Anyone know about SENSA?

I want to start off by saying that I don't plan to use it, I'm just curious what it is and if people think it actually works. Does anyone have a success story about it? I keep hearing the commercials on the radio. I believe there is no easy or quick fix to weight loss, if there was, no one would be over weight. I always find it interesting all the diet gimmicks out there. If anyone finds that it works for them, then that's awesome, I hope it continues to help.



  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    I believe there is no easy or quick fix to weight loss

    And I believe you are 100% correct.
    The only part of this system that could potentially work is any appetite supressing effects that this sprinkle-seasoning-stuff may have in it. If (and this is a big if) this causes you to eat less food because some powder substance makes you not hungry, then it could induce weight loss by creating a calorie deficit.

    This is my understanding of how the system supposedly works.

    Seems idiotic.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    Isn't it supposed to enhance the flavor and taste of food somehow? I don't really see how that would make me eat less. I have no idea if it works, but if it does, if you rely on it to help you eat less, then what happens once you stop using Sensa?
  • weaverfit
    Isn't it supposed to enhance the flavor and taste of food somehow? I don't really see how that would make me eat less.

    My problem is I like the flavors of food too much! Enhancing it would be a detriment for sure. What I'd like is a switch for my brain that goes from 'live to eat' to 'eat to live'. That'd be handy.
  • Teresa527
    Teresa527 Posts: 62 Member
    I heard that it makes the food taste disgusting so you don't want to eat it. I don't know how true this is but I thought it was funny. :laugh:

    No one can eat what they show on the infomercial and lose weight. Well...maybe they could if they were only eating small bites all day. But, they certainly wouldn't be healthy and wouldn't be able to keep the weight off. So what's the point?

    There's always some gimmick. People need to quit looking for the quick fix and change their lifestyle.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    I believe there is no easy or quick fix to weight loss

    And I believe you are 100% correct.
    The only part of this system that could potentially work is any appetite supressing effects that this sprinkle-seasoning-stuff may have in it. If (and this is a big if) this causes you to eat less food because some powder substance makes you not hungry, then it could induce weight loss by creating a calorie deficit.

    This is my understanding of how the system supposedly works.

    Seems idiotic.

    I know of a powder substance that makes you not hungry, all right. Too bad it's expensive, unhealthy, and will get you a prison sentence if you're caught with it! :tongue:
  • perdie7
    perdie7 Posts: 278 Member
    I use the sensa.

    You sprinkle it on your food, there is no taste to it at all. It helps you to feel fuller, and it does work.

    It helps me to stay in my calorie goal, part of my problem with loosing weight has been that I'm always hungry, Sensa helps with that.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Don't recall if is was Sensa or another "diet aid" I saw a while ago - I think there was a powder you put on your food (or mixed with beverage and drank before) that bulked up in your stomach making you feel full sooner. Sounds good, right? WRONG! I see a big problems - many people (myself included) are overweight because we've learned to ignore the real hunger cues and we eat when we don't need to. So bulking up in the stomach would just "stretch" it more, and we would need more to feel full if not using the product. (And the risk of it bulking up too much/someone using too much and causing a rupture of the stomach or something)
  • perdie7
    perdie7 Posts: 278 Member
    It doesn't "Bulk" up your stomach.

    The scientific principle behind SENSA is remarkably simple. As you eat smell and taste receptors send messages to your brain which release hormones that tell your body it's time to stop eating. This is a phenomenon we call Sensory Specific Satiety. By enhancing smell, SENSA Tastants were designed to help speed up the process and trigger your "I feel full" signal, so you eat less and feel more satisfied. Because SENSA® works with your body's natural impulses, rather than against them, there are no feelings of hunger or intense cravings.
  • PegasusDeb
    PegasusDeb Posts: 665 Member
    I'll eat more, even when I am about to explode! That's my whole problem!
  • skinnydreams165
    skinnydreams165 Posts: 101 Member
    I was interested in purchasing it when I saw the commercial on tv. I did the best thing ever, I used a friends facebook page and LIKED sensa and read the success stories. it's about half and half. lots have used it and have lost weight but the rate that you lose is no faster than on here, but they are losing. others who have not lost have the same story.. no loss some even gain and just does not work. I saved my money by joining this site and that's my story.. good luck to you
  • LATeagno
    LATeagno Posts: 620 Member
    TBH, anything could induce weight loss. Your mind is a powerful thing. If it believes something will work, it will likely work for you. The placebo effect is proven. Sensa probably works (for a short time) for those who believe it will work.
  • stephanielindley422

    I know of a powder substance that makes you not hungry, all right. Too bad it's expensive, unhealthy, and will get you a prison sentence if you're caught with it! :tongue:

    This. LOL.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Just adding this tidbit to the convo before actually doing that work outside I need to do, lol...

    Weight loss shouldn't cost you anything, unless you buy some exercise videos or a gym membership as your choice of exercise. Beyond that, you have to train your mind into self-control, focus, and determination. Without those key elements, everything you do will eventually fail because your once you stop, you go back to old habits. When you work on your own mind, you change your thinking processes and therefore your lifestyle...that way no matter what "diet" you choose to go on, it will be sustainable since you will have learned how to control portions and macros. (This is also why I hate Weight Watchers or Jenny Craig...those programs do the mental work for you, thereby cheating you out of change, and most people who lost weight with them gained it all back because of the fact that they were cheated out of learning what they really need to do.)

    On other words, whether or not the product "works" is irrelevant. When you stop using it, you wouldn't have learned what to eat, what not to eat, how intense to exercise, etc. and you set yourself up for failure. Learn early to control yourself, take responsibility for your choices, and do the right thing. This and this alone will give you success in the long run as you will be teaching yourself what to do for the rest of your life.

    And you'll be saving your money by not buying weight loss products that you don't need.
  • perdie7
    perdie7 Posts: 278 Member
    I'm going to have to disagree with you on some of this.....It's help, not a crutch, I have tried and failed at making changes before, because it was too much and too overwhelming.

    Your assuming that a person is just using sensa, and making no other changes. I have changed, I east less and am working on eating healthier (it's a work in progress). I went from no exercising to working out for 90 min 6 days a week. I've lost 26 pounds, can now walk up stairs without getting out of breath, my feet are no longer in constant pain. Sensa has helped me get this far, and will continue to help, and I am confident that at some point I will no longer need it.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    At what point will you no longer need it? If you weight loss is based on false feelings of satiety, how does that help you in the long run? When you stop using it you will feel hungrier than ever.
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    I worry enough about the chemicals they add to processed foods. I wouldn't want to add even more to them myself.
  • perdie7
    perdie7 Posts: 278 Member
    wow, i thought this place was about support.

    Sorry if I am not as strong as all of you! Don't have the will power you do, and need a little help! Not all of us can make huge changes overnight. I'm doing what is working for me, and it is working for the first time in my life.

    Have you actually tried to make an all at once change like this...seriously, tomorrow cut your food intake by 2/3...see how you feel...and do it again the next day and the next...and see how long before you quit. Oh and why your at it take away all of the foods you love and replace them with stuff you think tastes like cardboard. and then cook your family the stuff you love while you eat cardboard. Yea, that's fun. Don't sit and judge people who need extra help, unless you've been in their shoes.

    Hear me...I AM changing my eating habits, bit by bit. I AM exercising (90 min a day)....This helps me get thought the rough spots.
  • mortla
    mortla Posts: 73
    I have tried it and I do not recommend it. I didn't notice any appetite suppressing whatsoever. Plus it's kind of hard to remember it all the time.
  • _VoV
    _VoV Posts: 1,494 Member
    I read A LOT of nutrition science, and would prefer finding natural means to curb appetite by eating food that is nutrient-dense and full of fiber. It helps more than your weight.

    Spending money on something of dubious origin wouldn't interest me. The question I would ask is this: Is it REAL FOOD? Would grandma be able to tell you what SENSA is? If not, I wouldn't try it.
  • bcampbell54
    bcampbell54 Posts: 932 Member

    I know of a powder substance that makes you not hungry, all right. Too bad it's expensive, unhealthy, and will get you a prison sentence if you're caught with it! :tongue:

    And I know some guys that would kick your butt for sprinkling that on your food!!