is it me or ...

timadotcom Posts: 674 Member
is it really hard to make and keep true friends now a days? I'm not referencing anyone on MFP, i love all of you guys. Everytime I think that i have made a really good friend, it turns out that people are just out for their own good. I love to help people with problems, listen, advise, I do not care to gain anything other than a friend and having a good time hanging out. I'm not the type of person who handles BS really well, I've learned to be political but for the most part i'm a pretty straight forward person... is there anything wrong with that?

So is it me, am I crazy, or do some of you guys go through the same thing?


  • timadotcom
    timadotcom Posts: 674 Member
    ok so I guess it is me (sad violin playing in the background:)
  • Sublimely_Self_Righteousreused
  • kit_katty
    kit_katty Posts: 994 Member
    Well I do get that... I find I have quite a few acquaintences, or friends, but few close friends, you know the type you could tell your darkest secret to and they'd still be there, and share their own? I only have one of those, one close behind, and that's it. Life is odd. HUG.
  • letmebeda1_wechange
    it's not you, I ego through it also. that's why I had secluded myself. and love to be alone, well now i'm not alone I have you guys he he he. {{{{{{hugs}}}}}}

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  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    Im not ashamed to admit, I am a rather guarded individual. I dont trust people easily and Im definitely not one to let someone take advantage of me either.

    I prefer people to understand that its a day by day process... give me the time I need to get to know you and take it from there...

    The last thing I need is someone else's self-brought-on drama.... I have enough drama in my life to fight off to be honest! LOL!
  • sarablueskies
    sarablueskies Posts: 56 Member
    not just you, i've been living in the same place for almost 4 years now and i haven't been able to make near the amount of friends i did back east. part of it for me is the age group, most people my age are settling down and having kids and i have absolutely no interest in doing that! people are set in their ways and it's harder to be flexible. and i have my own drama, i can't stand people who want to try to wrap me up in theirs. so i'm alone more be it!
  • Ireshgurl
    Nope. Not just you. I married into the military life and get the joy of uprooting my life every few years and starting the painstaking task of making friends all over again. We moved again this last summer and i have yet to find that one friend I can bytch and whine to about what ever it is I need to whine about. I've met people here, but none that I ever really hang out with and it totally blows. Not that I don't try, but most of them are married w/ small children, or no children and young, and I myself am older with a teenager who doesn't live with me so I really don't fit in any certain "circle" I guess you could say, lol. It sucks, that's for sure.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,692 Member
    To me FAMILY are my best friends. I would rather spend time kicking it with my cousins, uncles and aunts rather than some of my friends. I can act a fool with family, but have actually had friends NOT invite me to events because I'm very outgoing.

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