2nd time is a charm

Well I have tried lots more times then 2 to lose weight..but this is my 2nd time singing up with MFP!! I am excited to have a app for my blackberry and ready to lose this weight...

A little about me...I am 41 almost 42 have about 50-70 pounds to lose. Just joined a group with some friends on FB and was redirected to this site for accountability! SO here I am..

I am married with 3 great kids-two grandkids (4 years and 1 year), have just int he last month started empty nesting. We have actually moved to Mackinaw Island, MI..It is beautiful here, but pretty much shuts down for the winter. So I am dealing with the emotional stuff of leaving my kids (they are about an hour away-but difficult to get to due to living on an Island). We have very limited storage and a very small freezer so we rely alot on pastas, rices, and anything that can be stored for a while. Don't have much access to fresh fruit or veggies or even a way to keep things like Healthy Choice frozen dinners available. So while I know this will be a battle it is only for a few months of the year while there is no mainland access. And on the positive note, the island is full of hills and miles of woods to walk. I may not get much to the woods during the winter, but there ar NO cars allowed on the island (yes you read that right NO CARS) so we have to walk everywhere...So the walking will definately be a big help, just need to figure out a way to battle the food issue!

Thanks for listening and if any of you want to add me to your friends list-kaybear932000 is my name on here!

Also, I am wanting to start a blog here but can't find where the spot is to begin one. I can read other peoples but can't figure out how to start one?