
Hi all! My name is Stephanie and I'm tired of being the fat girl in the room! So I started my new years resolution a week early & am determined to make a change! I'm starting at 219 lbs and hope to eventually get down to about 160lbs! NO MORE EXCUSES! It's time! :embarassed:


  • Like that attitude!!! I feel the same way!!! Good for you!!!
  • Thanks! I recently posted on FB about how I was tired of being fat and it took a comment, that was blunt, but the truth, to make me realize what I just said! >> "It takes 21 days to create.a habit and 21 to kick a habit....stop looking for someone esle to help you through it(chris) that person isnt by your side 24/7...just man up and do it ....dont be ,chores ,husband time all excuses"
    Thank you to the best brother-in-law for helping me realize what I already knew, but couldn't see!
  • Well I don't look at you and see a fat girl, I see a beautiful mother of FOUR!!! And wife of your lifelong love. Just like me you got comfortable and now its time for us to get happy with ourselves instead of just settling for what we see in the mirror. We will get to our goals. Look at me, less than four months ago I was 256! Now 50 pounds later I am a lot happier but still have a ways to go. I am not happy fitting into size 16, even though I started out in size 20 that I was busting out of... bring on 2012, we are ready for ot!!! ;)))
  • Thank you for your support and motivation Brooke! You're such an awesome friend and I'm so glad to have you! I love seeing your progress, it is extremely motivating! XOXOX
  • missbethea
    missbethea Posts: 280 Member
    I'm sure you can do it! You and I have roughly the same weight loss goals! I'm starting at 225 and want to get to 150. But heck- seeing 160 would make my day!

    I'll friend you and I'm sure that you can do it!!

    it is all about will power and staying in the habit.
  • Thanks Betha! It's awesome having such a great support system! We can push each other on our journey's! ;)
  • hello and welcome here hope you have a great day