want to gain weight

hey I am probably the only one on here trying to gain weight and i am trying to look for people on here with the same interest in gaining weight, or someone who may give me some advice as to how to gain weight in healthy way, i would greatly appreciate it. i have tried this before but quit because i had no support. so i am hoping this time around it will be different.


  • Hello! I am also looking to gain weight (hopefully it's all muscle)! From Feb - Aug of this year I went from 106 to 121, that is the most I have ever weighed and I felt great! My goal has always been 125, though it's more about how I feel and look than the number itself. Since August I have not been to the gym and was not logging what I ate on MFP.. I am now back down to 111 :o( As of two weeks ago I am back at it. When I track my diet I see how much I actually need and it helps!

    I've always been the "skinny girl" and always have people ask me if I eat and make negative comments towards my weight. It's frustrating knowing that this is just the way I am and the way my body is built.. but people think that it's acceptable to make comments about it. Anyways, I like feeling strong and I like seeing muscles and how my body changes from lifting weights at the gym! Good luck! ps - when I am going to the gym and need extra calories, I drink a lot of protein shakes ;o)
  • BigL0s
    BigL0s Posts: 133
    Hello and welcome to MFP. Glad to see there's others trying to gain weight too. I'm on the same boat and would be glad to help anyway that I can. Look out for an add from me, good luck on your journey!
  • yes i know the feeling ive always been skinny too the most ive weighed has been 110, but ive lost weight my current weight is 99.2 =/ not very proud which is why i would like to gain weight.