Looking for Accountability

Hi...I am relatively new to Myfitnesspal, but have been using an app on my phone since I started my journey in July 2011. I said from the beginning that this had to be a lifestyle change, not a diet. So far I have lost 53 lbs and have 72 more to go to reach my goal. I need friends to help keep me accountable and I will do the same in return. Together we can change lives.



  • MountainMamaMarissa
    Hi Angel
    Congrats on the 53 lbs so far! That is fantastic!!
  • ceirawillsucceed
    ceirawillsucceed Posts: 519 Member
    hi Angel
    well done on losing 53lbs so far. thats really great. you are doing so well. that other 72lbs will be gone in no time.
    feel free to add me if you like
  • rageena_falangee
    Thats amazing that you've gotten so far on your own. My goal is looming over me so your my inspiration! :)
  • myjanee
    Wow! 53 lbs is great! Yay for you!
    I'm working on a very stubborn (for me) 20 lbs, which I'd put on over the past 12 years. I am also not thinking of this so much as a "diet," but as a life-change. I'm now eating MORE fruit, MORE vegetables, MORE whole grains, and, yes, far less of the fatty, sugary, sauced-up, salty junk that got me into this state.

    I'm learning to love real food now, rather than the pre-chewed, over-processed poison that is so prevalent in restaurants and grocery stores. Accountability has really helped me. And the game-like aspect of myfitnesspal has helped me, as well, keeping me honest about what I'm really putting into my body. I check in every day, and have not missed a day for 50 days now! I've lost 8.5 lbs, even through Thanksgiving and Christmas, and all of the holiday get-togethers and gifts of food.

    I'm 55 and widowed, living in Michigan and Arizona. Please feel free to friend me. :)
    Always me, Janee
  • hbiffle
    hbiffle Posts: 156 Member
    Congrats on the 53 lost so far!!! Feel free to add me!! I can always use extra encouragement and support and would love to be able to cheer someone else on at the same time!!
  • lonestarlet_67
    Thanks to all of you and congrats on your losses! I will add y'all to my friends list and we can help each other succeed!
  • loriamcq
    I'm just returning after a 6 month lapse myself. I'd love to have you on my friends list. I need a lot of support too.