
Hello everyone,

While I have been on MFP off and on for about a year... I am just now finally getting around to introducing myself in the forums. In the past year I have lost and gained the same 30lbs and am so done with "program" dieting. Weight Watchers worked but I got tired of calculating points. I have enjoyed MFP and when I use it it really does work!

I am 32 and live in Portland, Oregon. I have an almost 2 year old son and we recently decided to try for another come summer 2012. That means time to kick it in gear! I only gained about 30 lbs with my son (and lost it all) and while I would love to gain less this go around, I want to start off in a much better place than I did last time.

I am a lifelong athlete, started in swimming/water polo, and have been a (wannabe) runner in my adult years. However, I've never been THIN even in my most fit years. My ultimate goal is to lose 100lbs which would put me into a healthy BMI range and possibly a single digit pantsize for the first time in 20 years!

I am looking to live a healthier more active lifestyle to give my son a good example of how to stay healthy!

Hope you all had a great Christmas, now let's get 2012 kicked off right!
