WeightWatchers Online. Does it really work?

I'm strongly considering signing up fr WeightWatchers online with my tax return next year but I'm wondering if it's really worth it. I want to do it for more personalized help with losing weight instead of using sites like this where I kind of just hope I'm doing it right. So, I would love to hear from people that have used this version of weightwatchers & if you liked it or not OR if someone you know well has used it and what they have said about it :smile:


  • Lucia_Armstrong1973
    I have actually gone to Weight Watchers and used Weight Watchers online. Sorry to say, it is a lot like this site. You still have to keep up with amounts of foods you eat, you still have to track your food, and you still have to decide what you will and will not eat. The only difference is that instead of calling it what it is--calorie counting--you count points. I will say that the work has been done for you as to which foods are healthier than others because in the point system, carbs, fat and protein and fiber have all been taken into account. If I had to choose, I'd go to the actual meetings, they're much better for support and encouragement than the online version.

    Personally, I find MFP to be a lot easier to use. There are more exercises to track from and the best part is that you get to use it for free!
  • kardowling
    kardowling Posts: 221 Member
    Yes it does work- I lost 48 lbs on it 5 years ago, BUT it is expensive and there is not this wonderful support group that is here for free. Save your money for new clothes not WW!
  • sylvuz323
    sylvuz323 Posts: 468 Member
    I lost 63 lbs when I joined WW online, but it's really no different than what you are already doing here on MFP. It calculates points based on Fat/Fiber and Carbs. So you will need to calculate points for your food choices. I actually left WW since MFP was free, I'd say save your money too.
  • hsh0927
    hsh0927 Posts: 259 Member
    Thanks! I might save the money and invest it into a meal supplement program instead...I've heard only good things about a couple of them :smile:
  • carlye14
    I joined weight watchers online in August and used it for a month and I lost 4 pounds. It works, but it is costly. I like MFP better because it is free and I have more support on here:) Also, a lot of my family members have done the meal delivery services(a few different brands) and have said that they did not taste good, so I never bothered with those.
  • LovelyLibra79
    LovelyLibra79 Posts: 569 Member
    I actually heard its no different than any other calorie counting system, just with a big price tag.
  • SMarie10
    SMarie10 Posts: 956 Member
    I don't know why you would use anything but MFP - you have all the tools you need at your disposal and a great support system if you get some good friends here. Supplements don't replace clean eating - you might be better off spending money visiting with a nutrition specialist if you don't know what or how to eat to lose weight.
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    That was how I got my start at losing weight. I joined, lost 40lbs in 4 months.....then found MFP, I like MFP it better all around, the support (aka members) are WAY WAY WAY better here, the recipe builder and features are better, I like counting calories way more than points since I think it is more accurate and I lost the rest of my weight with this wonderful site.

    Personally I say save your money, use this site to the fullest and every month take the money you would spend on ww online and buy yourself something!!
  • nursenikki829
    nursenikki829 Posts: 432 Member
    Save your money... I have used that twice (after each of my first 2 babies). Nothing is as good as this site!
  • Juliane_
    Juliane_ Posts: 373 Member
    I've done weight watchers for YEARS. I lost weight on Winning Points which was the program in 2000 or 2001. I maintained my weight throughout the years keeping points in mind.

    When Points Plus came around I was so excited because I loved the concept BUT it's not working well for people that have "less lbs to lose". I think they let you have too many calories with Points Plus. In my humble opinion Flex/Momentum worked much better.

    I'm now looking into different ways to lose weight from pregnancy. MFP is one option but I'm having a hard time thinking in terms of Calories vs Points so it's an adjustment for me. I want to move towards eating more whole foods instead diety/processed foods.

    My final point is that if you are following Flex/Momentum you will lose weight no problem. But Points Plus is a waste of money.
  • MeganRhea_x
    MeganRhea_x Posts: 57 Member
    I did weight watchers online earlier this year before I found my fitness pal. It is great and you can definitely lose weight with it but honestly it's so much like this site and this site is free! I stopped weight watchers because I couldn't afford it anymore and this site has completely taken its place.
  • RobinLoren
    I also have done Weight Watchers and I lost 20 pounds on it earlier this year within a couple months. To be honest, like others said, it is the exact same thing as you find here. Literally, the site is almost exactly the same only you are using the points system instead of calories. The major thing I can tell you that I learned from WW is to really look at the fat, carbs, fiber, and protein of your foods. The system works off of keeping your fiber and protein high and your fat and carbs lower. This is because fiber and protein are more flling. The system encourages you to eat lots of fruits and veggies and to really read packages. The biggest thing is not to just look at calorie count, look at what is actually making up the calorie count! Other than that, you can use this site and do the exact same thing!
  • FuzzieJelly
    FuzzieJelly Posts: 848 Member
    Yes I love WW.
  • PBJunky
    PBJunky Posts: 737 Member
    Weight watchers will be a step back from MFP concerning knowledge about nutrition and how it all actually fits together...
  • Zee48
    Zee48 Posts: 789 Member
    Weight Watchers is a wonderful, healthy weight loss program but it is NOT a quick fix. There is no such thing and as with any change in diet I strongly suggest consulting your doctor to determine what is a healthy weight for you and a healthy loss rate for you. If you really follow WW you learn how to eat properly getting the nutrition you need. Activity/exercise is also an important aspect of weight loss.

    How ever you choose to do it please make sure you approach it in a healthy way and don't expect it to just melt off. The fat cells didn't get there over night, in a week, month or even probably 6 months and to expect quick weight loss is to set yourself up for failure. Set small mini-goals that are attainable and reward yourself (non-food reward) with each accomplishment. Expect ups, downs & plateaus along the way and many times your clothes will be falling off you without the scale showing a reduction.

    Best of everything to each of you as you strive to get your bodies in a healthy condition.

    Oh yes, I lost 45# in one year 6/2008 - 6/2009 on WW & back in 1976 I lost 45# counting calories under the close scrutiny of my GYN and comparing the two (I actually found my original foods list) I can see many similarities. Main difference in counting calories is this is free. We do the work though it is not MFP or LoseIt or Weight Watchers that loses the weight for us.
  • Zee48
    Zee48 Posts: 789 Member
    Weight Watchers is a wonderful, healthy weight loss program but it is NOT a quick fix. There is no such thing and as with any change in diet I strongly suggest consulting your doctor to determine what is a healthy weight for you and a healthy loss rate for you. If you really follow WW you learn how to eat properly getting the nutrition you need. Activity/exercise is also an important aspect of weight loss.

    How ever you choose to do it please make sure you approach it in a healthy way and don't expect it to just melt off. The fat cells didn't get there over night, in a week, month or even probably 6 months and to expect quick weight loss is to set yourself up for failure. Set small mini-goals that are attainable and reward yourself (non-food reward) with each accomplishment. Expect ups, downs & plateaus along the way and many times your clothes will be falling off you without the scale showing a reduction.

    Best of everything to each of you as you strive to get your bodies in a healthy condition.

    Oh yes, I lost 45# in one year 6/2008 - 6/2009 on WW & back in 1976 I lost 45# counting calories under the close scrutiny of my GYN and comparing the two (I actually found my original foods list) I can see many similarities. Main difference in counting calories is this is free. We do the work though it is not MFP or LoseIt or Weight Watchers that loses the weight for us.

    I forgot to add that I am now using MFP to count calories because I let life get control & I gained back 25# from January 2010 when my DH passed away through May 2011and I just couldn't afford the WW fees any longer. Then one of my WW friends told me about MFP & I came to check it out. I have lost 6# so far counting calories & eating the way I learned to eat on WW so I am combining the best of both worlds. I have made it through Thanksgiving, Christmas, my birthday and now looking at New Year's day and I have approached each with the best intentions and being proud of myself for the choices I made, even when I slipped. I am accountable to myself daily for my actions and have joined a couple of group challenges to give me the group support I need. I also still participate in the WW message boards with two wonderful groups of ladies.

    We can do this.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I lost 36 pounds and kept it off for a couple years with WW online, so I'd say so.

    Although, it was a different program than the current one.
  • whtlatina1214
    whtlatina1214 Posts: 765 Member
    it is the same as this website exactly except instead of showing the calories everything is points to me it is worst than mfp you dont have people supporting you unless you sign up for meetings and website to seperate fees and very expensive in my opinion .. i got a discount when i signed up and i did 1 month free with 2 months for 50 but the normal fee is not that at all ... i wouldnt bother stick to this website...
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I don't know why you would use anything but MFP - you have all the tools you need at your disposal and a great support system if you get some good friends here. Supplements don't replace clean eating - you might be better off spending money visiting with a nutrition specialist if you don't know what or how to eat to lose weight.

    WW actually offers a lot more direction on healthy eating that makes sense and isn't just something someone on the program decided is what you should do, but based on actual science. It's a very good guide for those who need to learn more than just "eat less, move more."

    That said, once you have all the tools, it doesn't hurt to apply them elsewhere for free.
  • Mrs_Moe
    Mrs_Moe Posts: 68 Member
    If you want more personal support, going to the WW meeting would be more beneficial than WW online. The online WW tool is pretty much like MFP. I lost and kept off ~40lbs using WW. For me the key was I started the program and did one full cyclce ( 12 or 14 weeks?) going to the meetings. Although I hated the weigh in, I learned alot of good things in the meetings. It helped me learn to eat better, healther foods that are satisfying ( not depriving) and keep me "full". After that I did WW online which is great but expensive....and then I found MFP, which is awesome and free! And basically I don't need to count "points" because I know know the right way to eat.