Plateau/Loose Skin

I started my weight loss journey at 270 lbs back in late March of this year. I'm currently at apx 170 lbs (but it fluctuates quite a bit between 169-175). I've been stuck at this weight for almost over a month now. All of my friends/family say that it's just my excess skin that weighs so much, and that I don't have much more to lose. I really want to be at or around 145 lbs and a size 5/6 pants (I'm at an 8/9 now). Also, I lift quite a bit so I'm thinking that the reason I weigh so much for my size is because of muscle mass? I'm getting pretty frustrated that I'm not losing any more weight, especially when my boyfriend who has just recently started has been losing 4 lbs a week and I work twice as hard as him. Thanks!


  • How tall are you? I'm wondering if you are nearing your correct/healthy weight even if it's a little higher than you want it to be. I weigh more than I look since I have a lot of muscle and my Dr suggests I should weigh around 160 and I'm 5'5"1/2. I would PREFER to weigh between 135 and 150 though. :)

    And boyfriend loses way faster than I do as well. Men lose weight faster because they usually have more muscle. I would ignore his scale otherwise it will just keep bothering you haha (and it doesn't mean YOU'VE done something wrong). :)

    Here are a couple suggestions--maybe something will help:
    -Make sure you are getting enough sleep
    -Go back to counting calories/weighing food if you've started to do more "guessing" since you've lost so much weight already
    -DE-STRESS (big one for me)
    -Check that you don't have food allergies you might not be aware of (also can get thyroid levels checked etc.)
    -Change up your food and exercise habits for a couple weeks and see if that helps. I have read in a few places that if you change things up it helps speed up metabolism and turn fat burning back on if you've hit a plateau.
    -Amp up cardio. You say you lift which is great but maybe you just need to burn more calories overall.

    What is your daiily calorie limit and how much do you exercise?

    Hope this helps!