Less than 1200 calories?

Is it okay to eat a little less than 1200 calories despite what MFP says about starving the body? Like I mean, eating between 900 to 1200 calories because my goal is set at eating 1200 calories a day but I can't always be on the dot.


  • cask16
    cask16 Posts: 196 Member
    MFP also gave me a target of 1200 - I guess youre already quite small?
    I find that if I am on or below 1200 for a too long in a row I stop seeing weight loss but so long as I now and again break that up with days where I go over (which isnt hard esp. at weeekends!) then I'm fine.
    Hope this helps!
  • cask16
    cask16 Posts: 196 Member
    MFP also gave me a target of 1200 - I guess youre already quite small?
    I find that if I am on or below 1200 for a too long in a row I stop seeing weight loss but so long as I now and again break that up with days where I go over (which isnt hard esp. at weeekends!) then I'm fine.
    Hope this helps!
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    i don't know you eating or exercise habits, but i'm going to assume you do what many people do when they want to lose weight: they starve themselves and do lots of cardio. women are the worst offenders, but men are guilt about doing this too. being overweight, you need to slowly adjust to this. remember, this is 80% nutrition.

    so you set your "loss per week" goal to about 2lbs per week, and it spat out 1200, and you try to stay under that number. you might even be underestimating your daily activity level (without exercise) to sedentary. unless you are truly an office drone that sits at a desk all day, you should be at least at lightly active. remember, that number is already a deficit. you shouldn't be trying to come under it. if anything, go OVER!!

    i think that if you are new to this game, you should change your weight loss settings for a loss of 1lb per week, and come as close as possible to the number MFP gives you. heck, if you go over by 200 its in the end of the world. while you're playing with your settings, take a look at what you maintenance calories are. see that number? as long as you eat under that number, you will still be at a calorie deficit. also, check out the tools bar, and check out your BMR. that is the number of calories your body needs just to stay alive if you were in a coma. do not eat less then this number.

    while you are eating more, you need to chose healthy foods. however, so many people get into diet mode, and think all they can eat are egg whites and vegtables. fruits and veggies need to be included in a regular diet, but don't exlude foods like beef, pork, chicken (if you eat meat) because it gives you very essential proteins. if you are a vegitarian, you can get very good protein from many sources. btw, check out quinoa. i love it. its a grain that is also loaded in protein. yeah, don't cut out carbs completely. they are good for you.

    i know a couple of women on here that were at 1200 calories. i told them pretty much what i told you now: eat more. i also told them to start strength training to supplement their cardio. at first they balked at upping their calories, but now they are like new people. their attitude has improved, they have lost more weight, inches (body fat percentage), and have more energy. i'm actually really inspired by them.
  • ConsciousGirl
    i don't know you eating or exercise habits, but i'm going to assume you do what many people do when they want to lose weight: they starve themselves and do lots of cardio. women are the worst offenders, but men are guilt about doing this too. being overweight, you need to slowly adjust to this. remember, this is 80% nutrition.

    so you set your "loss per week" goal to about 2lbs per week, and it spat out 1200, and you try to stay under that number. you might even be underestimating your daily activity level (without exercise) to sedentary. unless you are truly an office drone that sits at a desk all day, you should be at least at lightly active. remember, that number is already a deficit. you shouldn't be trying to come under it. if anything, go OVER!!

    i think that if you are new to this game, you should change your weight loss settings for a loss of 1lb per week, and come as close as possible to the number MFP gives you. heck, if you go over by 200 its in the end of the world. while you're playing with your settings, take a look at what you maintenance calories are. see that number? as long as you eat under that number, you will still be at a calorie deficit. also, check out the tools bar, and check out your BMR. that is the number of calories your body needs just to stay alive if you were in a coma. do not eat less then this number.

    while you are eating more, you need to chose healthy foods. however, so many people get into diet mode, and think all they can eat are egg whites and vegtables. fruits and veggies need to be included in a regular diet, but don't exlude foods like beef, pork, chicken (if you eat meat) because it gives you very essential proteins. if you are a vegitarian, you can get very good protein from many sources. btw, check out quinoa. i love it. its a grain that is also loaded in protein. yeah, don't cut out carbs completely. they are good for you.

    i know a couple of women on here that were at 1200 calories. i told them pretty much what i told you now: eat more. i also told them to start strength training to supplement their cardio. at first they balked at upping their calories, but now they are like new people. their attitude has improved, they have lost more weight, inches (body fat percentage), and have more energy. i'm actually really inspired by them.

    Thanks for the advice but my "loss per week" goal is actually set to 1lb per week already. It doesn't let me set it to 2lbs per week. I have a fear of going over the calorie intake as well.
    Anyways considering it says to eat 1200 calories per day at 1lb loss per week. Is eating slightly less than that okay then?
  • Fit_Forever25
    Fit_Forever25 Posts: 313 Member
    Well I have the same kinda question .. according to MFP my BMR is 1400 but my daily goal is 1270 calories
    I always try to add some activities like cardio/strength training and lose some calories there so that I can eat few more calories.
    But really dont understand this concept.. ideally a healthy woman should eat around 2000 calories but I agree for weight loss we need to eat less but 1200?? isn't that too less?
    I was confused so I took it this way that I have to have some activities in my diary with which I can burn some calories and then I can eat more than 1200.
    Does MFP BMR really holds good?
  • Fit_Forever25
    Fit_Forever25 Posts: 313 Member
    Thanks for the advice but my "loss per week" goal is actually set to 1lb per week already. It doesn't let me set it to 2lbs per week. I have a fear of going over the calorie intake as well.
    Anyways considering it says to eat 1200 calories per day at 1lb loss per week. Is eating slightly less than that okay then?

    Hey Gal!
    I dont think eating less than 1200 is a good habbit
    First of all .. that means you are starving your body
    and second of all you wont get all the essential nutrients for your body and trust me thats the worst thing you can do to your body.
    I have tried dieting alot 2 years back and I end up losing weight but at the expense of my health! I started fainting and feeling fatigue every other day. So trust me thats bad!
    Try to do some activities and exercises which will burn some calories and then you will be able to consume more.
    But in anyway do not eat less than 1200 in that case. And keep in mind! Never starve yourself! that way you will only put on weight even without eating anything fattening.
  • Aaloo79
    Aaloo79 Posts: 105
    From what I know (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basal_metabolic_rate)
    BMR is no of calories burnt by body just by sitting in a vegetative state. There are many formulaes to predict it. Give or take 5-7%!
    its not the most perfect mechanism but still a good indication of calories consumed by body while you are at rest. So MFT estimation is quite OKish.

    Now remember, there are atlest two more energy expenditures:
    1. Calories burnt for digesting the food and get energy from the food.
    2. Calories burnt for slightest of activities like doing your day to day activities.

    Normally for completely Sedentary lifestyle, BMR is normally multiplied by 1.2 to caculate the targeted food intake, the multiplier is higher for more active lifestyles.

    You might notice that in calculating the target calories intake in MFT, its automatically adjusted. You may verify this by choosing "maintain the current weight" in http://www.myfitnesspal.com/account/change_goals_guided. The new calories target is roughly 1.2 times your BMR (for sedentary people).

    Going below 1200 calories a day is said to be dangerous for a number of factors:
    1. You body will go into a emergency mode. Some people say that it will think there is a famine of whatever and try to conserve as much energy as possible. It would slow down a lot of mechanisms in the body. Slow thinking, slow response of your immune system to name a few.
    2. It will try to shed the muscles to conserve energy, and we are not talking about just the biceps or triceps but muscles even from the vital organs like heart for example.
    Although, nobody can 100% substantiate these claims but its not worth to try and experiment with our own bodies on this. Isn't it?
  • snailrunner
    snailrunner Posts: 215 Member
    My BMR is 1229...if I cut down to 1200 that 29 calorie deficit is not really going to have an impact, is it?! I set my calories at 1300 and it has taken me three months to lose 4kg, I'm fine with that. I plan to lose another 2kg and I don't mind if it takes another three months. I eat at least half my exercise calories and I try to minimise my intake of processed food.

    I read lots of posts on here saying 1200 is too low, which is why I put my intake up to 1300 (and more, if exercising).
  • ConsciousGirl
    Another thing I'm curious about:
    Is there really a difference with eating say 1100 calories a day and 1200 calories a day? The difference is only 100 though so by that small amount the body can't be going into starvation mode, can it?
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    To the OP:

    Why not hold a discussion with your primary care physician? Or if you are currently seeing a specialist, run it by them?

    Reason I say this is because every person is different. What might be considered ok to one person, could be either good or bad for the other.

    For my situation, I have had this relative discussion with three physician/specialists that I am currently being cared by, and NONE of them had any problem whatsoever that if I have a 900-1000 calorie day so long as it is well balanced, has variety and that I am to report to them if I have any problems that come up to keep them informed.

    There are days that 900 calories is all I can get in. The course of action that the Endocrinologist wants me to take has been a really positive difference because its left me not hungry at times... If I get hungry, I have plenty of healthy foods to choose from at home AND at work (I work as a chef)...

    Please talk with your doctor(s) and discuss what is calorically right for you....
  • auntie_missy
    auntie_missy Posts: 113 Member
    It's okay to dip below 1200 on occasion. It's not okay to force yourself to eat to meet some internet calculators one-size-fits-all result. Any reliable information I've seen on starvation/emergency mode suggests that it kicks in after an extended period of time of starving your body, and that there is no way to know for sure where your "line" is where your body feels like it's starving because every body is different - could be 800, could be 1300. Even in starvation/emergency mode, you may continue to lose weight, just slower. However, you risk losing muscle as well.
    A big reason why medical recommendations have settled on 1200 for women, 1500 for men as a minimum calorie intake is that it is really hard to get enough of all the nutrients your body needs on a lower calorie intake.
  • stayxtrue
    stayxtrue Posts: 1,190 Member
    There has already been some great advice here! I couldnt agree with it anymore.

    Eating too little will put your body into a starvation mode and doing excess cardio you will end up losing more than what you want ie muscle and so on! You need to keep you whole body healthy to lose weight. Also muscle burns more calories, so I would highly recommend doing some strength training as well as cardio to get those muscles burning more calories. 1200 should be the base limit as you need to make sure your body is getting all the nutrients it needs.

    MFP set mine to 1200 and I was so freaking hungry it wasnt funny. So I have been slowly creeping it up and noticing that I am not gaining weight. The best way I know is to work out your maintenance calories and multiply it by .20 at the most, and subtract his from your maintenance.

    IE if my maintenance was 2500 I would multiply it by .20 which gives me 500... Therefore I will be eating 2000 calories and still losing weight as I am in a deficit.

    Quite often MFP will give something too low as it is based on a general calculation. I highly recommend doing some research and look into it yourself.

    all the best
  • Tattoos_and_Tea
    Tattoos_and_Tea Posts: 529 Member
    After reading this thread and its excellent information, ive changed my daily calorie goal to 1200 and im going to do my best to reach it each day. Thank you all :-)
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I also want to add that when I went from 1200 up to 1470 I didn't gain an ounce. I think there's a range where you can add a few calories and not gain, so if you are not feeling satisfied at 1200 try adding 100 calories at a time of calorie dense or high protein foods to help you stay full.
  • midwifekelley2350
    midwifekelley2350 Posts: 337 Member
    i don't know you eating or exercise habits, but i'm going to assume you do what many people do when they want to lose weight: they starve themselves and do lots of cardio. women are the worst offenders, but men are guilt about doing this too. being overweight, you need to slowly adjust to this. remember, this is 80% nutrition.

    so you set your "loss per week" goal to about 2lbs per week, and it spat out 1200, and you try to stay under that number. you might even be underestimating your daily activity level (without exercise) to sedentary. unless you are truly an office drone that sits at a desk all day, you should be at least at lightly active. remember, that number is already a deficit. you shouldn't be trying to come under it. if anything, go OVER!!

    i think that if you are new to this game, you should change your weight loss settings for a loss of 1lb per week, and come as close as possible to the number MFP gives you. heck, if you go over by 200 its in the end of the world. while you're playing with your settings, take a look at what you maintenance calories are. see that number? as long as you eat under that number, you will still be at a calorie deficit. also, check out the tools bar, and check out your BMR. that is the number of calories your body needs just to stay alive if you were in a coma. do not eat less then this number.

    while you are eating more, you need to chose healthy foods. however, so many people get into diet mode, and think all they can eat are egg whites and vegtables. fruits and veggies need to be included in a regular diet, but don't exlude foods like beef, pork, chicken (if you eat meat) because it gives you very essential proteins. if you are a vegitarian, you can get very good protein from many sources. btw, check out quinoa. i love it. its a grain that is also loaded in protein. yeah, don't cut out carbs completely. they are good for you.

    i know a couple of women on here that were at 1200 calories. i told them pretty much what i told you now: eat more. i also told them to start strength training to supplement their cardio. at first they balked at upping their calories, but now they are like new people. their attitude has improved, they have lost more weight, inches (body fat percentage), and have more energy. i'm actually really inspired by them.

    i am one of those girls he told to eat more and i needed that advice. i had been doing the same thing for a long time and thought that i knew how to eat...i feel tons better, have more energy, sleep better, and have gained some muscle (staying off scale on purpose for a few weeks!). i already look different. don't starve yourself..it doesnt work and it doesnt last!
  • rockchalkgrove
    rockchalkgrove Posts: 44 Member
    1200 is a very low caloric intake for anyone. If you exercise, you should be eating more. Eating less can make you gain, so NOT healthy at all.
  • TrophyWifeSass
    TrophyWifeSass Posts: 490 Member
    Double post
  • TrophyWifeSass
    TrophyWifeSass Posts: 490 Member
    I eat between 1500-1900 a day and am still losing weight and inches. Strength training has made all the difference. I go by my clothes and how they fit, the scale is awful and should be thrown in a river. So glad I didn't start my journey at 1200 it's hard to get away from that once started. Good luck to you!
  • ConsciousGirl
    I don't think it's a good idea to increase my calorie intake because I am starting off at a weight that is within the 'healthy' range and I also have a slow metabolism. I also don't think I can make myself eat any more, I felt fine by eating an overall of 955 calories yesterday.
    And like I said before, my loss per week is set at 1lb per week and it came out as 1200 calories daily.
  • midwifekelley2350
    midwifekelley2350 Posts: 337 Member
    I don't think it's a good idea to increase my calorie intake because I am starting off at a weight that is within the 'healthy' range and I also have a slow metabolism. I also don't think I can make myself eat any more, I felt fine by eating an overall of 955 calories yesterday.
    And like I said before, my loss per week is set at 1lb per week and it came out as 1200 calories daily.

    going too low will only "slow" your metabolism more.