It's not normal, it's not human...I keep looking at my diary. I have been eating all day. I had an english muffin breakfast from weight watchers for lunch, then another one for snack...then a healthy choice lunch, 3 chocalate nuggets, 2 oragnes...that shoudl be more than enough for normal human beings! I have only 270 calories left for the rest of the day (its only 4:07) and I am literally staving to death...I can chew through my desk right now. I am not particularly stressed or unhappy, and I am aware of my boredom since office is dead due to holidays, but I am feeling physical achy starvation signals. How can I keep this up for a year in order for me to lose weight? anyone else go through this?

My weight is 240
I have managed to lose 10 lbs from start
Goal weight is 160
I am 5'7 female



  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member

    My weight is 240
    I have managed to lose 10 lbs from start
    Goal weight is 160
    I am 5'7 female


    What is your calorie intake goal for the day?
  • katcena
    katcena Posts: 326 Member
    Oh no honey! That is not enough food for anyone!!! How many cals are youset at right now? I have eaten that much in the fist 3 hours I am awake! Well, minus the
  • katcena
    katcena Posts: 326 Member
    I looked at your diary....why are you set at 1200 calories??? That is WAY too low for you!!
    You need to change your settings on MFP to 1 pound per week probably have it at 2 or more?
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    You're set for 1200 calories a day. Did you select 2lbs a week as a goal? Change it to 1lb a week.

    I'm 5'9", when I was trying to lose weight at 160lbs I was eating 1750 net.
  • Fashionista012
    Fashionista012 Posts: 51 Member
    my calorie goal is 1200 daily. I am too starving to work out rightnow so no excercise points and out of 1200 I have 270 left and I havent even counted the oranges yet.
  • Jess5825
    Jess5825 Posts: 228
    Your ticker in your profile says you have 100 pounds to lose. If that is true then I doubt MFP set you at 1200 calories, even if you set it to lose 2 lb per week. DId you manually set that?
  • sheshe32
    sheshe32 Posts: 195 Member
    I agree with everyone else. For your weight 1200 aren't enough calories. I would up them and see how you go. You shouldnt be hungry/starving.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    my calorie goal is 1200 daily. I am too starving to work out rightnow so no excercise points and out of 1200 I have 270 left and I havent even counted the oranges yet.

    I would recommend that you increase your base intake before exercise. You'll get mixed opinions on this. My recommendation would be AT LEAST 1600-1800 before exercise. You could very likely eat more than this and still lose.
  • Fashionista012
    Fashionista012 Posts: 51 Member
    Hi yes it was set manually. I was trying to go by weight watchers points and calories. trying to stick to 24 points (50 cals each)

    If I can lose on more I will! I will change to 1 lb a week! thank you
  • katcena
    katcena Posts: 326 Member
    Okay, did a quick calc on your Sedentary (sitting at a desk all day) your BMR is 2280 calories. You should set your MFP goal at about 20% less than that. So, that would be 450-500 cals less. Let's say your goal to lose 1 pound per week should be 1780 calories. That is probably why you are starving.

    Also, as for your morning breakfast choices...if I can off some advice. Instead of the English Muffin....try having oatmeal, eggs, and yogurt. For that same 420 calories you had empty simple carbs you could have had complex carbs (oatmeal=150 cals) an egg (protein=90 cals) and greek yogurt (protein 100 cals) totl of 340 cals....throw in some fruit (50 cals) and you have a feast for less calories than what you had today. All tht protein will also help to keep you full longer!

    If you want some reading material and see where I got your BMR go here

    And if you want to read a long, but very informative article on how your BMR and claories work for your body go here

    Good luck and feel free to friend me and message me anytime if you need to chat! I am off to work now....but will be on again later tonight! :) Keep your chin up! And eat some food! I suggest some nuts, fish, chicken breast (only 100 cals in 4 oz).....a huge salad with chicken breast and light dressing can be around 300 calories and very filling as well as healthy!
  • baypathgradLyns
    baypathgradLyns Posts: 639 Member
    at one point, MFP had brought me down to 1200 calories, and I felt like I was starving myself, so that didn't last long, I upped it to 1400 and when I exercise I usually eat back some of my exercise calories too!
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    Hi yes it was set manually. I was trying to go by weight watchers points and calories. trying to stick to 24 points (50 cals each)

    If I can lose on more I will! I will change to 1 lb a week! thank you
    Give MyFitnessPal's recommendations a chance before you start fiddling with your goals manually.
  • steffiejoe
    steffiejoe Posts: 313 Member
    I took a quick look at your food dairy . I think you should eat more lean proteins , and foods that are more filling. Looks like you eat alot of weight watchers meals. I try to stay away from prepackaged meals as they do not keep me full. If I have to have them I always add extra vegetables .
  • mydeloo78
    mydeloo78 Posts: 328 Member
    I would also recommend getting some veggies in. Very filling without adding a lot of calories.. or low calorie high volume snacks such as microwave popcorn. Think volume. Also, are you drinking all your water?
  • Jess5825
    Jess5825 Posts: 228
    I did WW, and I had more than 24 points when I was 100 ld over weight. Set your goal to 2 lb per week and eat that. You should be able to lose with that. I'm sure you'll get more. 1200 calories is to low. I ate solely 1200 calories for 8 months and messed up my metabolism and I'm still trying to fix it.
  • traceracer
    traceracer Posts: 303 Member
    Yep these people are right and you need to up your calories:)
  • doornumber03
    doornumber03 Posts: 221 Member
    my calorie goal is 1200 daily. I am too starving to work out rightnow so no excercise points and out of 1200 I have 270 left and I havent even counted the oranges yet.

    I understand why you are starving....that's not nearly enough food for most. Listen to your body and increase your calories considerably. How did you come up with 1200 calories....was it reading someone elses? Don't read something and then do it. Set MFP at 1 1/2 -2lb loss/week. 1200 does not seem healthy at all for you if you have 100lbs to lose.
  • cantjustcant
    cantjustcant Posts: 1,027 Member
    I started here at 231 with 77 to lose (just inside healthy bmi) Myh base calories without exercise were almost 1500 at 2 pounds a week loss. Let mfp set your calories for can too do this! Hell I am doing it!
  • LMHinson15
    LMHinson15 Posts: 201 Member
    I'm just about 240 as well... so maybe we're similar enough that I can be helpful? I'm NO expert, I speak only from experience.

    I'm losing just about 1 lb per week and I'm at 1700/day. I usually workout and eat back half of those calories.

    I don't have experience with WW points system, but I'm finding GREAT success just recording food, staying in calorie goals, and working out.
  • Fashionista012
    Fashionista012 Posts: 51 Member
    thanks everyone!! I just changed it to 1lb a week and it gave me over 1700 calories!!! I hope that is not too much now! But atleast I can work out. I was literally going to pass out. I definately need support here, if you need a support buddy add me as a friend! xoxo happy new year