The ever Popular Cleanse Topic/Debate!

So I know this is either a taboo topic or a legitimate one I guess depending on whichever side of the fence you are on. And when you do choose a side am I wrong or does it seem like you can even be further critisized or your motives and intentions questioned further. If you think cleanses are good- well is it because of your weight loss needs or because of you holistic needs. And which needs are "right" or "appropriate and healthy" I mean the answer is obvious, but do we really need to start sitting here and point fingers and look down our noses at someone who is maybe taking a look at an "alternative" or a "boost"? Now with all that being said and out there and before we all go off on each other's comments when answering this post, but I am curious about a few things.

For those of you who have done cleanses or believe in them which ones are the most effective- Do you think the full on fasting cleanes are what they are cracked out to be. The reason I'm asking is not for a weight loss reason, but more of a cleansing toxin situation.... IS there anyone out there who has a cleanse or something that is really good either taste and or results wise lol. Just wondering if there are some good shakes or home remedies out there that can help with some cleansing.

If this isnt the way to go and you're going to preach to me about vitamins supplements and how im deprving myself or whatever, well than give me something else to do or some other remedy.....

I may not know a lot about fitness but I have a mean at home facial masque you can try :)


  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    The body does an excellent job of "cleansing" itself. Just treat it right and it will treat you right. There is no "cleanse" as effective as simply eating well.

    "The best way to 'detox' the body is simply to let your body do its job. Unless you have a medical problem, your body takes care of itself quite nicely, experts say."

    "The liver and kidneys are nature's best-kept secret, because they are the weapons to eliminate toxins from your body," says Gerbstadt. "If you are concerned about certain substances in your diet, it is easier and safer to simply eliminate [those substances] rather than engage in unhealthy detox plans."

    According to Chau Che MD, with New York University:

    "Despite evidence to the contrary, the idea that colon cleansing is therapeutic by removing impurities, lives on. However, these claims largely fail to consider normal physiology. The digestive tract has inherent properties that work to clean our colon. After food ingestion, the small intestine absorbs nutrients and contracts to move indigestible residue into the colon. The colon continues the digestive process by absorbing and secreting electrolytes and fluids while its resident bacteria ferments the undigested food products. These are just some of the many mechanisms in which the digestive tract works in order to ensure that the colon does not become encrusted with fecal matter as some products claim. The black, rubbery material passed on a colon cleanse is actually a byproduct from the supplements and fiber in the colon cleansing product as opposed to old fecal material, in which consumers are led to believe."
    Reviewed by Michael Poles MD and Fritz Francois MD, NYU Division of Gastroenterology
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    What exactly are you trying to cleanse?
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    The body does an excellent job of "cleansing" itself. Just treat it right and it will treat you right. There is no "cleanse" as effective as simply eating well.

    "The best way to 'detox' the body is simply to let your body do its job. Unless you have a medical problem, your body takes care of itself quite nicely, experts say."

    "The liver and kidneys are nature's best-kept secret, because they are the weapons to eliminate toxins from your body," says Gerbstadt. "If you are concerned about certain substances in your diet, it is easier and safer to simply eliminate [those substances] rather than engage in unhealthy detox plans."

    According to Chau Che MD, with New York University:

    "Despite evidence to the contrary, the idea that colon cleansing is therapeutic by removing impurities, lives on. However, these claims largely fail to consider normal physiology. The digestive tract has inherent properties that work to clean our colon. After food ingestion, the small intestine absorbs nutrients and contracts to move indigestible residue into the colon. The colon continues the digestive process by absorbing and secreting electrolytes and fluids while its resident bacteria ferments the undigested food products. These are just some of the many mechanisms in which the digestive tract works in order to ensure that the colon does not become encrusted with fecal matter as some products claim. The black, rubbery material passed on a colon cleanse is actually a byproduct from the supplements and fiber in the colon cleansing product as opposed to old fecal material, in which consumers are led to believe."
    Reviewed by Michael Poles MD and Fritz Francois MD, NYU Division of Gastroenterology

    EEG FTW and great post sir.

    I can think of three reasons so far, to do a cleanse:

    1) Spiritual/personal reasons.
    2) Necessity due to upcoming surgical procedure.
    3) You have a medical condition that prevents your body from doing it's job.

    Beyond that, I'm stumped.

    But, I'm not pointing fingers or judging you OP. If you want to do it, do it. The only reason I chime in on these threads is so people aren't mislead by some ridiculous documentary or some other dietary fad that convinces them that somehow their organs aren't cleansing them appropriately.