Atkins induction?



  • Oh, and avoid the Atkins products if you can. You really need to eliminate the bad habits of consuming such decadent things before you can introduce something like that. A lot of people stall in weight loss after starting those products or can't limit themselves. The original Atkins discouraged use of them completely in induction, and really emphasized that they be consumed very infrequently after. The NEW company that bought out Atkins sells them and encourages them any time to make a buck.
  • THATS NOT ATKINS..really sorry to hear ur doc kept u like that..after the first two weeks u go up by 5rams every few weeks till ur still loosing but adding more whole grains and other veggies back in ur diet.. some can maintain their weight with up to 50-60grams daily this is def not for everyone but what u were on sounds way to strict!! to be living like that for that long of course u were not getting the nutrients and i try to have veggies with each meal everyday! long as what ur doing now is working then good for u :)
  • go to ur local library and GET A BOOK TO READ..thats what i did and the best thing i could have done iv learned so much instead of just going off of what people say.. The new Atkins for the new the book i checked out
  • LadyKT
    LadyKT Posts: 287 Member
    Oh, and avoid the Atkins products if you can. You really need to eliminate the bad habits of consuming such decadent things before you can introduce something like that. A lot of people stall in weight loss after starting those products or can't limit themselves. The original Atkins discouraged use of them completely in induction, and really emphasized that they be consumed very infrequently after. The NEW company that bought out Atkins sells them and encourages them any time to make a buck.

    Agreed. Frankenfoods as they're notoriously called, will cause a stall - not only that but there's some nasty stuff in them - the goal of Atkins shouldn't just be weight loss, it should also be for overall health AND a lifetime way of eating.
  • Agreed. I'm 3 months in on a ketogenic/lchf(low carb, high fat) diet, which is the general term for what essentially the Atkins induction phase diet is. Best thing I've ever done for sure, I'm convinced Keto style diets are the quickest and safest way to lose fat.

    Although in terms of general health, I don't think Atkins specifically is the best way to do keto, because they seem to promote using food substitutes such as health bars and such. For me Paleo is a much more healthy way of eating, it promotes eating only real wholefoods and natural heart friendly non-inflamatory fats.

    Some great resources (reddit down for another hour or two due to SOPA protest):
  • when i went on Atkins a few years ago i lost over 100 pounds on it....i have gained some back but the diet really have to have major willpower on it but usually only the first 3 days, after that my carb cravings pretty much went away, plus i have more energy....i just started the induction phase again today, my weight is 207.5 right now so will let yall know in 2 weeks how much ive lost....wish me luck
  • Good luck!! I'm on day 3 of induction!!!
  • kenzietate
    kenzietate Posts: 399 Member
    Hey guys

    I recently discovered that low carb dieting is really the best method of weight loss for me. I kinda got serious about this idea a little before Christmas but am now starting it now christmas has passed. I am starting the very low carb plan today.

    What have your experience on the Atkins induction phase? How long did you do it for and how much weight did you lose? I am tempted to do the induction but I don't know if it will be feasible to stay under 20grams of carbs a day...that does sound very intense.

    When i eat carbs from green veggies I do feel so much better, I really don't NEED white carbs and sugar in my diet , but I do crave them horribly. Whenever I start eating these kinds of things I compulsively eat, out of habit.

    Any thoughts?



    I am on a low carb/high fat (ketogenic) diet which is basically the Atkins Induction phase but long term. It is feasible to eat fewer than 20g per day regularly. After you stop eating carbs for about 2 weeks or so the cravings will start going away. Focus on getting your carbs from the veggies on the list. It won't curb your cravings because you aren't really craving carbs so much as the sugar in those carbs or made from them. Feeling icky is very normal and is called induction flu. You will be over it in the next couple of days. Drinking plenty of water will help along with drinking broth/bullion and making sure that you get enough potassium from leafy greens and/or a supplement. It is difficult to deal with the cravings but it will get much better! Make sure you get enough fat in your diet to satiate your hunger. For the first week or so, focus on staying under 20g carbs and getting adequate protein and just let the fat/calories be wherever.

    The easiest way I can get through the cravings is to pick something on the food list that is good for the diet (for me it is bacon) then when ever I crave carbs I make that instead. Foods with more fat tend to help cravings more.

    It is a great decision though! Good luck! :)
  • Lacrimablu
    Lacrimablu Posts: 17 Member
    I been reading about the Atkins diet. I heard from a friend that it works if you KEEP at it.

    I do protein shakes. (I have to), But I don't have to drink them if I can buy a piece of meat, chicken, tuna, shrimp and use that to increase my protein. Plus it gives me a LOT of calories. The protein shake gives me 320 calories which is good. Becuase I have trouble eating calories. My doctor has me at 1000 calories a day. If I can get to 1200 then that would be good. But 1000 is fine. Someimes I am lower than that. I dont go into starvation mode. I still lose weight. I want to say slow. But then I was checking it out. I am losing almost 1 1/2 to 2 lbs a week. Thats not bad. Is it? But the good thing is I am LOOSING the weight and not gaining it.

    Now I want to hear from people that have done or is doing the atkins diet. I notice I have lost weight drinking my protein......(since they dont say HOW much protein to take). My cars. I will go between 20...or 30. But my calories is not very high and I still am loosing weight. Am I doing it right. The other stuff like fiber and low. So does this diet really work. I read someone does phase 1.....two times and looses more weight. Am I doing it write.

    I do eat vegtables but not much. But I do eat a lot of protein meats and drink a lot of water and eat some stuff with carbs in it.

    I think I saw on droz show that the key is high protein and low carb and lots of water.

    Is that the answer to loosing weight?
  • robabob3
    robabob3 Posts: 79 Member
    Atkins is how I started my weight loss, went from 162kg (357pounds) down to 138kg (304 pounds) in under three months, it started really well for me which was surprising because I absolutely love carbs haha, my appetite become non-existent and i never got hungry or craved bad foods anymore. I did start to struggle a lot with atkins when I took up lifting weights, I was very weak at the gym and couldn't improve in any area's I just felt that I could'nt perform well while in a state of ketosis.

    After a while i felt I was fine and on track and allowed myself a few beers and pizza at a mate's 21st birthday, this was a big mistake for me as i completely fell off the wagon and started shovelling in the carbs, and going from such low calories due to having no appetite I put back a lot of weight quickly, 2 months later I was back to 152kg ( 335 pounds). I realised that for me personally a no carb lifestyle just isn't possible for me.

    So if your considering doing Atkins or any other diet for that matter please consider if you can sustain it as a lifestyle (which i could not for low carb) otherwise it's possible you could relapse like i did.

    Apologies for being long winded, just wanted to share my experience with atkins.
  • finallylean
    finallylean Posts: 553 Member
    Hi, I'm in the induction phase of Atkins and am very happy with my progress. I have been doing Atkins for a month and have lost 11 lbs. I average 1300-1500 calories a day. What I enjoy most about Atkins is that I am never ever hungry. I can't believe I am eating this way and losing 11 lbs. I absolutely love bacon so my daily breakfast meal is a veggie omelet with two strips of bacon. For differ I would have broccoli with a chicken breast and a sugar free jello for snack. For dinner I can have two pieces of porkshop with lettuce and avocado.

    Again I am never ever hungry. I also snack on string cheese. I enjoy this program and its a lifestyle change for me. I have 51 more lbs to go and can't wait. I know I can do this. Again the best thing about Atkins is that you are not depriving yourself. You are not counting calories, you are counting carbs. Carbs is what makes you fat. When you keep carbs low at 20 net grams, you are forcing your body to use the store fat as fuel.

    I started incorporating the exercise now and I have never felt better.

    Good luck with your weightloss goals!
  • Zuzanna100
    Zuzanna100 Posts: 39 Member
    Thank you for sharing your calorie count. I'm unsure about my corned beef and cabbage I made in the crock pot. Doing atkins so I thought it should be okay but I eat on it all day long and if I eat half of it, it's 2400 calories! I know cabbage should be healthy. I'm on day 3 and my strips say I'm in ketosis. I had this Sunday and today (Tuesday). This should be the end of my recipe.

    I'm confused because I don't think we're to count calories but I don't think as a 5'4 woman I should be eating 2400 plus calories a day! Monday was much better and most likely falls in line to what I should be doing. Does anyone have any opinions about eating healthy food that is that high in calories on Atkins?
  • MermaidTX
    MermaidTX Posts: 352 Member
    There's an Atkins Support group forum on MFP
  • ElizaPure
    ElizaPure Posts: 25 Member
    I need some advise peep's please

    I've been getting some dizzy spells, last week going into this week? I'm wondering if it's down to the lack of sugar I'm now NOT consuming? not that I ever had a lot of it anyhow only in drinks, but from going from drinking fizzy pop (redbull & Lucozade) to them having none, could it be delayed reaction? Or do I need to increase my food intake?

    Many Thank's & Kind Regards Eliza xXx
  • jovalleau
    jovalleau Posts: 127 Member
    Holy thread Necromancy!
  • I stopped taking atkins which is very strict on what you can eat.. once i stopped i Gained back everything that I lost .. I switched to skinny fiber which I have been on for 3 weeks now and have lost 12lbs 5 inches .. I love it there are no diet restrictions just portion control and more water a day I love it..

    msg me if you want more info I will be happy to help you:)
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I stopped taking atkins which is very strict on what you can eat.. once i stopped i Gained back everything that I lost .. I switched to skinny fiber which I have been on for 3 weeks now and have lost 12lbs 5 inches .. I love it there are no diet restrictions just portion control and more water a day I love it..

    msg me if you want more info I will be happy to help you:)
    And when you stop?

    My point, how do you know it's better after 3 weeks?? How do you know what to tell folks who want to lose weight forever? I know the answer: YOU DONT. Are they paying you to post? Based on your history I'm going to guess: yes. If not, they should.
  • Purple_Orchid_87
    Purple_Orchid_87 Posts: 517 Member
    11 days on atkins induction has given me -13lbs - so happy
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