Stop it!!

If you feel like you are slacking in certain areas or making excuses for why the diet didn't work or the exercises didn't get's time to take the bull by the horns and own up to it and say that I am the reason it didn't work. There are only so many times that you can find something or someone to blame it on. Take time to look yourself in the mirror and say that it's time for me to kick it into gear because I am the only one who can get the job done. We can and will give you all the support that you need but the ultimate responsibility falls on you. So no more of the "I couldn't workout because"..or the "I feel so badly that I gave in to a craving and binged"....or "I just didn't feel like it,so everyone feel sorry for me" lines. They are over and it's time to "right the ship" and get back on course. You know that you are strong enough to make it happen,so don't make excuses for not getting it done......Time to go to work!!!!!
