Wish MFP had a "single" status button like FB...



  • ShadowSoldier23
    ShadowSoldier23 Posts: 321 Member
    This is waaaaaayyyyy overdue! Time to move on!!! Please celebrate with me!!! :heart:
    I am tired of all the subtle put-downs and the neglect and the "hoovering" behavior designed to scoop me back into the abuse because HE is upset that I am "gone..." Whew!!! Enough is Enough!!!
    Being fit opens doors; it makes us realize that we're not trapped in any domestic situation.

    Again, that applies to the fit - not obese.
    There are plenty of fish in the sea for those ready to be their best in terms of health and fitness. That's the first impression we make.

    Glad to hear you shrugged off the shackles of a toxic relationship.

    That stampeding you hear are all those guys who want to be his replacement.:flowerforyou:

    Are you saying that obese people can't have healthy relationships or self-esteem?

    I guess because I'm fat I have to be a toxic relationship? Or that I cry in a corner because I am fat? No I am not of the "victim" mentality and lumping obese people into one category like this is just ridiculous. I know fat people who are healthy, in happy relationships and have great self esteem. I myself am in a good healthy relationship with a man who supports me in every decision I make. I don't wan to be with a jerk who doesn't like me for who I am either, not because I am big or small.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Vague is never fun.

    I like your boobs.


    I like your boobs.


    Crystal *insert random motorboating here*

    And just the other day she was wishing she could hump my leg. *sniff*

    How fickle you are, Sarah. How very, very fickle.
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    This is waaaaaayyyyy overdue! Time to move on!!! Please celebrate with me!!! :heart:
    I am tired of all the subtle put-downs and the neglect and the "hoovering" behavior designed to scoop me back into the abuse because HE is upset that I am "gone..." Whew!!! Enough is Enough!!!
    "Hoovering" -- like vacuuming? Sorry, I'm confused.

    That's no reason to leave if it's hoovering.
    Who wants to be around a compulsive vacuum cleaning fanatic?
    Either way, be glad you're free!
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    Vague is never fun.

    I like your boobs.


    I like your boobs.


    Crystal *insert random motorboating here*

    And just the other day she was wishing she could hump my leg. *sniff*

    How fickle you are, Sarah. How very, very fickle.

    Sweet, Renee, there's enough of my love for everyone!! :) Happy Bday, btw. Is this the proper place to post that? Cause.. I am.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    This is waaaaaayyyyy overdue! Time to move on!!! Please celebrate with me!!! :heart:
    I am tired of all the subtle put-downs and the neglect and the "hoovering" behavior designed to scoop me back into the abuse because HE is upset that I am "gone..." Whew!!! Enough is Enough!!!
    Being fit opens doors; it makes us realize that we're not trapped in any domestic situation.

    Again, that applies to the fit - not obese.
    There are plenty of fish in the sea for those ready to be their best in terms of health and fitness. That's the first impression we make.

    Glad to hear you shrugged off the shackles of a toxic relationship.

    That stampeding you hear are all those guys who want to be his replacement.:flowerforyou:
    I just ADORE how people on this board think if you're not "fit" you deserve to be pooed upon. Love it.
    Some people are into that stuff.

    Good point ...

    I think my ex was, but thankfully he was never quite comfortable enough with me to broach the subject. Then I got fit and we broke up.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Vague is never fun.

    I like your boobs.


    I like your boobs.


    Crystal *insert random motorboating here*

    And just the other day she was wishing she could hump my leg. *sniff*

    How fickle you are, Sarah. How very, very fickle.

    Sweet, Renee, there's enough of my love for everyone!! :) Happy Bday, btw. Is this the proper place to post that? Cause.. I am.

    I can't think of a better place. My birthdaying just keeps going on and on this year. Loving it!

    And someday, someday soon I hope, your wish will come true.
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    This is waaaaaayyyyy overdue! Time to move on!!! Please celebrate with me!!! :heart:
    I am tired of all the subtle put-downs and the neglect and the "hoovering" behavior designed to scoop me back into the abuse because HE is upset that I am "gone..." Whew!!! Enough is Enough!!!
    Being fit opens doors; it makes us realize that we're not trapped in any domestic situation.

    Again, that applies to the fit - not obese.
    There are plenty of fish in the sea for those ready to be their best in terms of health and fitness. That's the first impression we make.

    Glad to hear you shrugged off the shackles of a toxic relationship.

    That stampeding you hear are all those guys who want to be his replacement.:flowerforyou:

    Are you saying that obese people can't have healthy relationships or self-esteem?

    I guess because I'm fat I have to be a toxic relationship? Or that I cry in a corner because I am fat? No I am not of the "victim" mentality and lumping obese people into one category like this is just ridiculous. I know fat people who are healthy, in happy relationships and have great self esteem. I myself am in a good healthy relationship with a man who supports me in every decision I make. I don't wan to be with a jerk who doesn't like me for who I am either, not because I am big or small.
    Great point!
    You are so right; I was just saying that being fit opens more doors.

    That's just reality.
  • ShadowSoldier23
    ShadowSoldier23 Posts: 321 Member
    This is waaaaaayyyyy overdue! Time to move on!!! Please celebrate with me!!! :heart:
    I am tired of all the subtle put-downs and the neglect and the "hoovering" behavior designed to scoop me back into the abuse because HE is upset that I am "gone..." Whew!!! Enough is Enough!!!
    Being fit opens doors; it makes us realize that we're not trapped in any domestic situation.

    Again, that applies to the fit - not obese.
    There are plenty of fish in the sea for those ready to be their best in terms of health and fitness. That's the first impression we make.

    Glad to hear you shrugged off the shackles of a toxic relationship.

    That stampeding you hear are all those guys who want to be his replacement.:flowerforyou:

    Are you saying that obese people can't have healthy relationships or self-esteem?

    I guess because I'm fat I have to be a toxic relationship? Or that I cry in a corner because I am fat? No I am not of the "victim" mentality and lumping obese people into one category like this is just ridiculous. I know fat people who are healthy, in happy relationships and have great self esteem. I myself am in a good healthy relationship with a man who supports me in every decision I make. I don't wan to be with a jerk who doesn't like me for who I am either, not because I am big or small.
    Great point!
    You are so right; I was just saying that being fit opens more doors.

    That's just reality.

    You my friend are very close minded. I guess we should just wipe fat/obese people off the face of the earth and it would make everyone better!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    This is waaaaaayyyyy overdue! Time to move on!!! Please celebrate with me!!! :heart:
    I am tired of all the subtle put-downs and the neglect and the "hoovering" behavior designed to scoop me back into the abuse because HE is upset that I am "gone..." Whew!!! Enough is Enough!!!
    Being fit opens doors; it makes us realize that we're not trapped in any domestic situation.

    Again, that applies to the fit - not obese.
    There are plenty of fish in the sea for those ready to be their best in terms of health and fitness. That's the first impression we make.

    Glad to hear you shrugged off the shackles of a toxic relationship.

    That stampeding you hear are all those guys who want to be his replacement.:flowerforyou:

    Are you saying that obese people can't have healthy relationships or self-esteem?

    I guess because I'm fat I have to be a toxic relationship? Or that I cry in a corner because I am fat? No I am not of the "victim" mentality and lumping obese people into one category like this is just ridiculous. I know fat people who are healthy, in happy relationships and have great self esteem. I myself am in a good healthy relationship with a man who supports me in every decision I make. I don't wan to be with a jerk who doesn't like me for who I am either, not because I am big or small.
    Great point!
    You are so right; I was just saying that being fit opens more doors.

    That's just reality.

    This is a blog post a friend of mine, who has been hovering around 300 pounds for her entire adult life, posted about her husband the other day. And though she's obese and not "fit," she happens to be one of the best human beings I have ever known in my life:

    If you have read this blog for any length of time, you already know that Mr. Thor has been an overwhelmingly positive force in my life.

    He continues to blow me away with the amount of love and support that he offers, continually and unconditionally. Before Mr. Thor, I didn’t really understand what a healthy friendship should look like, I don’t think I knew the true meaning of love, and I definitely had some gaps in my self worth.

    To say that he has been a healing force in my life would not be an exaggeration. He is at times a coach, a therapist, or a cheerleader. He gives me a reality check when I’m going off the deep end and a nudge when I doubt that I have what it takes.

    He is hilarious, and I love our inside jokes. We do impressions to make each other laugh. We watch old SNL skits over and over again and laugh hard every time.

    He is caring, brilliant, fun, and he has a heart of pure gold.

    I wish that every person on the planet could feel the way I get to feel because I know this man.

    Happy birthday to the best husband, ever.
  • ShadowSoldier23
    ShadowSoldier23 Posts: 321 Member
    To the OP, you are better off! I see so many people talk about their significant other talking down to them or sabotaging their goals to lose weight or be healthy. I don't see how that is in anyway health for their well being over all. I am glad you are free from that negativity.
  • ShadowSoldier23
    ShadowSoldier23 Posts: 321 Member
    Sorry, double post!
  • Jeneba
    Jeneba Posts: 699 Member
    Please please people! I am the OP & I just wish y'all would take this post seriously and not compound the hurt by making me feel worse that my MFP's are not getting along! For what it's worth, both me & "him" are in pretty good shape. And - as you can see, we have had a really messed up relationship. Being "beautiful" on the outside did NOTHING to improve or enhance our ability to love each other.
  • Being fit opens doors; it makes us realize that we're not trapped in any domestic situation.

    Again, that applies to the fit - not obese.
    There are plenty of fish in the sea for those ready to be their best in terms of health and fitness. That's the first impression we make.

    Eeek, that sounds a little harsh and not very realistic. Yes, maybe if I was slimmer or more fit I would have more variety of men to choose from, but those would be the men who were only interested in my appearance. That isn't really the person I'm looking for, but to each his own.
  • ShadowSoldier23
    ShadowSoldier23 Posts: 321 Member
    Please please people! I am the OP & I just wish y'all would take this post seriously and not compound the hurt by making me feel worse that my MFP's are not getting along! For what it's worth, both me & "him" are in pretty good shape. And - as you can see, we have had a really messed up relationship. Being "beautiful" on the outside did NOTHING to improve or enhance our ability to love each other.

    Well said! You are strong for wanting someone to support you, even if it meant leaving! You made the right choice and eventually a man will come along who can appreciate you for the woman you are :)
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    You are so right; I was just saying that being fit opens more doors.

    That's just reality.

    I have never had any problems fitting through doors at my weight, how small are the doors in your town?
  • sunflower_yogi
    sunflower_yogi Posts: 78 Member
    say what?
  • TDGee
    TDGee Posts: 2,209 Member
    I'm still trying to figure out how this correlates to FB. If you want to show your single status off, you can put it in your profile, join one of the many groups, or actively participate in one of the many singles threads. Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • kenzietea
    kenzietea Posts: 614 Member
    that'd be nice (although i seriously doubt it'll happen) however i WOULD like to see an option to add height.

    yes! height would be a nice thing. We should start a petition.
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,689 Member
    What does any of this have to do with being able to set your relationship status on MFP. It's an effing diet/fitness site, come on.
  • Congrats on your single status! :-D I wish MFP had a "like" button like FB - I keep looking for it every time I read an inspiring comment or something! I've been single for quite some time, its not quite as alluring for me to have that button lol :-)