Elimination Diet 2012



  • DoingItNow2012
    DoingItNow2012 Posts: 424 Member
    I love cabbage, but weary of cabbage soup. let me know if it tastes yummy. I had plans to make all kinds of things I have not. And the curried lentil is still hanging around in my fridge. But I have a 3 day weekend coming up, so plenty of time to experiement.

    II'm taking an antibotic, 3 more days and I am done! I hate the side effects, but I am more irritated because it confuses things right now. But i'm going to keep going. As you say, If i don't then i will just have to start over. Today for lunch I had a large baked sweet potato and an avocado. yummy. But really gotta push to increase calories.

    Are you having any problems eating enough calories? (Another side effect is loss of appetite, butas i said, will be done soon).

    Your Diary is private, do you mean for it to be?
  • DoingItNow2012
    DoingItNow2012 Posts: 424 Member
    Well missed a couple doses of Meds, so today will be last day. I feel much better though. Ate the lentils again, only mild gas, so it wasn't it that made me feel awful. But I did discover, that fuji apples causes me to be really bloated and gassy, like green grapes. I think I will extend phase one a few days to allow Meds to clear my body.

    Thinking might sauté some cabbage today.
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    Both apples and grapes are high-fructose fruits. You may have trouble tolerating that concentrated a source of fructose. Only have small amounts of them, combine with proteins, and focus instead on lower-fructose fruits like citrus, berries, and stone fruit.

  • DoingItNow2012
    DoingItNow2012 Posts: 424 Member
    Will try that out Pam
  • sriraw
    sriraw Posts: 31 Member
    Hi buddy (DoingItNow), sorry I have been so absent. Work has just been insane! I think there is a way to send messages through myfitnesspal. If you look at the top, there is this place to send messages to a person. That is where I sent you a message a while back. Maybe your work blocks that - but take a look.
    Okay, my diary being locked. Let me see if I can figure out how to unlock it. I have to warn you, other than keeping track of my weight; I haven't kept track of food the last couple of weeks since work is so busy. I added lemon juice and wheat-free tamari without any issues over the weekend so I am going to expand to beans this week. I should mention that my breakfast and lunch have not changed much since starting this diet. It is dinner where I eat a bunch of fun stuff that I have had to cut a bunch of stuff.
    So glad that you can handle lentils now. Those have always been a big part of my diet and they are so easy and convenient. I hope to have a bit of time tomorrow and I will send you a daily dairy of what I eat. I have to warn you, I used to eat a mostly raw food diet - so some of my meals may not seem too exciting or palatable to you. Good luck miss and congratulations of finally being off the meds!!!
  • DoingItNow2012
    DoingItNow2012 Posts: 424 Member
    Hey Sriraw,

    I would love to see what you eat to get some ideas. But please don't over extend yourself. You can change your diary under settings. Go to home, choose settings, then choose, diary settings. I'm behind on updating mine myself.

    I decided not to extend phase one and introduced lemons today. Being really lazy in food prep, so jet ate a lemon. I find that my appetite is way down after last week, and I am not eating enough calories. But I am feeling good, right now.
  • sriraw
    sriraw Posts: 31 Member
    Hey missy! Finally a free moment to let you know what I have been eating. Note that I used to do the raw food diet a long time ago, so I do a lot of raw stuff by day. Also, I added beans with no incident, so now I have jumped around in what to add back and tried tortilla chips today. Don’t seem to bother me. Yeah – since they are a big part of my diet!
    Breakfast: A salad of raw red cabbage, raw beets, raw carrots, and cooked quinoa. Apple and a few homemade raw flax crackers.
    Lunch: Green smoothie that includes rotating weekly greens plus avocado, celery and now lemon juice. This week it is parsley. When I add back tomatoes, I usually include those too. Some adzuki beans and butternut squash. I have been pretty boring and just putting salt on this. I usually make a bean dish for my lunch, but am running out of ideas when I can’t use tomatoes.
    Afternoon snack: pear and blackberries and more flax crackers if hungry.
    Dinner: This week it is the kitcheree dish with roasted cauliflower. I had this recipe to roast cauliflower with ground sunflower seeds and some spices. Really tasty.
    Evening snack: This has been a mixed bag. I am pretty ravenous in the evening and will have lentils, rice, avocado and some other ED friendly foods until I am stuffed. I am really liking the hot salted rice with avocado and I can eat quite a bit of that. If tortilla chips continue to be okay, I love have chips with cooked lentils. It may sound weird, but I am big on using tortilla chips to dip into everything.
    My calories are way over – since I keep eating since I am not satisfied with the limited diet. However, I haven’t gained any weight – which really shows you the benefit of unprocessed foods.
    Hope this helps you. I hope you are doing well. I worry about you not getting enough calories….. Can’t wait to hear how things are going with you

  • DoingItNow2012
    DoingItNow2012 Posts: 424 Member
    Yes it helps. My appetite is back, but still not eating enough, though it's better. I've been running out of time in the evening. I am really lazy when it comes to food prep. I like to be able to grab and go, so, I have been eating a lot of fruits. I did make a dish with Adzuki beans and spinach. Yummy. I need to experiment and try to different foods. Bought some quinoa, but have not made it yet. Lemons and limes have been no problem. Was supposed to introduce tamari and whatever else is listed today, but had an emergency, so didn't make dinner. Will have to try again tomorrow. Off to bed now. Thinking I will introduce pineapples out of order, slipped up and had some frozen chunks a few days back without incident. So me thinks it's safe.

    Thanks for sharing, will definitely be asking for tips. I'm going to try staying 60 to 80% raw. Oh, my low calries are not good, but I am not worried about it. As I incorporate more foods in my diet, it will go up. I most certainly am not starving myself. It try to eat more, but just can't force it.
  • DoingItNow2012
    DoingItNow2012 Posts: 424 Member
    So far so good. No real problems. Had the biggest problems with apples...I guess there was always a reason i did not like them. Introduced pineapples and chili pepper flakes out of order with no problems. Chili was by accident. Will be moving on to phase 3 either tomorrow or Wednesday. Planning on making nori rolls and mung bean stew. Debating between lentil and kale or summer kitcheree. But so far food has been tasty.

    I have technically been vegan since I've started, woo hoo.
  • DoingItNow2012
    DoingItNow2012 Posts: 424 Member
    Thought I would update this in case anyone is poking around. I should be finished with this on March 31st! Yeah!!! If I actually took their recommendations and introduced the foods on the second part of the challenge phase, it would be longer. It will take me almost 3 months when I'm done. No MAJOR reactions for me yet, but haven't introduced the worst fenders, dairy, eggs, gluten...

    I really am hoping for no STRONG reactions, I wouldn't like to have to eliminate anything for good. So far though it is a good experience, though frustrating at times. To be successful, you really have to prepare all your own meals. It's amazing how many items have corn and sugar as ingredients that you wouldn't suspect. I did not go organic with my produce, just too expensive. Clean them well. Fruit and veggies came in handy for grab and goes. I also really increased legumes and nuts.

    So overall, so far I would say I have learned a lot especially that you an be satisfied without processed and junk foods. And if someone as lazy as I am when it comes to food prep can do this , I an definitely be done by anyone.
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    Glad things are going well so far. Yes, it can be time-consuming to make all your own food, especially at the beginning. As time goes on, you fall into patterns and it is not so time and energy consuming.
  • DoingItNow2012
    DoingItNow2012 Posts: 424 Member
    I hurt all over, my body feels like one big bruise from my knees up. But it's my fault, I just kept going. I was so excited to reintroduce certain foods that I kept going. Corn obviously is a major trigger for me. It initiated my aches and pains and some fatigue. What I am feeling now is way worse. However I am not sure how much of it is from what foods. I probably should have removed the corn before introducing yeast and gluten. I had a hard time with introducing yeast as I couldn't figure out how to do it in large enough quantities. Besides, after looking up foods containing yeast, I realize I probably was ingesting some all along, but in small quantities. Also I accidentally had some caffeine while introducing gluten free bread, but I am not overly concerned because these are not items I have often. In addition, this was the first I've ever had gluten free bread and don't plan on it again...yuck.

    Now when I introduced wheat/gluten I had immediate digestive issues. Mainly gas, I can handle that, but I went hog wild yesterday and the evening before, and my body is none too happy, but again, also had some corn products. Soooo, I am not really sure of the culprit. I also suspect sugar and some of these chemicals in the food.

    I have made note of all the food I suspect or am not sure about and will retest them. I am finishing up the diet, then I'm going to do sort of a detox on mostly no offending fruits and veggies, then I will test those particular items. But boy do I feel awful, I was feeling great and was really looking forward to eating out.

    Did I mention corn is in everything! If I have to cut out that ingredient, I'll be pouting a little but. I love corn in all it's forms..

    Oh, finally took an allergy test, will post the results, but don't think much will show up. Oh and I have put on 10 pounds since march 3rd, most between last week Friday and this past Friday. I know it's not fat. I had some muscle soreness from lifting weights, and the rest of the aches and pains were fibro related, plus some edema. I was really pushing myself on the exercise too, so possibly another factor with the flare up, but I pulled back and was taking it easy a couple of days beforemy body bruise condition. :-)
  • DoingItNow2012
    DoingItNow2012 Posts: 424 Member
    Glad things are going well so far. Yes, it can be time-consuming to make all your own food, especially at the beginning. As time goes on, you fall into patterns and it is not so time and energy consuming.

    Agreed, I noticed that as I went along. I kinda enjoyed it. I know it is something I will have to do if I want to take charge of my health.
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    Corn is one of the hardest to eliminate, and there are not very many gluten free breads (commercial) that don't use it.

    I am completely grain-free, so if you are in need of corn-free recipes or ideas, take a browse through my diary and let me know how I can help!
  • DoingItNow2012
    DoingItNow2012 Posts: 424 Member
    Corn is one of the hardest to eliminate, and there are not very many gluten free breads (commercial) that don't use it.

    I am completely grain-free, so if you are in need of corn-free recipes or ideas, take a browse through my diary and let me know how I can help!

    Thanks, will do. I'm hoping it's not corn itself, but maybe corn syrup, modified food starch, etc. Will see.

    Tell me about that Jamaican Quinoa and Beans
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    It is my take on this recipe:


    Since I can't use rice, I sub quinoa. Dry fry the spices instead of using oil, and use a light coconut milk. Very tasty!
  • sriraw
    sriraw Posts: 31 Member
    Oh my, I am about to start the Elimination Diet in April and this peas and rice dish sounds delicious! With a few modifications, I can even eat it during the restrictive Phase 1. Thank you for sharing.
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    You're welcome! Let me know if you need other recipes. I have a ton of them.
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    I was on an elimination diet given by my naturopath, after 3 months, I had a food panel (blood test) done as I still had hives. The food panel was nice in that it told me exactly what to avoid and what i would need to moderate once my liver was back to normal (it was a pretty expensive test though) but now that we know what my triggers are I've had to eliminate them all for the next year (even the ones that i will only need to moderate in the future) which is about 20 different things (including dairy, casein, gluten, eggs, and soy). Then I'll be able to reintroduce about 14 of those back into my diet in moderation, still not dairy or soy though :( Right now I'm on month 2 of a liver detox protein powder and I was also on 3 different types of Unda drops to support my liver during this.

    It's definitely a great way to figure out what your body can and cannot handle.
  • cydonian
    cydonian Posts: 361 Member
    I've done this without doing allergy testing and I have to say that it has made a huge difference for my body. I developed an intolerance to nuts, eggs and most red meat/pork as I aged and suddenly things were tearing up my stomach. I suspect that I have a failing gallbladder but modifying my diet has reduced some of the bloat/pain I was feeling, and saved me many repeated trips to the bathroom! I think it will do good for you. I do eat eggs in moderation (like I can have baked goods because it's 1-2 eggs for the entire batch, but I'll only eat one, for example) but I won't eat an omelet, for example.