Beginning- Introduction

Hello everyone! My name is Stella, I am from Kentucky, I'm 22 years old and I currently work for a frozen yogurt store and go to school.I recently suffered what I would consider to be the worst year of my life. I lost my father in May, miscarried a child a couple of weeks ago, and my husband got hurt (mildly and he is now completely better, thank God) in a mining accident. On top of all of that, my depression has caused me to gained 20 more pounds and I'm now weighing 160. I want to weigh at the most 130 so that is my beginning goal. I would like to weigh 120 one day, hopefully that can be accomplished! My motivation is to lose this weight, it's so discouraging when people look at me and think that I'm still pregnant because I still "look" pregnant... Even though I was just about 3 months when I miscarried. I hate when people rub my belly and say "aww, you are growing so well!" and then I have to tell them "well... I miscarried."

So in order to begin my New Years Resolution, my husband and I decided to purchase a treadmill and I made an account on here last night. I am eager to get started with this process. By my birthday (31 of Jan) I want to weigh about 150 or lower but I want to remain as healthy as possible during the process. I have read many peoples success stories and heard great things about this website. I hope I can stay motivated as well as you all have throughout this process.

Thanks for reading, wish me luck!


  • coyoteo
    coyoteo Posts: 532 Member
    So sorry for your losses and rough year. Good luck on your weight loss journey! Add me if you want more support.
  • Stella, so sorry for your losses. I lost my dad in March, so I can relate to the sorrow and grief. I'm also from Ky :)
    Good luck on your weight loss!
  • skedzie
    skedzie Posts: 91 Member
    Hi Stella - my thoughts and prayers will be with you and your family. Sounds like you've really been kicked down this year. You will find lots of friends on this site. I just started posting last night and have already added several friends. Please feel free to send me a friend request and we can motivate each other for healthier lives in 2012!:smile:
  • runwithmike
    runwithmike Posts: 145 Member
    Hello fellow Kentuckian...welcome and feel free to add me.
  • Hello my name is Tina and I'm from Little Rock , Ark.. I have been struggling with my weight for years.. In 2003 I had to have a total hip replacement at the age of 33yrs.. I have been having problems with my hips since I was 13yrs old.. My doctor told me at that age as long as I kept my weight in it's normal range I should not have any problems, but after my 3rd child I gained 50lbs because I was on bed rest and my hips started bothering me again.. So After the surgery in 2003 I was disable for 6 months and an additional 40lbs was added to the 50lbs so I'm 90 pounds over weight.. I'm been very depressed about this.. because as soon as I start working out really good my hips always start hurting and I have to stop.. But never the less I'm going to try some of the Wii game exercises to see if they will work..So if you have any suggestions please feel free to leave them..Thanks
  • God will be with you Stella and he has it all in his hands.. :flowerforyou:
  • God will be with you Stella and he has it all in his hands.. :flowerforyou:
  • Thank you all sooooo much! I appreciate all acts of kindness. I'm trying to be "me" again. After this year, I don't know if it's possible any more.
  • Tina, you have had such a hard time! I'm sure with motivation you can work those unwanted pounds away in no time! Good luck girlie :) i added you by the way :)