

  • porka29
    porka29 Posts: 868 Member
    is there any advice you can give on what to do to get to the regular ones?


    While I think the strength training is definitely helping me to be stronger physically, I also think the push-ups were a mental thing for me too. One night our trainer, who was tough but nowhere near as extreme as Jillian on BL, got down on the floor with me and "firmly encouraged". Suddenly I went from barely one to five in one night. Then I thought, wait a minute, I CAN do this. So the next time I added one more and the next time another, and so on. I think with everything else related to fitness and nutrition, it's all about consistency. Keep working at it and eventually you'll see results. :smile:

    good job!
  • kellya
    kellya Posts: 208

    well, yesterday when i returned home from my pm bus route, I LOST CONTROL!! i couldn't seem to get the food into my mouth fast enough. it was Lay's Kettle Cooked chips (hubby's), and 3 choc.chip/M&M cookies......i WAS well aware of what i was doing, but i didn't care.....and i don't know why i was in this mood.....i was just craving ALL OF IT, sweets, carbs. :sad: i should have left the house.....i am just glad i stopped when i did, b/c i have done a lot worse in the past....

    so, to try and justify the damage done, when i went for my outdoor, evening walk....i began my walk/jog interval routine...first time in YEARS!! it was about 39 minutes, and i had to go farther to get in 30 I know i jogged a good mile. it wasn't too bad, and i felt a lot better. the scale showed a gain of +.2 from yesterday.....but am still concerned about tomorrow's official weigh in...

    today, i am on plan so far. i did receive my Polar F6 HRM yesterday.....only did the settings, and have not used it yet. did 60 situps and 30 crunches. THANKS loser4real....i will just keep at it for my pushups! and baggy pants syndrome....hehe, i have 2 pairs that are back in my closet, hoping to never be worn again, they are so bad in the hips/waist they fall down to my thighs! i have looked and tried on some NEW smaller sizes....but i am one that has smaller sizes waiting to be worn from my dresser drawers......thanks to being a yo-yoer! the smallest i have is a 12....not sure what i will end up at, but if i have to buy new, and smaller, it will be after i have been maintaining........that is my ultimate maintain!

    will be going to town to shop today. not much, but i need a haircut, in a really bad way! that helps one feel better too!

    have a good day GT, and stay focused on your comittment to wt loss....skinny vibes to all for weigh in tomorrow!!
  • porka29
    porka29 Posts: 868 Member

    well, yesterday when i returned home from my pm bus route, I LOST CONTROL!! i couldn't seem to get the food into my mouth fast enough. it was Lay's Kettle Cooked chips (hubby's), and 3 choc.chip/M&M cookies......i WAS well aware of what i was doing, but i didn't care.....and i don't know why i was in this mood.....i was just craving ALL OF IT, sweets, carbs. :sad: i should have left the house.....i am just glad i stopped when i did, b/c i have done a lot worse in the past....

    so, to try and justify the damage done, when i went for my outdoor, evening walk....i began my walk/jog interval routine...first time in YEARS!! it was about 39 minutes, and i had to go farther to get in 30 I know i jogged a good mile. it wasn't too bad, and i felt a lot better. the scale showed a gain of +.2 from yesterday.....but am still concerned about tomorrow's official weigh in...

    today, i am on plan so far. i did receive my Polar F6 HRM yesterday.....only did the settings, and have not used it yet. did 60 situps and 30 crunches. THANKS loser4real....i will just keep at it for my pushups! and baggy pants syndrome....hehe, i have 2 pairs that are back in my closet, hoping to never be worn again, they are so bad in the hips/waist they fall down to my thighs! i have looked and tried on some NEW smaller sizes....but i am one that has smaller sizes waiting to be worn from my dresser drawers......thanks to being a yo-yoer! the smallest i have is a 12....not sure what i will end up at, but if i have to buy new, and smaller, it will be after i have been maintaining........that is my ultimate maintain!

    will be going to town to shop today. not much, but i need a haircut, in a really bad way! that helps one feel better too!

    have a good day GT, and stay focused on your comittment to wt loss....skinny vibes to all for weigh in tomorrow!!

    Hi Kellya!

    Put yesterday behind us and look at the bright side you worked out harder yesterday and that hrm will revive you again.

    Good luck to everyone tomorrow:drinker:
  • holly78
    holly78 Posts: 347
    My goal is to do 50 More crunches than I usually do( I usually do 100). I will let ya'll know how I did tonight...or tomorrow!
  • lynettep
    lynettep Posts: 157
    Good evening GT! Have not been doing my extra crunches daily. :grumble:

    I have been working out yesterday and today. I cheated a lot over the weekend. Everyone stay strong!

    We can beat food!!!! I will not let food run my life!!!!!!! LOL:drinker:
  • holly78
    holly78 Posts: 347
    Hey Greenies!

    I did 100 Extra Crunches today! that's 200 Total Crunches! I can't believe it!

    I surpasses my goal!
  • smendek910
    Good for you Holly!!!:happy: :happy:

    I didn't start this challenge and I'm not sure why - I really need to start pushing myself again.

    Good Luck to everyone tomorrow with the weigh-in:wink::wink: