itches I HAVE to scratch. I didn't get any stretch marks, thank God. I think it's genetics. If your mom had it, more than likely you'll get it too. My mother didn't get them until her 4th child, so I'm stopping at 3 :laugh: .

    No one in my family has stretch marks --_-- but I still got them. I was a tiny girl though 105lbs to 165lbs in just 9 months!

    Can you really confirm that NO ONE in your family has them?
    Anyway, after doing some research, I found out that genetics is NOT the only cause. There are several factors involved. But certainly scratching during pregnancy was not one of them. One source said if you gained more than 30lbs during pregnancy. Not too sure about that one either though because I gained 37 lbs I think. Oh well, not sure about the cause, but if Bio Oil works for you and others then it can't hurt to try it.