Former MRC people who know do it on their own?

I mean "who "NOW" do it on their own!" - couldn't figure out how to edit my subject:-)

Hello. I am a former member of Metabolic Research Center. I lost 20 lbs and LOVED all the compliments I got using them but stopped when I got pregnant. I came back right after I delievered my baby. My heart/energy wasn't into the 2nd time around and dropped out (my wallet wasn't into it either).
I'm on my own now. I'm taking their advice on water - LOTS OF IT! I'm using MFP to manage my calories. I know MRC was really restrictive on food and types of food but I'm just letting the calories be my guide. They were also really cautious about not working out too much, but I'm all about working out as often as I can!
MRC was also into protein drinks.
Any former MRCers out there have had success doing their own protein drinks? How much and how often are you using protein drinks? How do the other brands compare to what MRC was giving us?


  • kdm9295
    kdm9295 Posts: 126 Member
    LivingSocial has a 6wk weightloss special with MRC, $199. I just purchased it, so I will be starting soon.
    Do you have any advice on working with them?
  • ladyrayado
    ladyrayado Posts: 57 Member
    I purchased this today too! I'd love to hear from current/past MRC-ers.
  • jillica
    jillica Posts: 554 Member
    You just gotta do it and do it right away! It is tough (VERY TOUGH) so if you string it out, you will fade away like i did. If you do it right, you will see results right away and that is what will keep you motivated.

    I used their supplements. They have a couple that I think worked but I was also eating less so it is hard to tell if the MRC-6 and Corti-Trim pills helped any. Of course, they recommend you use the maximum protein drinks so of course $$$.

    Definitely take advantage of their support systems - meetings, classes, and weigh-ins.

    The success stories are amazing!
  • ladyrayado
    ladyrayado Posts: 57 Member
    Thanks so much for the advice! I've heard of some people who take up tp 25 pills a day on MRC - yikes! I'm a little nervous about their recommendations, but I'm more like to follow a plan strictly if I'm paying a lot of money for it :-)
  • FatassFairy
    FatassFairy Posts: 166 Member
    I almost tried that once, they had a special in the paper , but when i got there it was the old bait and switch.

    of course the advertised program would not work for me, i would have to do this other one at about 5x the price.

    no thank you byby
  • chelljo12
    chelljo12 Posts: 187 Member
    I joined 12/2/11 and so far so good, fell off the wagon a couple of times due to family issues. I only take the MR6(??) and the multivitamin. I really didnt do water before i started I was a 4-5 a day pepsi drinker and now all I drink is water.. keep in touch would love to incorporate MRC and MFP for my weight loss journey and meet new people as well.
  • jillica
    jillica Posts: 554 Member
    Yes! I love that they emphasize drinking lots of water.
  • jillica
    jillica Posts: 554 Member
    Now that I've been doing MFP, I've gone back and ate a meal like what I would have if I was still on MRC. I would say the average meal was about 300 calories plus add 100 for every protein drink you did and that would put you at about 1200-1400 calories a day.

    So it probably isn't as rough as I made it out to be. At the time, it was just so different to what my normal habits were.

    Good luck.
  • First day on MRC and I caved. My calories are well under 1200, but I ate apples and a protein shake with skim milk. I too bought the Living Social deal but I'm feeling kind of sorry I did. I'm going to lose as much weight as I can in 6 weeks then I'm going back to Vi-shakes.
  • kdm9295
    kdm9295 Posts: 126 Member
    MRC has been tough, but not too bad. It is the first time I've seen weight come off, and I'm motivated to keep going.
    It's super expensive with all the supplements and protein drinks. But I'm worth it!

    10 pounds gone! I haven't been able to say that before.
  • jillica
    jillica Posts: 554 Member
    Good Job, KDM!
  • kdm9295
    kdm9295 Posts: 126 Member
    It's working! I'm down 15 pounds now. AND 11 inches!

    Results are very motivating.