Fraidy Cat and New to MFP

So my husband, who joined MFP a few weeks ago, convinced me that I too can DO this even though I am not technically savvy. I set up my profile last night, while eating a salad and I must say there was anticipation in the air... I could almost TASTE it!

I am looking for friends to support me on this journey. I am not thoroughly convinced I can do it on my own. I am at the heaviest I have ever been, weighing in at 191lbs when I decided to join. I am only 5'4" so you can imagine what I must look like right now. I have been feeling fairly miserable emotionally - embarassed by my weight and definitely NOT in the mood to be seen naked, which I fear is affecting my marriage.

I am SO afraid that I can't get a handle on this thing; that I am destine to always BE this fat and unhappy. What if my willpower gives way and I eat the wrong things? What if my ambivolence and attitude keep me away from the gym? What if I fail?!?! I think all these fears, irrationaly though they may be, have kept me sitting in this same spot for all these years now... powerless.

On the one hand, I feel hopeful and encouraged by seeing so many success stories on here, but on the other I find myself doubting that I could be one of them. I am a logical person by nature and it heartens me to know that I have so many choices and things that I CAN control to help me lose the weight. I mean, I can CHOOSE to eat right, I can CHOOSE to exercize, I CAN watch my portions, and I can log my diet. When I think of it like that, it feels like there is NO WAY I CAN FAIL. But the harsh reality is that I have known all that stuff for a long time and I'm STILL fat.

How do I use this site to its full advantage? I AM ready to get (and stay) healthy.



  • jesscaponigro
    jesscaponigro Posts: 114 Member
    Hi! I use this site for advice as well as tracking my meals and exercise. I have been on it for 30 days and have lost 7 pounds so far. I am very similar to you, last January I was 193 at 5'5. I did the majority of my weight loss prior to joining MFP, but I wish I knew of this earlier to help me. My MFP friends are motivational and supportive (I was shocked at how many people were working out during the holidays and logging their not so healthy meals). Feel free to add me we can support each other!
  • pholbert
    pholbert Posts: 575 Member
    You chose your destiny. You make it happen. And it is nice to have some pals on here to cheer you on. Plus you have your own husband cheering you on. What do you have to lose in trying this except maybe losing some weight. Go for it. Lots of success stories here,lots of advice, and you and your husband can do it together. You CAN do this Add me as a friend if you want. I would love to read your success story.