Lets do this!

Hi Everyone,

My name is Annabelle and i just starrted MFP a few weeks ago. I'm trying to stick with it this time, as I have decided that I want to truly become fit before I hit 30. I just got married this past summer, and I've put on about 10 pounds since our wedding. I blame the delcious food and drinks in Hawaii where we spent 3 weeks of our honeymoon. I'm a high school counselor and really want to be more involved with my students. I wanted to do a Girls on Track healthy body image group, and I figured I should be some kind of role model for these girls who are struggling. I also want to get in better shape so once we deiced to have a baby the punds are a little easier to lose. I have two weddings to stand up in this summer, and prdered a size smaller to motivate myself. It's really great to belong to a community where everyone has something in common. Looking forward to read all your blogs :):bigsmile: