Pounds for Charity Challenge

I started a group in the new forum for anyone interested!

Starting 1/16/12 and going through 4/16/12 (yes 3 months) I am holding a Pounds for Charity weight loss & fitness challenge. I chose 3 momths as you will see more change/see results in that time. I was going to go longer, but thought 3 months would be more easier. You can do it right from the comfort of your own home or gym. Loss weight, Get Fit and support Susan G Komen 3 Day for a Cure.


1. Sign up by 1/1/12 so I know how many people we have participating

2. By 1/15/12 submit your weight, height, and following stats: Neck, Chest (Bust), Right and Left Arms, Natural Waist, Hips, Left and Right Thigh measurements. Also submit to me your goal weight

3. For each pound lost you donate a certain amount to Susan G Komen. You let me know the amount you are pledging before starting the challenge. If you hit your goal weight you keep going through the end of the challenge. I will make a form for each person stating what their starting information and their goal is and the donation to the charity. I will send you a copy as this will be your documentation so you can have something written out to help hold you accountable. The amount donated at the end will be TAX deductible!

4. Besides the MFP page I will set up a Facebook closed group that can be used. There will be check ins (you must at least check in weekly), I encourage posting to help keep each other on the right track and accountable. We can post workouts, recipes, questions, etc.

5. You can choose to add a Beachbody Program, Beachbody Meal Replacement Plan or Shakeology to your regimen. You don’t have to but I have seen amazing results with these and know you would too. You can sign up for a free account f you are not working with a beachbody coach. If you already have a coach who you work with that’s great if you were assigned one you don’t work with you can switch to me with a quick email to customer service. You can also log workouts in here and win money. Also I love using My Fitness Pal to track calories. if you will be setting up an account let me know and I will send you my link. Again NOT REQUIRED

6. PRIZES! Yes there will be prizes- number depending on how many participants.

FEEL FREE TO PASS THIS ON TO ANYONE YOU THINK WOULD BE INTERESTED IN PARTICIPATING! The more participants the more money Susan G Komen gets and the more prize opportunities!