Young mom in need of a lot of support :)

I am a 28 year old mom of one little girl, and I plan on trying to get pregnant again next summer. I hated that I was so overweight (275lbs) when I got pregnant the first time and I want to do all I can to be healthier the second time. My baby(ies) deserve my best. I know you are more likely to be successful if you have support, so I'm asking for yours. And I will give you mine in return!


  • AmberLiscous
    AmberLiscous Posts: 644 Member
    Good for you...I wish I had this site before having four babies......but you live and learn.....good luck and add me if you would like :)
  • KaylaBlu2019
    KaylaBlu2019 Posts: 118 Member
    Welcome! This is a great place to drop your fears and push through to reach your goals.. So glad you've joined us!
  • jessica_fuller
    You're going to do great! Tracking food/drink is such a great motivator to watch what you eat and eat less. You are on the right track and I'm proud of you for wanting to be healthier for you and your babies!
    Way to go!!!
  • bc2061
    bc2061 Posts: 24 Member
    That was my main motivation for coming to MFP. In August, I MCed our second (unexpected) child and I couldn't help but think that it may, in part, be due to my unhealthy lifestyle and excess weight. This site has been critical to my sucess. There are tons of motivating people here. Friend me!