Sudden Frenemy??

OK, I have a friend who I see about once a year. I am married and she is separated. She enters the house and she looks GREAT! Dyed her hair and dropped a couple sizes. I told her she looks wonderful!

Immediately she starts playing with my hair and pointing out my few grey strands. She used to have them and I always had them. Hmm.

For the rest of the trip she does and says these little things where alone I can blow them off, but I have reached the tipping point form the sheer volume.


"I saw all these size 12 clothes in storage, I can't believe I was ever that big!" (I'm a size 12).

"When I had grey strands, they aged me about ten years. They don't age you, you still look like you're in your forties." (I'm exactly 40. My other friend said loudly, "OR YOUNGER!")

She starts bouncing up and down in front of my husband saying her pants are fallilng off, they are so loose. (We both look at each other and say at the same time, "Then you should get a belt.")

She refers to my daughter as "Daughther Two". She calls her "Madre Dos." (Getting old.)

We're at dinner and she changes the whole order for the whole table.

We're at the mall and I get my eyebrows threaded. She does too. (But she has no real eyebrows.)

My DH has to drive her somewhere because she didn't have a rental car yet. She gets out and says, "The town's tongues will be wagging now!"

Our families all want to go to the mall. I wanted to stay home. She says, "That's OK, (DH) just said that I can be his wife!" (He didn't say that, I was there.) I say (jokingly), "You can have 'em!" She is out of ammunition. His face falls.

She takes photos and puts unflattering shots of me on my Wall. (I used Photoshop, reuploaded and got tons of compliments. Heh heh.)

I feel like she is is trying to establish some weird sort of dominance. If she's interested in my husband, I'm not too worried because we both work closely together at home. But I am getting pissed.


  • Tracy9377
    Tracy9377 Posts: 73 Member
    What a brat!! She sounds really insecure. By not getting reactive or becoming intimidated, you are refusing to give in. Good for you! Anyone can lose weight, and all it takes is money to dye hair and buy new clothes. There's no fixing a nasty personality. It's very encouraging that your husband isn't caught up in it. Does he see what she's doing?
  • Signia
    Signia Posts: 21
    He honestly can't see what she's doing. My other friend can and can point out details I've missed! Difference between the sexes, I guess!