
I started P90X2 this week and I would like to team up with anyone who is also doing P90X2, or is planning on starting it soon. Together we can motivate and support each other through this new challenge of P90X! So far I like the setup of the program, it has the characteristics of P90X with the One on One and P90X plus formulas thrown in. The flexibility of the nutrition and workout schedule also are a nice addition from the original format. This program is a great way for me to start the new year and to help keep my fitness and health goals on track.


  • Scorpioangel
    Scorpioangel Posts: 951 Member
    I started P90X2 this week and I would like to team up with anyone who is also doing P90X2, or is planning on starting it soon. Together we can motivate and support each other through this new challenge of P90X! So far I like the setup of the program, it has the characteristics of P90X with the One on One and P90X plus formulas thrown in. The flexibility of the nutrition and workout schedule also are a nice addition from the original format. This program is a great way for me to start the new year and to help keep my fitness and health goals on track.

    Hey I am doing P90X 2 also! I am about to finish up week 3 - what do you think of it so far?? :)
  • Just got mine yesterday! I'm not sure if I can start it yet though because of my past "success" with the P90X. I've started it three times and gotten to day 78, 34 and 29 but never finished. At this point, I had been using the videos as supplemental work-outs. Should I hold off before starting this new one?

    It looks pretty awesome though, I was way excited about getting it!
  • mattkosc
    mattkosc Posts: 93 Member
    Scorpio, I like it so far. It feels like Tony went back to the original way of training like in P90X. I also like the focus on the core, I don't think there is enough of that in many of the programs.

    Stephelan, if you made it to day 78, (congrats btw, P90X is hard) you should give P90X2 a try. The first phase is like a "get used to the program" phase and you have the choice of making it anywhere from 3 to 6 weeks long. You will know if you are ready to tackle P90X2 now or not by then. Good Luck!
  • Yeah, I ended up going on a long trip and never fell back into the groove of it. I like Tony's style so his DVDs are the only ones I've been able to stick with for longer than a week at a time.

    Get used to the program? Is it much different from the first one? Because I'd imagine that most people doing it have already done the previous one. When I was looking at it earlier just to see, it seemed like it required a lot of equipment which I wasn't too excited about since the original one didn't.
  • mattkosc
    mattkosc Posts: 93 Member
    P90X2 is different as far as the moves go, still the same idea, just different, and sometimes more advanced moves. As far as the extra equipment, you can always modify, one person on screen will show you how to do without the extra equipment. I don't have the medicine or stability balls yet or a foam roller, so I am modifying right now. I plan on getting them soon though so I can feel all the pain (joking). Using the med balls to balance looks awesome and I can't wait to try it!
  • ChantelleFowler
    ChantelleFowler Posts: 208 Member
    I started P90X2 this week! Just completed day 4 this evening. Loving it so far. =]

    I'd say that the moves are much more advanced this time around because there seems to be a heavy focus on balance/core work in addition to what exercise you're doing.


    P90X - pushups
    P90X2 - pushups while balancing on med balls

    I love it though!
  • mattkosc
    mattkosc Posts: 93 Member
    Chantelle, after my first week I am loving P90X2 also! I love the focus on the core in most of the workouts, being that I have back issues I need all I can to strengthen my core. The use of the balance and med balls to make the workouts "interesting" and challenging is awesome!
  • ChantelleFowler
    ChantelleFowler Posts: 208 Member
    I definitely agree with you on enjoying the core focus. I also have lower back issues due, in part, to a weak core so I'm hoping P90X2 will help with that! :)
  • Scorpioangel
    Scorpioangel Posts: 951 Member
    I just started Phase 2 of P90X 2 this morning and I can tell you right now I know why we did Phase 1 so much now! WOW it was a killer workout! :) Loving it!
  • rider72
    rider72 Posts: 119
    I just started week one of X2, and I'll agree to all prior comments about the format, the plan and core focus. I am really liking the program so far. I will admit that I love Plyocide...what a creeper workout! I love that Tony incorporates moves that change up the muscles used just enough to make your body keep working. I had been doing an Insanity / P90X hybrid, and I was still crazy sore after the first three days of X2.

    I used to work with a trainer years ago who had me in a program along these lines, and I had amazing results...so,I know this program will deliver what I'm looking for.
  • mattkosc
    mattkosc Posts: 93 Member
    I can't wait until phase 2, I want to do more of the weight training, but I will stick to phase 1 until I complete the 3 week minimum.
  • MDWilliams1857
    MDWilliams1857 Posts: 315 Member
    I haven't done P90X2 or P90X but I would like to. I did the regular Power 90, I completed 3 rounds (120 days) and started on round 4 but it got boring doing the same things for so long. I didn't have the money to get P90X due to being laid off from work and there is a Planet Fitness close by for $10 a month so I joined there. Good luck to all of you, I know Power 90 was intense so I can imagine what P90X and P90X2 would be like.
  • dauenhab
    dauenhab Posts: 33 Member
    I will be starting the program shortly. Can't lift weights right now and I just got the dvds yesterday. I will start with the stretching then when I get the doctor's ok I will start.
  • Scorpioangel
    Scorpioangel Posts: 951 Member
    I started Phase 2 this week and so far so good! I did do an Insanity Max Interval workout on my rest day though :)
  • rider72
    rider72 Posts: 119
    Woke up today and was wanting a better workout than a Recovery+Mobility day.....by the time I finished the 'recovery' all I could think was "how awesome was that?!?!"

    Funny how many knots you dont realize you have hiding in your muscles.... So happy they included that into the Phase 1
  • mattkosc
    mattkosc Posts: 93 Member
    I'm finally back after having a week of internet issues :( I am just finishing up my 2nd week of phase 1, I think my favorite part of this phase is the workouts on the stability ball which makes you focus and makes you keep your body tight. The extra day of recovery is nice.
  • ChantelleFowler
    ChantelleFowler Posts: 208 Member
    I also like the extra recovery day. I can't wait to see what Phase 2 has in store for us! =]

    I must say, though, that I have seen significant improvements in my ability to correctly do each exercise from week one to week two! For example, my mule kick burpees the first week were scary and I wasnt able to do them the whole duration of the exercise. But week two, I was able to complete them for the whole minute! =] And in week one, Dreya rolls w/ the med ball seemed impossible but week two, I rocked them! =] I can't wait to see what other improvements come over the next 10.5 weeks!!
  • Scorpioangel
    Scorpioangel Posts: 951 Member
    I just finished my first week of phase 2 and am happy! It is going so well so far. I also did a 2 mile run with a 1.22 power walk. What a way to end the week :) Can't wait for rest day tomorrow. I am still undecided on how long I will stay in phase 2 :)
  • mattkosc
    mattkosc Posts: 93 Member
    That's awesome Chantelle! I'm glad that you are able to adapt and improve on your second week! Keep it up, your doing great!

    A 2 mile run after a full week of P90X2 Scorpio, wow! You are committed, wtg!
  • mattkosc
    mattkosc Posts: 93 Member
    Almost to the end of week 3. I can't wait to start phase 2 on Monday!