It's Peanut Butter Jelly Time!

I absolutely love nut butters [almond, cashew & peanut]. Peanut [almond or cashew] butter & jelly sandwiches are on my list for lunch. I'm looking for ways to jazz it up. Besides dried fruit, granola, bananas & fruit, what would you add?

By the way, I use all natural nut butters & fruit preservatives..on different varieties of wheat bread.


  • AnarchoGen
    AnarchoGen Posts: 400 Member
    A friend of mine told me the other day growing up her mom made pb&j in lettuce instead of bread. She's never had weight issues or anything out of the ordinary, it was something her mom just made. I've never heard of doing it before but I thought I'd share. I personally haven't tried it yet, but it's one of the things I'd like to try as a cheat food
  • itsmskimmichelle
    itsmskimmichelle Posts: 68 Member
    Interesting! I love bread so I don't think I could opt for lettuce instead but I'll keep that in mind!
  • AnarchoGen
    AnarchoGen Posts: 400 Member
    Not sure if anything is off limits in your diet but I just remembered last week I made my son a peanut butter sandwich with crushed oreos in it. He didn't want any jelly - I had left over crushed cookies... it was a rare opportunity.
  • itsmskimmichelle
    itsmskimmichelle Posts: 68 Member
    Yummy! Trying it! =D