Starting Over

I started changing my life just after my 40th Birthday. When I moved to the USA I weighed 220lbs after two kids and working in an office all day!

I wanted to reach 140lbs my height is 5*8 and I new I would be happy with this. I finally got to 160lb and a size 10 from a size 22 so was really pleased until I went had a mamogram and found out I had Breast Cancer!

So for a year of Cancer Treatment and 5 surgeries. My body did put on weight, and peeked at 194lb (which is very painful) but with the drugs and feeling sick, trying to eat right was hard.

My last treatment was October 31st and my last surgery was November and a week later (right or wrong) I went back to working out and December I grabbed myself a trainer. Its been a month now and Ive not lost any weight or inches and so of course Im upset! Also my strength is zero as soon as I start doing weights lifting with my arms etc everything just gets zapped my whole top half is weak. Which upsets me because this is just not me. So I have had to spell it out to the trainer can we deal with the legs and middle do weight loss and leave the top half to the end of the session so it doesnt kill me at the start!

The other thing was Oatmeal in the mornings this seems to be having a negative effect on me thus not loosing weight and so now her suggestion is Fruit and Greek yogurt (nastie) Trying to eat that this morning was horrible but I did it and tomorrow morning I think Ill blend it all with an EAS shake and drink it lol

I know with having Cancer I should expect to be weak but I need to move on and close that chapter and take my life back and carry on with my goal of 140lbs. I dont want to have to keep promissing myself soon soon.

My other problem is meal ideas, I am a seriously boring plain cook. I dont like spicy food or anything strange looking and hate cottage cheese. Bread and Pastas are my enemy so I have to stay away from those.

Any advice would be welcome but please be gentle with me. I am doing well with beating myself up daily!

Sorry for the long post just so much to get out there lol

Thanks Jade


  • ChristineDiet
    ChristineDiet Posts: 719 Member

    I just came across your post. I was looking for some success stories of people going from 220lbs (I was 217lbs) down to 140lbs.

    I am so sorry to hear your story and hope that you are in full recovery from the breast cancer. I hope your trainer is being easy on you, especially your upper body.

    This post was done in December, I just started this a month ago, are you still on here and aiming to get back down to 140lbs? We could do this journey together if you like.

    I'm about to turn 40 (in a week!), unfortunately I will be 'fat at forty', but hopefully later in the year will be 'fab at forty'! That's my goal. I've got 15 weeks till a girly holiday to celebrate my 40th and then another holiday in August where (if possible) I would like to achieve my ultimate goal, or close to it!

    Hope you are well. x
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,874 Member
    First of all, you are AMAZING! You've been through hell and back with the treatments and surgeries. Just as you asked us to be gentle with you, be gentle with yourself! Your treatments might have ended, but you still have a lot of healing to do.

    You don't want to eat oatmeal in the morning, and don't like Greek yogurt (don't with, neither do I!) How about eggs/egg whites scrambled with some veggies and maybe a little cheese and ham? I eat egg salad on whole wheat toast some mornings. Is it the oatmeal itself, or the stuff added to it that is hurting you? I like steel cut oats (ling cooking) with blueberries or apples, a tiny splash of cream, and just 1 tsp of raw sugar for a bit of added sweetness.

    I'm sure you can do this. You've come so far already!