So hungry...Encouragement please?

:frown: I don't know why but its like my body isn't getting anything to eat...I'm constantly hungry even if I eat a huge salad or a say a buscuit...I just wanna eat! I'm 287 today, in 3 days I've lost 4 pounds...but I dont' wanna feel like i"m starving

I also have an eating disorder...its not psychologically labelled as a disorder yet but I am an over eater, any emotion I feel I want to eat..could this be whats goin on? like I just at a sausage buscuit and am drinking a cup of coffee but I feel like I havne't eatn all day..

I"m alreayd u to my limit for the day and need to excercise so I will be able to maintain my net cal of 1200. Please give me some words of encouragement.


  • hbiffle
    hbiffle Posts: 156 Member
    You can do it!!!! One thing I've found helpful is having rice cakes around. They are a great snack and they don't have many calories at all!!! Plus, with all of the new flavors they have now they're actually really good! And they have some chocolate ones if you have a sweet tooth!
  • lunarastro
    lunarastro Posts: 32 Member
    If you weight 287 you should probably be eating more than 1200 per day. Is that the goal MFP calculated for you or si you put it inmannually?
  • Bheller234
    I get like that too, i feel hungry a lot. I have found that i always have a cup of water at my desk at work and when my hunger kicks in i start drinking that and it helps. You can give that a try, it may help more than you think. I'm always here to help, if you need any support or help you can feel free to add me and i will try to help you as much as i can.
  • crzyone
    crzyone Posts: 872 Member
    At that weight, you need more calories. Make sure you are eating things that are healthy and filling. I find that I need carbs and protein to help me feel full and more satisfied. I eat brown rice every day with blackeyed peas or grilled chicken. A potato is a carb that helps me feel full too. I limit portions on these and then have a huge salad with it, so I feel like I'm getting something tasty and a lot, too. It takes awhile to get the hang of things, so take it slow and easy. Don't cut yourself off altogether at first. Cut things out slowly, if you need to. Cut downon eating slowly, if you need to. You don't have to be "perfect" the first week or two!!! (Or ever, if you're me!! LOL) Snack on something you like but is low in calories...jello has almost no calories....even if I"m over calories, I feel like eating fresh fruit or veggies if I'm hungry is okay.....fresh ones don't have many calories and are healthy. I keep oranges apples handy. I also like frozen fruit....Walmart has a bag of frozen strawberries and mangoes and such. I take some out in a bowl and just eat one piece at a time and it takes a while to eat it because it is, it keeps my mouth busy and satisfied my need for something.

    Good luck. You can do this!!! One day at a time. One step at a time. If you are hungry, eat something healthy.
  • kbeller88
    If you weight 287 you should probably be eating more than 1200 per day. Is that the goal MFP calculated for you or si you put it inmannually?

    hey no they calculated 1718 cal a day I try to get a net of at least 1200...That my excercise calories included.
  • Hambone23
    Hambone23 Posts: 486 Member
    :frown: I don't know why but its like my body isn't getting anything to eat...I'm constantly hungry even if I eat a huge salad or a say a buscuit...I just wanna eat! I'm 287 today, in 3 days I've lost 4 pounds...but I dont' wanna feel like i"m starving

    I also have an eating disorder...its not psychologically labelled as a disorder yet but I am an over eater, any emotion I feel I want to eat..could this be whats goin on? like I just at a sausage buscuit and am drinking a cup of coffee but I feel like I havne't eatn all day..

    I"m alreayd u to my limit for the day and need to excercise so I will be able to maintain my net cal of 1200. Please give me some words of encouragement.

    Hmm, did you set your settings to losing 2 lbs. a week? I did that at first, and the reduction in calories compared to what I'd been eating was too hard for me to maintain. So instead of setting myself up to fail, I set my settings to the recommended 1 lb. per week. That made a huge difference for me in terms of feeling like I could eat more, feel fuller, and feeling like I could stick out the diet long term. We all want to lose fast, but sometimes our bodies need to ease into it.

    I'm sure there are people on MFP who can tell you what foods will help make you feel fuller, but if you feel this is really a problem, I'd recommend you see your doctor. There could be something else going on. If it's psychological, even a therapist can help. Cognitive Behavioral therapy can help a person change their way of thinking. As a result, they have more control over their actions. Or talk to a nutritionist. I'm no expert. Just throwing out ideas here.
  • Improvised
    Improvised Posts: 925 Member
    I'd fit as many fruit and veggies in your diet as you can. They are very low in calories (usually), so you can eat alot of them. Stick to whole grains when possible, and drink LOTS of water. I'd try and limit processed foods like taquitos and frozen pizzas to a couple times a week, since they aren't very filling, and are high in sodium, which can make you retain water.
  • kardowling
    kardowling Posts: 221 Member
    a hot drink helps me.. I do lots of Decaf flavored tea with splenda or low sodium chx boullion. Keeps my hands busy and takes a while to drink...good luck. Night time after dinner is my time to just wanna eat. I need to keep my hands busy, trying to learn guitar. It does help...also early bed Hang in there.
  • cnflet2
    cnflet2 Posts: 42 Member
    if they calculated about 1700 then you should try and eat that because doing that alone without exercise will help you loose 2 lbs a week. doing less than that for your weight can actually subconsciously put your body into starvation mode and it will slow down the metabolism.
    try eating 1700 and then working out and that should be much healthier for you
    best of luck
  • kristilovescake
    kristilovescake Posts: 669 Member
    Looking at your diary, I think you should eat more. I think you should eat back all of your exercise calories.

    Try eating more protein-rich and fiber-rich foods, they tend to keep me fuller for longer.

    If I'm hungry, I eat. Just make sure it's REAL hunger and not thirst (drink a glass or two of water) or boredom. Listen to your body!
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    If you weight 287 you should probably be eating more than 1200 per day. Is that the goal MFP calculated for you or si you put it inmannually?

    hey no they calculated 1718 cal a day I try to get a net of at least 1200...That my excercise calories included.

    You should be netting the goal MFP calculates. If MFP says 1718 a day, that's what you should be netting, not 1200. You feel hungry because you're starving yourself.
  • kbeller88
    :frown: I don't know why but its like my body isn't getting anything to eat...I'm constantly hungry even if I eat a huge salad or a say a buscuit...I just wanna eat! I'm 287 today, in 3 days I've lost 4 pounds...but I dont' wanna feel like i"m starving

    I also have an eating disorder...its not psychologically labelled as a disorder yet but I am an over eater, any emotion I feel I want to eat..could this be whats goin on? like I just at a sausage buscuit and am drinking a cup of coffee but I feel like I havne't eatn all day..

    I"m alreayd u to my limit for the day and need to excercise so I will be able to maintain my net cal of 1200. Please give me some words of encouragement.

    Hmm, did you set your settings to losing 2 lbs. a week? I did that at first, and the reduction in calories compared to what I'd been eating was too hard for me to maintain. So instead of setting myself up to fail, I set my settings to the recommended 1 lb. per week. That made a huge difference for me in terms of feeling like I could eat more, feel fuller, and feeling like I could stick out the diet long term. We all want to lose fast, but sometimes our bodies need to ease into it.

    I'm sure there are people on MFP who can tell you what foods will help make you feel fuller, but if you feel this is really a problem, I'd recommend you see your doctor. There could be something else going on. If it's psychological, even a therapist can help. Cognitive Behavioral therapy can help a person change their way of thinking. As a result, they have more control over their actions. Or talk to a nutritionist. I'm no expert. Just throwing out ideas here.

    thats actually a really good idea...I didn't even think about doing that.
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    The suggestion to up your calories is a good one. Far too many people think they have to stick to 1200 /day to lose weight - there are actually very few people who have to stick to that low of a number.

    In addition - make sure you are eating quality foods - as little processed as possible, lots of veggies, quality protein (MFP's goal is way too low), make sure your grains are whole grains, healthy fats like nuts, fatty fish, etc. I've found that when I'm eating quality foods, it's much easier to stick to my goal. Also, drinking lots of water (8-10 cups/day) help, too - Spread the water throughout the day.
  • kyrstensmom
    kyrstensmom Posts: 297 Member
    You need to eat more filling foods. Your diet is full of processed foods and very little protein and fiber. You will stay full longer if you eat whole foods with higher fiber and protein.
  • superdrood
    superdrood Posts: 129 Member
    Where your calories come from makes a huge difference in how satiated you're going to be. For example I'd be starving an hour later if I ate the breakfast you had. If you take a look at my breakfast today, for pretty much the same calories you get a good balanced breakfast that can get you through the morning.
  • JennetteMac
    JennetteMac Posts: 763 Member
    First off, I have found I can cope with hungry, generally by thinking that it means I'll lose some weight if I feel abit hungry. Second, if you need to eat and take plenty of time doing it try a pot of frozen yogurt (try Muller light). Chip away at it for 20 minutes or so and you only get 99 calories. Go to bed nice and early with a good book and think how much less you'll weigh in the morning. Keep positive, there are so many people on this site who have done so well you will be one of them!!
  • gailashton
    You can do this. It's mind over matter. Get some exercise & you'll forget about how hungry you are. The 1st 2 weeks were the hardest for me and yes, I felt hungry all the time too, so I would eat something light like a yogurt, some rice crackers, hot tea. The more you fill youself with fats and useless carbohydrates, ie. white flour you will get hungrier faster as these foods don't stick with you. Try the 6 small meals a day. It works. I never thought it would and that was 8 months ago. Mind over matter. You are better than this you are stronger than this, don't let it get the best of you. YOU CAN DO IT, anyone can, anyone you just have to want it bad enough! I hope this helps. I've been there, never again will I go back there and neither will you once you see the results of your efforts and hard work.
  • thepanttherlady
    thepanttherlady Posts: 258 Member
    My suggestion would be to make food choices that are a little lower in calories. For instance, your lunch says you had salad with Italian Dressing and a chicken patty. I'm sure 4 oz. of grilled chicken would be less calories. Even a lighter dressing would lower your calories. Try the Dannon Light & Fit yogurts. They're half the calories as the Yoplait yogurt you had a breakfast.

    Finding ways to lower your calories at each meal will allow you more things to eat throughout your day. My calories are set at 1640 (just lowered from 1680) and if you go through my diary you'll see I'm eating quite a bit throughout the day. I have only gone over in calories 1 day since October 31st when I started my journey. I also drink at least a gallon of water a day.

    I hope this helps. :flowerforyou:
  • MaggieMay131
    MaggieMay131 Posts: 211 Member
    Everyone else has pretty much driven this point home, but I'll say it again:

    You most likely need to eat more, and focus on eating whole, nutritious foods. Veggies, lean meats, fruits, healthy fats. Try to avoid foods that come in boxes and packages as much as you can. You will feel so much fuller, I promise!!!

    Don't give up. My rule is, if I'm hungry, and I'm eating wholesome foods, I eat. There's no reason to starve yourself as long as you are eating natural, whole foods in the right portions.
  • crzyone
    crzyone Posts: 872 Member
    I looked at your diary too and though I have my own struggles with this all, too, IMO you need to eat the calories the site has set for you and you need to add TONS of fruits and vegetables to your diet. I don't see many at all. Eating more calories will help you to feel more satisfied and so will eating the fresh fruits and vegetables that are lower in calories; these both will help you stick with this longer and be less likely to give up. I have a history of ALL those diets that teach to eat as little as possible and starve myself, and I have found on this site that I lose the most on the scales when I eat the higher calories...and that often the scales don't move and I depend more on how clothes feel...but, if I"m hungry, I eat....something...something healthy..some fruit...a salad.....I think the healthy fruit and veggies are ALWAYS good to eat, even if we are over calories.....