i don't know what to do

I just want to eat and sleep and cry. That's all. I switched my calories to maintain, cause I was going over anyway, and not losing any weight. I'm not so concerned with losing weight right now, as I am with losing my mind. I think I'm having a nervous breakdown. I can barely function in my everyday life. One minute I'm okay, and the next minute I'm so overwhelmed, I don't know what to do. I don't have a Dr, and I don't have any insurance. I don't really know what I expect anyone to tell me, but no one I know seems very concerned, I feel alone and helpless.


  • amyalwaysonline6
    I just want to eat and sleep and cry. That's all. I switched my calories to maintain, cause I was going over anyway, and not losing any weight. I'm not so concerned with losing weight right now, as I am with losing my mind. I think I'm having a nervous breakdown. I can barely function in my everyday life. One minute I'm okay, and the next minute I'm so overwhelmed, I don't know what to do. I don't have a Dr, and I don't have any insurance. I don't really know what I expect anyone to tell me, but no one I know seems very concerned, I feel alone and helpless.
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    why are you feeling overwhelmed, helpless, and alone?

    I don't know your situation but I always think that whatever doesn't kill me just makes me stronger.
  • kellya
    kellya Posts: 208
    is there a family member or SOMEONE you can reach out to, talk to? you sound a little depressed, and maybe needing some help. can you call a crisis hotline for support? where are you at in your monthly cycle, and for how long have you been experiencing these feelings? if you need to talk to someone, i am here, you can send me a message.......
  • helkat922
    helkat922 Posts: 150 Member
    aw sweetie, you are such a pretty thing and it makes me sad to read your post. Have you given some thought about what is making you feel so down and depressed? I noticed you are in school; are you feeling overwhelmed with your education? Do you have family you can talk to? Has this happened before? Love and hugs to you :heart: :flowerforyou:
  • amyalwaysonline6
    I've pretty much always been depressed, but just within the last couple weeks or so I've been getting like panic attacks. I'm really stressed out by school and my job, but I wouldn't think anymore than usual. My parents passed away and my brother is in the army, the only family I have is my sister, and it makes her uncomfortable when I'm sad. I told the girls at work how I feel and they just laughed, because I guess it's easier to pretend like I'm kidding.
  • jelee18
    If you haven't and can, confide in a friend or family member. Sometimes people aren't as aware of our struggles as we think they are. Look for some all natural mood boosting methods such as excercise, yoga, or a supplement like St Johns Wort. Keep a journal. Try to figure out what is overwhelming you ... it's your life and you have the power to change it. Realize your strong points and focus on them instead of beating yourself up. Weight loss is never an "immediate gratification" thing. It's long journey that should be focused around getting healthy. The way you look is just a bonus. You have to work from the inside out. :wink:
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    your local county government has resources for free,,,,you can call a help line in your area for free referrals...there are some great books at the library on coping with depression,,,I have it to and I have gotten alot of helpful ideas from those books....sometimes I want to just disappear and be agypsy or a hobo ...but we cant do that hang in there, you are not alone
  • tomyhealth
    You are not alone. It sounds like you have alot of MFP pals that care about you and are here for you when you need to talk. They are all giving you great advice. Hang in there!!!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,961 Member
    sometimes the best people to confide in are those who are understanding, yet unaffected. sometimes these people are professionals (clergy, medical, psychologist) and sometimes they are the friends you can make on MFP.:flowerforyou:

    I found help through prayer and meditation (not church, just a spiritual path), turning my life, my fears, my anxieties over to a power greater than myself.:flowerforyou:

    Hang in there. Stay in the moment. don't try to solve all your life problems at once.:flowerforyou:
  • SoupNazi
    SoupNazi Posts: 4,229 Member
    Depression is a horrible monster that, unfortunately, most people suffer with chronically. I am so sorry you feel so bad. I have dealt with it a majority of my teenage and adult life.

    It exacerbates everthing when you have so much loss in your life...I have too. It seems that winter is the hardest for me and this month is the killer of them all. I've lost a total of 7 members of my family and friends in this month within the past few years. I was waiting for something bad to happen this month but thought I had almost escaped it when my hubby learned the other day that he was being laid off. But enough about me.

    Honey....please just remember to take care of yourself. I agree.....if you are stressed, don't worry about restricting calories right now. Just eat to maintain.

    I have totally ditched my antidepressants by taking in my Omega-3's, via fish oil pills, and exercising regularly. I make myself do at least 30 minutes on days I don't feel like it. It really helps. In more ways than you know. You just have to push yourself a little bit.

    Try to take in some vitamin D.....either through multi-vitamins or extra milk. Sunlight is the best source but I see you are a fellow midwesterner and the weather won't allow that just yet.:ohwell:

    I hope things get better for you and remember...spring (the beginning of new beginnings) is right around the corner and things will be looking up.


    I'm here if ya need me.:heart:
  • amyalwaysonline6
    Thanks, you guys, for trying to help, instead of telling me to get over it.
  • angelinaz
    It's been a long,cold winter. I know that when I live in places where it is cold and snowy, the weather gets to me. Both my parents have passed on also. I feel very alone at times because of that. I know that here where I live there are counselors who see people for whatever they can afford. One of them is "retired" and will even see people for free. Please search your community for help that will get you feeling better with your life. You are so young! I wish I had someone tell me that when I was 25! You are on your way because you are reaching out to us. Your coworkers may not be the support team to talk with. I like the idea of you exercising more, doing yoga, meditation, etc. I have posted before that I do martial arts and it truly has changed my life. My depression is so much less, I experience a "community" with those who I study with, and I know I can take care of myself. I'll be thinking of you. :smile:
  • SoupNazi
    SoupNazi Posts: 4,229 Member
    Thanks, you guys, for trying to help, instead of telling me to get over it.

    Get over it!:angry:

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I say with love.:smokin:
  • heal4444
    heal4444 Posts: 709
  • tennetubbie
    tennetubbie Posts: 312 Member
    Suicide Prevention Services
    Suicide Hotline: 1-800-SUICIDE
    LifeLine: 1-800-273-8255
    Depression Hotline: 630-482-9696

    Concerned people are ready to help you 24 hours a day, seven days a week. All you need to do is call.

    Depression and Suicide Hotline Services

    * Depression Screening: Since untreated depression is a major contributor to suicide, free depression screening is offered year round to anyone. Children from age 6 and above can be screened. This has often been the first step in the process. Many clients have told SPS that being able to walk through the door, have the screening done, and get help, has been the first step in a successful journey out of depression.

    * Depression Hotline: Our empathic paraprofessionals are trained to counsel callers with any personal problems, such as anxiety, alcohol, family, school, and sexuality, and are prepared to work with the lonely, the depressed, and the suicidal.


    We all can help here but you may need professional help or medicaiton and an assessment by a professional is needed.