Feeling discouraged, time to reach out!

Hi everyone! I'm new to MFP but have been using similar sites for about 10 years (livestrong.com, fitday.com, etc). I was pretty good with my discipline for diet and exercie since my body seems to require that much work just to maintain. I remember thinking "what th hell! I'm working so hard and just can't lose that last 10 lbs! Why do I bother?" - Well now I know what happens when I DON'T work that hard. I went through a big life upheaval, divorced a verbally abusive husband who always was putting me down and making me feel bad about myself, and went AWOL. I drove across the counrty (Atlanta to San Francisco, in a squiggly route for fun stops along the way) to drop my dogs off with my Mom and then went backpacking SE Asia by myself for 3 months. The end result? A much happier, mentally healthy place in life. AND 20 lbs heavier with all my muscle lost.

Boo hoo, right? Doesn't sound like so much weight to lose. For whatever reason, my body just does NOT want to cooperate when I want to lose weight. I have been exercising, eating better, and cut out a lot of the alcohol and my weight just keeps fluctuating at my start weight, around 140. Seems like that should have started at least some chage! It's been about 5 weeks with a day or two off the wagon during the holidays.

So anyway, I'm just feeling a little discouraged. I'm in a relationship with a great guy that tells me I'm perfect despite my weight gain, but I'm not comfortable in my own skin. I just want to feel some progress so I can stay positive! Anyway, I'd love to make some online weight loss buddies to help me keep my chin up!


SW: 140
CW: 141 (WTF!!!)
GW: 115


  • ndlakebum
    Hi! I'm pretty new here too and need all the help I can get to stay motivated myself! Feel free to add me if you'd like. I think it helps to see what others are doing here and know you are not alone in this!

    You are off to a great start and by the sounds of it, you've already made some great progress!