Would you log CLEANING with HRM????

Mom2Asa Posts: 109 Member
I bought a HRM to monitor my Zumba for the Wii when it arrives today and I get to try it out so my burn is spot on since my weight isn't when I use the Wii to weigh.

Today I decided to use my HRM while I cleaned my kitchen as a test and I was SOOOO not impressed with the burn. While I was out of breath and sweating I think it is because I am still overweight not because I had a good burn!!

30min cleaning and 37 calories burnned----nowhere near the burns I see when cleaning is logged. So if I were to clean for 2 hours I might burn 150 calories if I were lucky???? I think I will go run for 2 hours and burn 1200!!!!

What do you think??


  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    I think you discovered why so many frown on logging regular activities as excersize.
  • I think you should try to stay active around the house and NOT count it. Let those be extra little wins on your own. They will add up and show as a loss on the scale. Don't kill yourself cleaning up. I found that when i come home and clean, do laundry and other things, I dont sit on the couch as much. This makes me more active overall, and not to mention i have a clean house,

  • Mom2Asa
    Mom2Asa Posts: 109 Member
    I think you discovered why so many frown on logging regular activities as excersize.

    Thank you. That is why I wanted to see what it showed because I am not a fan of logging cleaning either and never have but thought let's see what it burns in 30 min vs my 30 min run. 37 calories vs 300 calories....going to stick to running ;)